January 02, 2013

Movies seen over Christmas Vacation

Saw lots of movies over the Christmas vacation. The best of them was Looper which Susie and I ended up talking about off and on for several days. Very nice writeup of the Time Travel rules it follows here. Basically, the Rainmaker revenge/creation aspect doesn't work but otherwise it is very good. Pretty sure it is the best Time Travel movie I have ever seen ****1/2

Also enjoyed The Hobbit ***1/2 but not sure others will, as the length will definitely bother some. I thought some of the excess action scenes, the mine chase with the goblins under the Misty Mountains in particular, went on way too long but otherwise really enjoyed it, particularly the incredible visuals of Rivendell and Bag End and to a lesser degree Erebor. As expected, with the much lighter and Hobbit-based story of The Hobbit, I did not have the HUGE problems I have with Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies.

The Bourne Legacy *** was fair but very confusing to follow all of the outside political stuff; I thought the worst of the series so far.

I really did not like or get The Life of PI *1/2 and it felt incredibly slow to boot.

Posted by aarondf at 04:25 PM | Movies | Comments (0)

Movies seen over Christmas Vacation

Saw lots of movies over the Christmas vacation. The best of them was Looper which Susie and I ended up talking about off and on for several days. Very nice writeup of the Time Travel rules it follows here. Basically, the Rainmaker revenge/creation aspect doesn't work but otherwise it is very good. Pretty sure it is the best Time Travel movie I have ever seen ****1/2

Also enjoyed The Hobbit ***1/2 but not sure others will, as the length will definitely bother some. I thought some of the excess action scenes, the mine chase with the goblins under the Misty Mountains in particular, went on way too long but otherwise really enjoyed it, particularly the incredible visuals of Rivendell and Bag End and to a lesser degree Erebor. As expected, with the much lighter and Hobbit-based story of The Hobbit, I did not have the HUGE problems I have with Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies.

The Bourne Legacy *** was fair but very confusing to follow all of the outside political stuff; I thought the worst of the series so far.

I really did not like or get The Life of PI *1/2 and it felt incredibly slow to boot.

Posted by aarondf at 04:25 PM | Movies | Comments (0)