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July 13, 2007
World Series of Pop Culture
This show was great last year and this year is being even better, with the two episodes last night reaching new heights. The introduction of the category "Those Talented Baldwin Brothers" where "all the questions refer to the work of Alec Baldwin" was just absolutely hilarious. The whole ass category (particularly the shout out to the one player's butcher) was of course also supremely funny as was the young Indian-American woman having to say "sugar tits". The "please be more specific" response from Pat to the "balls" answer was also laughing out loud funny. Pat really is just amazingly good as the host of this show. Note also that none of this is done in an at all offensive way, at least IMHO. Really recommended, particularly if you like trivia, but probably fun even if you don't.
Posted by aarondf at July 13, 2007 10:59 AM
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