You can also return to the MI Index or to the main Last Homely House.


The following is a list of group coordinate system conversions:

DOL -> FIR (  97x,  45y)     GOF -> DOL (  22x,  19y)
DOL -> GOF ( -22x, -19y)     GOF -> FIR ( 119x,  64y)
DOL -> SFF (  22x,  56y)     GOF -> SFF (  44x,  75y)
DOL -> WHR (   2x,  35y)     GOF -> WHR (  24x,  54y)
DOL -> C9L (  42x,-116y)     GOF -> C9L (  64x, -97y)
DOL -> COG (  92x,   0y)     GOF -> COG ( 114x,  19y)
DOL -> NET ( 397x, 309y)     GOF -> NET ( 419x, 328y)
DOL -> BLD ( -19x,-169y)     GOF -> BLD (   3x,-150y)
DOL -> SHO (  -2x,-159y)     GOF -> SHO (  20x,-140y)

FIR -> DOL ( -97x, -45y)     SFF -> DOL ( -22x, -56y)
FIR -> GOF (-119x, -64y)     SFF -> FIR (  75x, -11y)
FIR -> SFF ( -75x,  11y)     SFF -> GOF ( -44x, -75y)
FIR -> WHR ( -95x, -10y)     SFF -> WHR ( -20x, -21y)
FIR -> C9L ( -55x,-161y)     SFF -> C9L (  20x,-172y)
FIR -> COG (  -5x, -45y)     SFF -> COG (  70x, -56y)
FIR -> NET ( 300x, 264y)     SFF -> NET ( 375x, 253y)
FIR -> BLD (-116x,-214y)     SFF -> BLD ( -41x,-255y)
FIR -> SHO ( -99x,-204y)     SFF -> SHO ( -24x,-215y)

WHR -> DOL (  -2x, -35y)     C9L -> DOL ( -42x, 116y)
WHR -> FIR (  95x,  10y)     C9L -> FIR (  55x, 161y)
WHR -> GOF ( -24x, -54y)     C9L -> GOF ( -64x,  97y)
WHR -> SFF (  20x,  21y)     C9L -> SFF ( -20x, 172y)
WHR -> C9L (  40x,-151y)     C9L -> WHR ( -40x, 151y)
WHR -> COG (  90x, -35y)     C9L -> COG (  50x, 116y)
WHR -> NET ( 395x, 274y)     C9L -> NET ( 355x, 425y)
WHR -> BLD ( -21x,-204y)     C9L -> BLD ( -61x, -53y)
WHR -> SHO (  -4x,-194y)     C9L -> SHO ( -44x, -43y)

COG -> DOL ( -92x,   0y)     NET -> DOL (-397x,-309y)
COG -> FIR (   5x,  45y)     NET -> FIR (-300x,-264y)
COG -> GOF (-114x, -19y)     NET -> GOF (-419x,-328y)
COG -> SFF ( -70x,  56y)     NET -> SFF (-375x,-253y)
COG -> WHR ( -90x,  35y)     NET -> WHR (-395x,-274y)
COG -> C9L ( -50x,-116y)     NET -> C9L (-355x,-425y)
COG -> NET ( 305x, 309y)     NET -> COG (-305x,-309y)
COG -> BLD (-111x,-169y)     NET -> BLD (-416x,-478y)
COG -> SHO ( -94x,-159y)     NET -> SHO (-399x,-468y)

BLD -> DOL (  19x, 169y)     SHO -> DOL (   2x, 159y)
BLD -> FIR ( 116x, 214y)     SHO -> FIR (  99x, 204y)
BLD -> GOF (  -3x, 150y)     SHO -> GOF ( -20x, 140y)
BLD -> SFF (  41x, 225y)     SHO -> SFF (  24x, 215y)
BLD -> WHR (  21x, 204y)     SHO -> WHR (   4x, 194y)
BLD -> C9L (  61x,  53y)     SHO -> C9L (  44x,  43y)
BLD -> COG ( 111x, 169y)     SHO -> COG ( -94x, 159y)
BLD -> NET ( 416x, 478y)     SHO -> NET ( 399x, 468y)
BLD -> SHO (  17x,  10y)     SHO -> BLD ( -17x, -10y)

DOL - Disciples of Light
FIR - Fire Riders of Kafu Zush Ma
GOF - Guardians of Fuvah
SFF - The Stark Fist of Fuvah
WHR - Order of the White Rose
C9L - Cult of Nine Lives
COG - The Cadets of Gascoyne
NET - eMonster (Internet) Newsletter
BLD - Black Death
SHO - Shroud's Own

DOL (0,0) is a Kabuki Temple 7 north and 3 east of the Twisted Tablar.
WHR (0,0) is the Dragon's Tale Far Inn.
C9L (0,0) is Filton's Far Post.
BLD (0,0) is a Shroud Temple 10 north and 17 east of the Spotted Beak.
SHO (0,0) is the Spotted Beak.

If your group isn't listed use the following Far Inn locations to
calculate your group's conversion to DOL coordinates and from there you
can convert to the other listed groups' systems and figure the 
conversion to their system:

The Happy Junglemon      DOL ( 29x,  22y)
Cocked Spyglass          DOL ( 81x, -69y)
Dorkorn's Stead          DOL (  7x,  98y)
The Illuminated Torch    DOL ( 40x, 162y)
Grimley's Fiendish Spot  DOL (-18x,  20y)

This information is distributed compliments of the Disciples of Light. 
Monster island players are free to copy each list in whole or in part as 
long as this note remains attached.  Everyone is requested to contact the
DOL with any updates/corrections. 

BBS: Bif's Monster Resort (317) 962-BIFS 8N1.

Revision History
1.00 11/15/93 Released.
1.01 11/20/93 Added COG from Sharyl Leis via Bif's.
1.02 11/23/93 Added C9L from Michael Curry via Bif's.
1.03 01/08/94 Added NET from eMonster 20.
1.04 07/18/94 Finished conversions from previous 3 updates.