You can also return to the CE Index or to the main Last Homely House.

Getting the files off of my web mirror version

Follow the link above and then grab the individual files. In Netscape, with a 3-button mouse you can do this by going over a link, holding down the Right mouse button and selecting "Save Link As" and then saving the file to your local machine. Alternatively, you can follow the link to the file and then save it. One way or the other you should be able to manage to grab the files.

Note that the files on my version have all been uncompressed for ease of use.

Accessing the FTP site files

(particularly helpful for PC and Mac users)
From: Marcus Porter 
Subject: Re: Problems with FTP downloads
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 19:30:58 +0000

Brian Andrews ( wrote:
: Help!! I downloaded all the files from the CE FTP site for
: printing flares, hexes, etc., but I can't get them to do
: anything.  I unzipped them with WinZip and it ask me to add an
: extension to each file name. What should I add? Help!!

:    Brian Andrews

Assuming that WinZip uncompresses unix "gziped" files (I'm assuming
it does or else you would have gotten an error message) you can give
them any extension you want.  Every single one of them is a text file,
so .TXT would be a logical choice.  However, the files were designed
with unix users in mind, so getting to the point where you can print
this stuff is a minor challenge for dos users.  Haveing gone through
the same proccess a few years ago while trying to print this stuff
on the mac, I can offer a few insights.  Despite the differences
between a Wintel machine and a Mac, the steps are about the same.

mini-tutorial on using the print routines at from non unix machines

1)  Now that you have unziped the files, when you open them using some
kind text editor you will find that many of them are SHAR archives.
More specifically, all the ones with .sh. in the name.  A SHAR
archive is similar to a dos batch file in that it is a text file with
a series of commands to be carried out by the operating system when
executed.  Since the operating system it expects is a unix shell,
you will have to manually extract the files you want from the text
file if you are using some other kind of system.

2) Look in the .SH. file for something that lookes like this:

 if test 1945 -ne `wc -c <'PS-tutorial/challenge-deck'`; then
     echo shar: \"'PS-tutorial/challenge-deck'\" unpacked with wrong
 # end of 'PS-tutorial/challenge-deck'
 if test -f 'PS-tutorial/destiny-deck' -a " {1}" != "-c" ; then 
   echo shar: Will not clobber existing file 
 echo shar: Extracting \"'PS-tutorial/destiny-deck'\" \(263 characters\)
  sed "s/^X//" >'PS-tutorial/destiny-deck' <<'END_OF_FILE'
 X3 (red) ColorDestiny
 X1 (red) ReversedColorDestiny

This is an example from the file  All the stuff between
END_OF_FILE and <<'END_OF_FILE' are unix commands that need to be
deleted.  All the stuff that starts with an X is the actual text file
you are looking for.  Befor you start deleteing all the lines that
don't start with an X it is important to note that there may be several
files inside a SHAR archive.  The example above (for example) marks the
boundry between the files 'PS-tutorial/challenge-deck' and
'PS-tutorial/destiny-deck'.  SO... For each block of Xed text, you will
want to copy all the stuff that starts with an X to a separate file and
name them something appropriate (ie. challenge-deck.txt and 
destiny-deck.txt in the example above).

3)Now that you have little text files filled with Xs, you need to remove
the X at the start of each line.  For example, in microsoft word, you
might do a replace like this:
find:         ^PX
replace with: ^P

In this case, ^P is word's symbol for a new line.  If you were to 
willy-nilly remove every X you would run the risk of deleting X's that
belong there.  You only want to remove the Xs at the start of new lines!

4) Read carefully the instructions in PS-tutorial.  If you don't have 
access to a postscript printer you can't use the print routines, 
though you can still read the powers and such.

5) Assuming you have read the PS-tutorial, assembled the files in the
right order and have a postscript printer, you might almost be there!
You need to be able to send the files directly to the printer without
sending them through a postscript driver.  This is different then 
any other printing you are likely to do.  Here are some options you 
might have to try:
From a mac: Send the file using the Apple Laserwriter  utility or a
   dedicated postscript download utility (I use postman)
From windows: Set your print driver to a generic NON-postscript driver
   (straight ascii) and print to your postscript printer.
From Dos: copy the file to whatever LPT: you have the printer hooked to.

It sounds odd but if you use a postscript driver, you will get a
printout of the program, not the output you want. The text has to go
directly to the printer without being interpreted in any way.

6) If you want to use the powers, you have still more steps!  The file
'' has the C source code of a program that translates the
powers (which are in a format called RAW that is human readable) into
the postscript expected by the printing routines in PS-headers.
To use it you must either have a C compiler and compile it or have
someone send you the EXE created for your machine. Once again, the
instructions are in the PS-tutorial.  Except for the commands to
create the EXE (they will depend on what kind of C compiler you have)
the instructions for using it are the same on a dos machine as on 
a unix system.

As you can see, it's not a simple or easy process, but I have managed
to print all the components from both a Mac and a PC so it is not
impossible.  Read carefully the PS-tutorial and the files in PS-headers
and PS-examples. Good luck!

Marcus Porter Http://