Ok, here it is..the fax from KJC games asking for your help. For those that do not know, KJC needs your help in designing the next update. Rather than wasting your reading time with me babbling, i'll get right to their fax. Here goes:
Here are the main bits we'd like ideas on. The players who subscribe to
our first class magazine have recieved these 3 prompts for ideas, plus a create
a creature for the new area competition. however, your players have already
provided a dozen or so creatures for the new area, s it's not worth telling
them about the competition.
Mantles- Why should every religion have the same sort of items? our players reckon the balance of religious powers is about right/tending to favor Fuvah.
Resurrection- Is the stat loss too high or just totally undesirable? we could still have the "3 strikes" and you're out in though?
King Ock Mushroom Grove- What use?
Saddlebags- Definately a good idea! I'd suggest two orders which put in and remove items from it. Items in it can't be used. --Steve
A quick reply to your fax, The items listed are mostly weapons which Jack
wrote blurbs for but never added to the game. If you have a look at them, you
will see why-they are too powerful for this stage of the game. Some of the
other items are now in use.
For the other things which are supposed to have changed, the only one is the
Blinding Light which now has a chance to fail, as per the blurb.
With the stat loss, they may not have known that for a second death they may
take much more severe damage. you can tell them that this is one of the
things which will be changed as it is just too big a disadvantage, as we
talked about in the last set of faxes. i would also expect deaths to become
more common as higher monster strengths and tougher equipment are added.
The fuvites not sensing religious ranks of other monsters anymore? If this
happens again, perhaps you better get the player to send a copy of their turn
so we can check it. it could be a bug.