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April 07, 2003
Movies: Bend it Like Beckham
Best 'feel-good' movie I have seen in a long time. Went to see it on Saturday and, although extremely predictable, this was a huge amount of fun and the characters were all extremely appealing, particularly the very
pretty Jules.
I think 'Ebert & Roeper' compared this movie to 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' which is a pretty reasonable comparison, this one trying to do for Indian culture what 'Greek' did for Greek culture. However, all the characters and plot are much more believable in this one, not purely stereotypes but interesting characters in their own right.
As it hasn't had a huge release, here's a quick summary of the plot. Jesminder (Jess) is an Indian girl in London just about to graduate from high school with a love for soccer. Her parents want her to give up the game and find someone to marry but she loves soccer and is an extremely skilled player (she plays a forward but works particularly well in serving balls to her partner in front, Jules). She ends up joining a new womens team and is forced to lie to her parents, who demand she stop playing. ****1/2
Oh, cute spotting note. Noticed several of the characters drinking from glasses like some I ordered from France at a craft store in February (which still haven't arrived but are supposedly now on their way). I probably paid way too much for them but did really like them and didn't realize they were more widely available.
Posted by aarondf at April 7, 2003 01:59 PM
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