You can also return to the MI Index or to the main Last Homely House.

The following is a list of known spells and the cost (in Action and
Spell Points) to cast them:

--Notes: "Varies" under Spell Points indicate the cost varies depending
on the result.  "Spec" under Spell Points indicates that the
spellcaster specifies the number of Spell Points to use.

Spell                             Spell     Action     Spell
Number   Spell Name               Points    Points     Type
1     Summon Creature             spec       60
2     Ensnare Creature           varies       - 
24    Identify Scroll               5         8
25    Read Scroll                  18         5
33    Detect Dark Places            8        16
34    Open/Seal Temple Door       spec        6
41    Detect Fellow Followers       4         8
42    Detect Rival Followers        8        12
43    Hide Fellow Followers         6         6
44    Detect Natural Hazards        8        16
50    Dig                        1/hand    1/hand
52    Repair Small Silver Item      7         5
53    Repair Large Iron Item       12         8
54    Repair Small Iron Item        9         6
55    Detect Plants                 6        12
66    Detect Items                 24        32
71    Divine Monster               80        60
77    Detect Creatures             12        24
85    Detect Sacrosanct Structures  8        16
88    Detect Above-ground Places   12        24
701   Torchlight                    3         -     Situational
802   Ensnare Creature           varies       -     Defensive
805   Light Armor                   3         -     Defensive
811   Battle Dexterity             15         -     Defensive
822   Fire Shield                  12         -     Defensive
828   Armor                        11         -     Defensive
844   Battle Slowness              15         -     Defensive
901   Fireball                     10         -     OFfensive
903   Blinding Light               12         -     Offensive(Kabukian)
922   Enchant Weapon               20         -     Offensive
924   Sleep                         9         -     Offensive
928   Fear                          7         -     Offensive
933   Lightning                    14         -     Offensive(Shroudian)

This information is distributed compliments of the Disciples of Light. 
Monster island players are free to copy each list in whole or in part as 
long as this note remains attached.  Everyone is requested to contact the
DOL with any updates/corrections. 

BBS: Bif's Monster Resort (317) 962-BIFS 8N1.

Revision History
1.00 04/27/94 Released