May 26, 2009
Gaming in NH
Had a really fun weekend gaming in NH at Brian's event. I think, amazingly, I only played one new game (Black Sheep - pretty bad) and also only one game that I rate less than an 8 (obviously Black Sheep again). Played lots of Tichu, Dominion, and Crokinole but also got in games of Titan, Race for the Galaxy, Merchants of Venus, Spinball, and St Petersburg, and won a 9 person poker tournament. Was really happy with this, as most events end up dominated by the 'cult of the new' and, honestly, most games aren't really that great.
I ran a small Tichu tournament which went very well with Brian and AaronW beating Nate and I in the 1500 pt final in an incredibly close game. My Grand on the final hand which would have won it for us was hurt badly enough by Brian's King call with a 1-6 straight for them to stop me and win. However, given I had called it with only Phx KK, can't complain too much (ended up with DPAAKK) and overall they played really well, while I definitely made mistakes, like losing track of the Phoenix not being played on the first hand and thereby giving them a 1-2.
Also helped AaronW run a small puzzle event which ran just the right length and which 3 of the 7 teams finished all of the puzzles for, only one of them meaningfully early. He is amazingly good at judging the lengths of these things, something I really don't understand how he does.
May 07, 2009
Signed the P&S
Well, just signed the P&S for the house in Framingham. Still have to figure out mortgage but everything going smoothly so far. Closing is now June 18th and I expect that I will move on Saturday the 20th. Probably again going to try to get friends to help so if you think you'd be up for helping that day, let me know - I will also send email asking this and with more details to people. Move to this place which is basically the exact same set of stuff to move this time went very smoothly and think whole thing was only like 3 hours or so. My current place is right by Alewife and for anyone without a car I'd of course make sure you get a ride home. Also, plan to feed all helpers with whatever people want from Tennessee's BBQ which is yummy - will be glad to be nearby them now.