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September 30, 1992 Newsletter #5 Newsletter Editor: Cheryl Frech Coordinator of Far Structures: Cheryl Frech Coordinator of Blurbs: Aaron Fuegi Coordinator of Monster Profiles: Sean Upchurch sau@Juliet.Caltech.Edu Coordinator of Battle Cries: Christopher F. Jones cfjones@phoenix.Princeton.EDU Coordinator of: Vacant ************************************************************** Note for the editor. The information contained in these newsletters covers a wide gambit from novice to advanced. If you are the type who wants to learn things on their own some of the information in the newletters could be considered spoilers. ************************************************************** Section 1 - Job Posts / Want Ads Contest: Name that Baby With three turns left before I have to name my little whipper snapper of a male furrcat I haven't yet decided what name would be most appropriate. So I thought I would solicite help from all of you. If you have a suggestion please send it to me: Background: I am a female furrcat named Felica on turn 77. I am a disciple of fuvah. The father is a furrcat and is either: Phydeaux or Hobbes the Furrball (Jack indicated it would become clear who the father is at some point: fact or fiction?). The father is also a disciple of Fuvah. We are all (except baby) members of the Fire Riders of Kafu Zush Ma group. The baby at this point has little or I should say no personality but has survived (tucked somewhere) a trip into a tomb of mumi and two trips into a koma den. So I will post the winner (who may end up being me or someone unrelated to the newsletter) along with the suggestions. ------------ BATTLE CRIES: There has been interest in monster, god and group battle cries. Jonesey has agreed to collect battle cries so if you know of one not shown here drop him a line at: cfjones@phoenix.Princeton.EDU race Mudwalker Battle Cry: "I'm you're Angel of Doom!" Fatblob Battle Cry: "I will squish you flat!" Furrcat Battle Cry: "Hasten to your Death" Norman Battle Cry: Monger Battle Cry: Viper Battle Cry: "Goodbye Insect" Bignose Battle Cry: Loggerhead Battle Cry: god Shroud Battle Cry: Kabuki Battle Cry: Fuvah Battle Cry: group The Black Death Group Battle Cry: ? Fire Riders of Kafu Zush Ma Group Battle Cry: "Hey Dude, your shoelace is untied." The Shriners: "Your mother mates with Knolltirs" Mudd's Monsters: ? Dark Fist of Fuvah: ? Knights of Sylvester: ? ------------ My monster, Rauf, is currently near Spear and Club Far Inn. If you can give me some information about that area, or anything you think of as interesting, I'll appreciate it. (Ilya Taytslin) ************************************************************** Section 2 - Tips You can not sell shields (such as iron) at far inns. ************************************************************** Section 3 - Questions/Inquiries Top questions (at least I want to know as well as others): 1. Lanterns - anyone out three figure one out. Theory one: 4 stemtoad glands and purpumpkin variations - at purpumpkin field Theory two: waxed ooze/belly baub variations - waxed ooze/stemtoad glands/spark sprig/belly baub or some combination of the bunch. So what have people tried out there? 2. Other Gods - vampire demi-god, gargolye demi-god, spider demi-god, god of nature ar potential new gods. Rumor/Theory One: vampires can be enticed out at tained hallows. Anyone figure out how or have theories how to? Rumor/Theory Two: gargolye demi-god can be found out about at koma dens. Can anyone confirm this? Rumor/Theory Three: rapid growth on island due to first follower of the god of nature. Any confirmation on this one. 3. Tainted Hallows and King Ock Mushroom Groves. Anyone figure out what to do with either of these. What have people tried? 4. Mounts - anyone gotten past novice level? Found a second mount? Other questions: * Anyone entered a great cave yet? * How much is a slink bauble worth: The following is from an appraisal at the Illuminated Torch the worth is in (oculars) - the IT is okay on rare items: Yellow (4), Red (6), Slink (8), White (13) and Silver (17) Zoingo Copper (1), Silver (3) and Gold (10) Golden Ocular Coin (33) * Anyone figure out what a Bori Tree is good for? Raft? [ In newsletter 4 notes on GENCON Jack indicated in the session that rafts wouldn't come into play until the Starth region ] ************************************************************** Section 4 - Facts ************************************************************** Section 5 - Rumors (maybe fact) * The Disciples of the Light have rebuilt the first Fort on the Island. * Other Gods: Vlados Xi, demigod of vampyres...mentioned in ANCIENT SILVER SPIKE blurb. Gruggalos, demigod of gargoyles...mentioned in ANCIENT IRON SPIKE blurb. Kadar Black, demigod of dragons...mentioned in DRAGON FLAGON blurb. I've also heard rumors about learning more about Vlados Xi at Sunken Graveyards. ************************************************************** Section 6 - Catch All ------------ New Address: I forgot in the last newsletter to let you all know that Arron Fuegi's address had changed. In case any of you missed it the new address is: FUEGI@CS.COLOSTATE.EDU (no caps necessary) ------------ I received the following weapon/armor chart from (Ilya Taytslin). Update on the MEGA-UNOFFICIAL WEAPONS AND ARMOR CHART: WEAPONS: Bashing-"club" Pole Edged Whip 1 drift curved machete 2 carved crude spear tooth sabre kadda 3 silver studded silver tip.spear short sword dactyl 4 spiked smite pike long sword, Light sword 5 great sword Pointed Missile 1 knife, silver knife sling 2 iron knife, jagged bodkin, silver dagger hand catapult, mudpie 3 swamppus rake, iron dagger, silver jagged dagger zinki dart 4 fart bomb, silver dart 5 rattler dart 6 7 iron dart Light Sword is damage class 10 against creatures of the Dark, class 5 normally. I assume Dark Sword is the exact reverse. Silver darts are damage class 6 when used against "creatures vulnerable to silver" -- this may indicate what exactly other silver weapons do to the same. Gator armor can be destroyed by gators and a smite pike can be eaten by a smite. Extrapolate to other creature-derived objects ?? Needless to say, iron darts are a VERY coveted weapon, but seem to occur only in graveyards. Personally, I had found at the graveyards only slink baubles (worth 12 oculars) and various coins. ------------ Current Address List: Please look over and if you find any mistakes, old addresses, missing address and you get the picture let me and Jonesey know.