Super: Your opponents may not use their power during the challenge. ; CHANGE [O:C:L] DISCARDS ATTACK CARD FOR LUCRE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of spare change. Whenever you are the main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may discard a positive Challenge card or a Kicker. If the card is a positive Attack card or a Plus Kicker, take from the Box a number of Lucre equal to the card divided by four (round down). If the card is a positive Times Kicker, draw a number of Lucre equal to the card. History: Digging into the pockets of the universe, the Change manage to find bits of wealth in the least likely parts of the cosmos. Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Wild: You may discard any cards you have just bought from the Deck for one Lucre apiece. Super: You do not take from the Box. Instead, you take from your opponent. ; CHARGE [O:C:L] FORCES OTHERS TO PAY FOR LUCRE PAYMENTS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of credit. Once per challenge, when you spend or lose Lucre in one transaction (e.g.,. buying cards from the Deck, or tokens from the Warp, but not both), you may force another player to pay for you. The maximum amount he can pay is the amount of Lucre you have on your Star Disc, or the amount of Lucre he has on his Star Disc, whichever is less. History: Wild: You may delay paying Lucre (delayed Lucre paid to other players comes from the Box and is paid to the Box when paid). However, if you lose or discard this Flare, you may not receive Lucre at the beginning of your turn until you have paid the Lucre you owe. Super: The maximum amount he can pay is the amount of Lucre he has on his Star Disc. ; CHARITY [O:C:L] RECEIVES LUCRE FROM OTHER PLAYERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of receiving. If you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may ask one player involved in the challenge to give you a Lucre. If he will not or cannot give you a Lucre, his tokens do not add to the challenge total and receive no rewards. History: A society nearly decimated in a previous war, the Charity now look towards other civilizations for support and aid. The aims of this support and aid, however, are yet to be suspect, although the powers that be have yet to discover who started that previous war. Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Wild: Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, you may draw one Lucre from the box. Super: The player must pay the Lucre if he has any. ; CHEQUER [M:C] TEMPORARILY REMOVES POWERS FROM PLAY ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of storage. At the beginning of the game, draw one power per player in the game and set these powers aside. Whenever you are a main player, after the challenge is finished, your opponent must give you one of the powers he used during the challenge. If a player begins his turn with fewer powers than he began with, you must give him one of the powers set aside or given to you after a challenge. As part of a deal, you may give or trade powers acquired because of your power. Powers acquired because of your power may not be used by any player in the game and are not subject to any powers or flares (e.g.,. the Wild Reincarnator). If you lose your power, you still give out acquired powers, giving the player his original power, if possible. History: Wild: You may force both main players to set aside a power (and not use it) for the duration of a challenge. You choose which powers. Super: At the beginning of your challenge, you may switch one of your powers with any of your acquired powers. ; CHICKEN [O:C] PLAYS MULTIPLE CHALLENGE CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to dare. If you are a main player in a challenge, you may tell your opponent how many challenge cards each side must play, so long as this number is not greater than the number of challenge cards you have in your hand. If your opponent has fewer than this number of challenge cards, he plays all his challenge cards. After cards are revealed, the highest Attack card is discarded and any Compromises are Attack 0 s. Each side's Attack total is equal to the sum of the Attack cards they have played. If a player has an Attack total of zero, he has played a Compromise card. History: Wild: If you are a main player, before cards are played, you may make a bet with your opponent on the outcome of a challenge, for an amount of Lucre or cards you specify and he may fulfill. If he refuses to accept the bet, you win the challenge. Super: If you have the highest Attack card, you do not discard it until after the challenge is over. ; CLASSIC [O:C] MAY USE TOPMOST CARD OF DISCARD PILE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to reintroduce. If you are the main player, you may take the top card of the Discard Pile anytime before cards are played. At the end of the challenge, discard it, if possible. History: Wild: You may take the topmost card of the Discard Pile and replace it with a card of the same type (Attack, Compromise, Kicker, Edict, or Flare). Super: You need not discard the card you picked. ; COHORT [O:C] ADDS CARD TO ATTACK ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of unity. Whenever you are an ally in a challenge, you may give the main player of your side a Challenge card. If the main player plays an Attack card and you gave him an Attack card, he adds your card to his total. If one card is an Attack card and the other is a Compromise card,the main player plays his Attack card normally and takes Consolation if he loses. If both cards are Compromise and the main player takes consolation, you take consolation after he does. If both cards are Compromise and the main player makes a deal, you are involved in the deal. History: A society based upon dispensing sage advice and economic resources to other more belligerent less intelligent powers, the Cohort are renowned for their wise assistance, not to mention occasional opportunity to dictate the actions of their allies entirely. Wild: As an ally, any tokens of yours lost because of consolation, entitle you to one card per token from either main player's hand. You take consolation after the defender. Super: You may keep your card. ; COLLECTOR [M:C] KEEPS AT LEAST ONE OF EACH CARD ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to gather. Whenever you draw cards from the deck (including the beginning of the game), continue drawing until you have an Attack card, a Compromise, a Kicker, an Edict, and a Flare. History: Compulsive retainers, the Collector will use every opportunity they can get in their eternal quest to have one of each to suck the cosmos dry. Wild: When you must give consolation, you take consolation instead. Super: If, after drawing Consolation, you do not have a collection of cards, you may draw from your opponent until you have a collection, or until he has run out of cards. ; COMMONWEALTH [M:C:L] LUCRE GOES TO WARP ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of a closed economy. Whenever you spend Lucre to the Box, you put it in the Warp instead (even if the Dragon is in the game). Whenever you rescue a number of your tokens from the Warp, you may instead rescue an equal number of your Lucre. Your Lucre in the Warp is not treated as if it were on your star disc. History: Restriction: Use only with Lucre! Do not use in a two-player game with Dragon. Wild: You may prevent one or more tokens from being lost to the Warp by spending one Lucre per token. Super: You may use your Lucre in the Warp as if it were on your star disc. Lucre spent from the Warp to the Box goes to the Box (or Dragon). ; COMMUNISM [M:C:L] FORCES PLAYERS TO SHARE CARDS AND LUCRE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of equalization. Except at the beginning of the game, whenever any player is about to receive cards and/or Lucre (but not hands), he immediately places it in the Warp. When the number of cards or Lucre in the Warp reaches the number of players plus one, all players receive one card or Lucre. You then receive an additional card or Lucre from the Warp. If Extortionist is in the game, cards which would go to the Extortionist go to the Warp, but the player paying the Extortionist receives cards bought back since they are still part of his hand. History: Eons ago, a downtrodden race of peasants rose to overthrow their pernicious dictators, only to realize that they themselves were just as evil and domineering. Under a disguise of sharing and equality, it is only a matter of time before the Communism themselves fall unto their deaths. Wild: If you are a main player, you may equalize the amount of cards or Lucre you have with your opponent. Cards are drawn randomly. Excess Lucre or cards go to you. Super: You are exempt from placing Lucre or cards in the Warp. ; CONDITION [O:C] CHANGES CONDITION OF POWERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to alter. You may alter the wording of a power such that it may usable as one of the following: only as a main player, only as a main player or ally, only as an ally, or always. The power returns to normal at the end of a challenge in which it is used or could be used. After the power returns to normal, you may use your power again. History: Hardly willing to sit back and follow the conventions that other societies obey, the legalistic Condition literally rewrite the rules of the cosmos to suit their rapacious needs. Wild: You may play an Edict at any time. Super: Once per challenge, you may alter the wording of any Flare as soon as it is revealed. ; CONGLOMERATE [O:C] USES POWERS OF ALLIES ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to incorporate. You may use any one power of any of your allies, except the Changeling, Schizoid, or Miser. History: Wild: If your ally permits, you may switch powers with your ally. Super: You may use one power of any ally in the challenge. ; CONSERVATIVE [M:C] MULTIPLIES ATTACK CARD BY BASES IN SYSTEM ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of home. Whenever you are defending a system, multiply your Attack card by the number of bases you have in the system being attacked before adding tokens et. al. to arrive at your Challenge total. History: Never expand, never expand! was the motto of this society of the status quo. However, as the riches of other societies became more and more tempting, the motto soon changed to You stay back, you stay back! Restriction: Do not play in a multipower game if you also have Virus. Wild: Whenever you must flip the Destiny Pile, you may instead make a challenge in your own system. Super: You may multiply as an attacking player. ; CONSUMERISM [M:C] DRAWS A NEW HAND EACH TURN ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of consumption. At the beginning of each turn, discard your hand to a pile and draw a new hand. When the deck needs to be reshuffled, shuffle this pile into the discard pile. (The pile is not affected by any other cards or powers, such as the Vulch.) History: Wasteful hedonists, the Consumerism quickly depleted their natural resources, but simultaneously built a technology able to exploit the resources of the cosmos in general. Dedicated tow ards an expensive, frivolous lifestyle, the Consumerism will be an enjoyable, if not long-lasting, ruler of the cosmos. Wild: Once per turn, you may force another person to discard his hand and draw a new one. Super: You need not use your power each turn. ; COPYCAT [M:C] DRAWS CARDS WITH OTHER PLAYERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to imitate. Whenever another player draws cards from the deck or takes consolation from another player (except when drawing a new or special hand), you receive an equal number of cards from the deck / other player. History: Finicky felines of fastidious felicity, the Copycats squeals of meow quickly became me too . Wild: Whenever another player draws a new hand, you may discard your hand and draw a new one. Super: Whenever another player draws a new hand, draw an equal number of cards from the Deck. ; COSMONAUT [M:C] KEEPS OPPONENTS FROM LANDING ON PLANET ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of useless orbits. Whenever you are a main player defending a base and lose the challenge, your tokens do not go to the Warp and your opponents tokens are placed in orbit just outside of the planet on the side facing the Warp. A player's tokens in orbit on the Warp side may only land on the planet if his number of tokens exceeds or equals the number of your tokens on the planet. As soon as any other player's tokens land from orbit to your planet, remove all your tokens from the planet to the Warp. Whenever you are the attacking player, your opponent's tokens do not go to the Warp, but are placed in orbit just outside of the planet on the side facing the Star Disc. A player's tokens in orbit on the Star Disc side may only go to the Warp if his number of tokens exceeds or equals the number of your tokens on the planet. Tokens in orbit are treated as moon bases, except that players may not remove tokens from orbits. (Moon bases are treated as a base for all purposes except: 1) it does not count as a base towards a win, 2) occupancy can not be granted in deals, and 3) it does not enable the Plant to graft.) As part of a deal, you may allow players to return tokens from orbits to bases. If Void is in the game, its power affects tokens in orbit if they go to the Warp in the same challenge that it won. If Terrorist is in the game, all tokens landing from one orbit to the bombed planet in the same challenge are considered to have landed simultaneously. History: The Cosmonaut are a remarkable race in that they have achieved any sort of ability whatsoever resembling space flight. A bumbling bureaucracy, ancient technology, and a nearly bankrupt economy have all but prevented their ramshackle spacecrafts from leaving the ground, if not the factory. Ironically, their unlikely setup have benefitted their societies, as their otherwise victorious enemies spend most of their time in orbit wondering what in the world they have just conquered. Wild: If you have been invited as an ally, you may place tokens in the cone after the outcome has been revealed, but before ally rewards have been collected. Super: You may prevent a player from placing additional tokens in orbit except as a result of a challenge. ; COUNTDOWN [O:C] PRESSURES PLAYERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of pressure. Once per challenge, you may force the player(s) involved in making a decision (including a deal) to finish in ten seconds. You may count down the ten seconds in any manner you choose (you need not count from one to ten), but the time must be ten seconds. Only you may look at a watch during this time. If the player(s) fail to make a decision, he loses 3 tokens to the Warp. History: Born in a sandy environment, the Countdown civilization arose to become one of the most fast- paced, hectic societies in the universe. They will become one of the fastest, if not most efficient, masters of the cosmos. Wild: While this card is in your hand, you must announce it to the other players. You have until the end of your upcoming first challenge to win a base. If you do so, you have won the game. If not, pass this card to the person on your left. Super: You may use your power once on each player per challenge. ; COUNTERFEIT [M:C:L] SPENDS FALSE LUCRE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of slugs. Set aside a box of markers or slugs . Whenever you receive Lucre (including at the beginning of the game), replace each Lucre with two slugs . When you use or spend a slug , it counts as one Lucre. When another player uses or spends a slug , it counts as half a Lucre. When you are Cosmic Zapped, each slug is worth half a Lucre. History: Slimy swindlers from outer space, the Counterfeit would gleefully palm off their own grandmollusks had they had hands. Wild: When you must give Lucre to another player, hide the Lucre in one fist and present both fists. The other player chooses one fist and if it does not contain the Lucre, he receives nothing. Super: While this card is in your hand, players receiving Lucre from the Box receive instead one slug for each Lucre. ; COUPON [O:C] RECEIVES/DISCARDS CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to redeem. Whenever you are the main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may discard a Challenge card or a Kicker. If the card is a positive Attack card or a Plus Kicker, draw from the Deck a number of cards equal to the card divided by four (round down). If the card is a positive Times Kicker, draw a number of cards equal to the card. If the card is negative, discard cards from your hand instead of drawing from the deck . History: A nation of clippers, the Coupon have saved UPC symbols, boxtops, and grocery receipts by the score. Scoffed at by other powers relying upon more conventional weaponry, the Coupon are dedicated to proving themselves the cosmic masters at bargain prices. Wild: You may have a rebate . If, after drawing cards, you do not like these cards, you may discard them and draw again, including if you draw a new hand including this flare. You must keep the cards you have drawn through the rebate . Super: You do not draw from the deck. Instead, you draw from your opponent. ; COWARD [M:C] SENDS BASES TO WARP AFTER TOKENS ARE REMOVED ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to attack the weak. Before play begins, you may plant bombs -- one for each player in the game. To do this, make a note of where each sniper is placed. Planets are numbered from each player's right hand side, for example: Red planet #1, Blue planet #3 etc. The bombs may be distributed any way you wish among the different systems, or all on one system, even all on one planet. Whenever a player has finished removing tokens from a planet on which a bomb resides, it immediately explodes, removing all tokens from the planet. As part of a deal, you may remove bomb(s). Whenever you have no bombs in play, you may plant another series of planets. If you lose your power, your bombs still explode, but you many not plant additional planets until you have regained your power. History: Wild: Instead of flipping the Destiny Pile, you may challenge any one-token base. Super: You may plant a new bomb each turn. ; CRAZY EDDIE [M:C:L] SELLS CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to sell. Whenever you buy cards from the deck, you may only spend one Lucre and must discard your current hand to a pile , but receive a new hand. Whenever a player buys cards from the deck, you may sell him cards from your pile for a fee you set in Lucre. When the deck is shuffled, you must shuffle (i.e.,. discard) your pile into it. History: HOW CAN WE DO THIS??? BECAUSE WE RE CRAZY!!! Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Wild: When you purchase cards from the deck, you may instead spend one Lucre and draw one card from the Flare deck. Super: You need not discard your current hand into the pile . ; CRUISE MISSILE [O:C] THREATENS OTHER PLAYERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of the Cruise Missile. As a main player, you may propose a deal and show an Attack card. Flip over one of your tokens; this is your cruise missile. If your opponent accepts your deal, the challenge is a win. If he does not, no tokens are lost, and play the challenge as normal. At the end of the challenge, move right the cruise missile a number of planets equal to any Attack card you have (thus, the missile moves left for negative Attack cards). If it lands on a planet with your opponent's bases, all tokens on this planet, including the missile, go to the Warp. If it lands on a different planet, only the missile goes to the Warp. History: Created by the great god Skippy, the mighty wielders of the Cruise Missile have long forgotten their original goal in life, but that's okay, since they still get to see things blow up real good. Wild: You may launch an extra challenge on a system you have just failed attacking. Super: All tokens on the planet are lost, regardless of whether or not your opponent has a base there. ; CRYBABY [M:C] SUBSTITUTES CONSOLATION CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of crocodile tears. Whenever another player takes consolation, you may put these cards aside and give him an equal number of cards of your choice from your hand. You then take the cards you put aside into your hand. History: A species devoted to perfecting sympathy, whining, and other forms of parasitism, the reptilian Crybaby have cultivated pity to its ultimate artform, if not blatant swindling. Wild: You may choose which cards you give during consolation. Super: Whenever another player takes consolation, take the consolation cards into your hand then give him an equal number of cards of your choice from your hand. ; CUCKOO [O:C] STOWS CARDS IN OTHER S HANDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to hide. Whenever you are the main player or ally in a challenge, before challenge cards are played, for every token you have in the challenge you may give one card in your hand to any player. If you win the challenge, at the end of the challenge, after consolation is taken, you may do any of the following to each player for each card you gave: take back the card you gave him (if the card is now in the discard pile, you receive no card), take back a card randomly, or take back a card of the player s choice. If you lose the challenge, the player to whom you gave the card chooses which option. History: Avian lifeforms from an unknown galaxy, the Cuckoo have since become more accepted beings in the galaxy, even if their habits of dropping in unexpectedly for tea or lunch or three weeks of whatever the things do tend to create unfavorable reactions from their inflicted brethren. Wild: If you lose a challenge, you may give each player one of your cards. Super: You choose which option, even if you lose. ; CYNIC [O:C] DISTRUSTS MAIN PLAYERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of suspicion. If you are an ally in a challenge, you may set aside a challenge card. After cards are revealed, if your side loses, you may substitute your challenge card for that of the main player and recalculate totals. If you substitute, your challenge card is discarded instead of the main player s. If your side wins, only your tokens receive rewards; the rest of your side loses and your opponents win as before. History: Repeatedly betrayed by their erstwhile companions, the suspicious Cynics continuously divert their resources towards saving their own skins. Wild: If the main player you have allied with loses, you may immediately challenge the system as soon as his challenge is over. Super: If you substitute and your side wins, only your tokens receive rewards; your opponents lose as well as your side. DEAF [O:C] IMMUNE TO EDICTS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to be oblivious. You do not have to obey an Edict. History: Illiterate peasants on a feudal planet, the Deaf were unable to read the proclamations of their tyrants. Over time, their despots simply gave up any hope of using decrees to affect the Deaf population. And then the revolt began. Wild: This is an Edict Zap. Discard after use. Super: You are not affected by any Flares, including those played by yourself, until this card leaves your hand. ; DECK [M:C] DEALS CARDS FROM OWN HAND ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to distribute. Whenever another player draws a card from the Deck, you instead give him a card from your hand. If you run out of cards because of this power, immediately draw a new hand and continue giving cards. If you run out of cards because of this power and are the attacker, your turn continues. History: Unable to accept the random variability of the universe, the Deck instead choose which recipients receive which resources. That they have introduced an element of partiality has not crossed their minds at all. Wild: If you draw a card from the Deck and you do not like it, you may discard it. Super: Before giving out cards, draw from the Deck a number of cards equal to the number you have to give. ; DECEPTION [M:C] PREVENTS BASES FROM SATISFYING VICTORY CONDITIONS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of illusion. At the beginning of the game, write down one deception planet for each player in the game. To do this, make a note of each deception planet. Planets are numbered from each player's right hand side, for example: Red planet #1, Blue planet #3 etc. The deception planets may be distributed any way you wish among the different systems, or all in one system. Bases on deception planets are not counted towards victory. If Schizoid is in the game, your power occurs after his. History: Restriction: Do not use in games with the Insect or Plant. Wild: Once per challenge, you may declare one base to be considered to be a moon base (does not count towards victory conditions, cannot be granted as a base in deals, and cannot be grafted by the Plant) for the rest of the challenge. Super: You may change your list of deception planets after each turn, so long as there is no instant win. ; DECREE [O:C] INTRODUCES NEW EDICTS INTO GAME ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of Edicts. Take the unused Edict deck and keep it to your side. Up to once per turn, you may discard an Edict from your hand (if any) to the discard pile of the unused Edict deck (no powers or cards may pick up Edicts from this pile) and draw an Edict from the unused Edict deck. Whenever you discard your hand, discard your Edicts to the unused Edict deck. History: A political system based on whim, the Decree care not for the expectations and planning of others. Drawing from a storehouse of respectable wealth from their political planet-estates, they now poke their meddlesome noses into the business of others. Wild: If you have no Edicts in your hand, you may discard this Flare for the topmost Edict in the Edict deck. Super: When you play an Edict, you may discard it to the unused Edict deck (no powers or cards may pick up Edicts from this pile) instead. ; DEFCON [O:C] MULTIPLIES ATTACK CARD ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to escalate. You begin with Level One. The Level goes up by one if you lose a base or if your opponent played an Attack and you were willing to Compromise. The Level goes down by one if your opponent played a Compromise. The minimum level is one. When you play an Attack card, you multiply the number by the current Level. Add tokens as normal. History: Ever on the brink on nuclear war within their own world, the DEFCON have always regarded acts of aggression with great fear and hesitancy. Easy to panic, the DEFCON quickly summon greater force than their opponents but are just as willing to make peace when even the hint of such opportunities arise. Wild: This card is a Kicker Times 2. You may use this card once per challenge. Super: You may escalate the DEFCON by one at the beginning of your turn. ; DEPRIVE [O:C] PREVENTS OTHER PLAYERS FROM USING CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to prevent. Once per challenge, you may prevent one player from playing any cards during the challenge. If that player is a main player, he may play his challenge card(s) only when needed. History: Wild: If you are a main player, you may force your opponent to give you all his Edicts. Super: You may use your power on all players, including yourself, during the challenge. ; DESICCATE [M:C] SHRINKS HAND OF OPPONENT ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to decrease. Whenever you are the main player in a challenge, your opponent must randomly discard cards such that his hand has the same size as that of your hand before challenge cards are played. You may choose when to desiccate. History: Salt-like beings originating from a dry desert planet, the naive but sociable Desiccate have made it their personal goal to make contact with every life being -- and suck out their vital life fluids. Wild: This is a Hand Zap. Discard after use. Super: You may choose to pick up any card your opponent discards. ; DESTINY PILE - CANBERRA [M:C] ADD CANBERRA DESTINY PILE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of the Canberra Destiny Pile. When any player flips the Destiny Pile, he may attack any player in that system. Discard and draw a new power. History: As powers within the cosmos realized that those who invaded a cosmos may be of better pickings, the warring civilizations tacitly agreed that all within system were fair game. Restriction: Do not use in a game with the Will. Wild: If you are not drawing the top disc of the Destiny Pile, you may force the player to not attack the player whose system has been revealed. He then challenges any other player of his choice in the system, or flips the Destiny Pile again if this is not possible. Super: If you are drawing the top disc of the Destiny Pile, you may attack the color in any system. ; DETERRENT [O:C] DISPLAYS CARD AND MAKES DEALS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of threat. At the beginning of a challenge, you may reveal one of your cards and propose a deal to your opponent. The card you have shown is immune to loss of any kind until cards are revealed. If he refuses the deal, return the card to your hand and play the challenge as normal. If you use the card you display during the challenge and on your opponent(s), you return it to your hand and do not discard it. History: Bred in an atmosphere of suspicion and desire, the fog-cloaked Deterrent could only survive by an odd combination of diplomacy and threats. Looking beyond their cloudy skies, they see a clear universe ready to be enshrouded by their clever mistiness. Wild: You may force all players to display a randomly picked card from their hand. Super: You need not display the card. ; DIASPORA [M:C] LOSING TOKENS RETURN NEXT CHALLENGE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of flight. Whenever you are a main player, played an Attack card, and lost the challenge, your losing tokens go to your star disc. Any of your tokens on your Star Disc stay on your star disc (they do not return to bases). When you are a main player, before allies are invited, place all your tokens on your Star Disc in the cone, if you are attacking, or on the planet, if you are defending. History: Wild: If you are the defending player and have just lost, immediately point the cone at the planet you defended and place these losing tokens in the cone, rather than the Warp. Make a challenge with all tokens which opposed you as defending tokens; no defensive allies are permitted. Super: If you play a Compromise and lose the challenge, your tokens go to your Star Disc and not the Warp. ; DIMENSION DOOR [M:C] ADDS CARDS FROM OUTSIDE GAME ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to gate. Whenever you are the main player, before cards are played, draw one of the following: two cards from the unused Challenge Deck, two cards from the unused Challenge Deck, two cards from the unused Challenge Deck, two cards from the unused Challenge Deck, one card from the unused Flare deck, one card from the unused Kicker deck, one card from the unused Edict deck. Each type may be used only once (in any order) until you exhaust the list. Then you may work through the list again. Cards drawn from outside the game are not considered to be cards drawn from the Deck (e.g.,. for the Siren Flare). History: Silent masters of shimmering gates, the unseen creatures responsible for the Dimension Door left the cosmos many eons ago for new universes to conquer and dominate. Now returning to their original home, the creators of the Dimension Door show great upset at the rise of other lifeforms, and are determined to send new resources from their other worlds to destroy them. Wild: You may discard your hand and draw six challenge cards from the unused Challenge Deck, one flare from the unused Flare Deck, one edict from the unused Edict Deck, and one kicker from the unused Kicker deck. Super: You need not exhaust the list before going through it again. ; DISABLE [M:C] PREVENTS OPPONENTS FROM USING POWERS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to handicap. If you are a main player and your opponent has five home bases, he may not use two of his powers. If he has four home bases, he may not use one of his powers. You opponent chooses which powers not to use. History: Born on an unshielded moon, the Disable were mocked by the galaxy for their unfortunate inabilities and handicaps. Now adept at turning this radiation against others, the Disable wreak havoc with their self-proclaimed whole brethren. Restriction: Use only in a multi-power game. Wild: Whenever this card enters your hand, immediately lose use of a power. When you must discard this card, do so to another player's regular hand, not to the discard pile (even if you leased it from the Hurtz). You then regain your lost power. Super: You may choose which powers your opponent may not use. ; DISCARD [M:C] FORCES PLAYERS TO DISCARD HANDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to discard. Whenever you must draw cards, you draw from the discard pile, if possible. When you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may force either main player to discard his hand and draw a new one. History: Wild: If you must discard your hand, keep all your present cards and draw a new hand. Super: You may force both players to discard hands. ; DISCOUNT [O:C:L] BUYS CARDS AT LOWER COST ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of markdowns. When you purchase cards, you may only spend one Lucre, but the number of cards received is four. History: Bargain-hunters of the nth degree, the Discount manage to find the most remarkable terms of procurement. Wild: If another player discards his hand, you may pay him one Lucre and take one of these cards of your choice. Super: You may spend up to four Lucre to buy cards. ; DISCRETION [O:C] SELECTS TYPE OF CONSOLATION CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to select. Whenever you take Consolation, you specify which type of card (Attack, Compromise, Kicker, Edict, Flare) you wish to take. Your opponent then sets aside all other cards and you take consolation from his remaining hand. If this hand is smaller than the number of cards you are entitled to, you may not take cards he set aside. History: Restriction: Play only in a game with Flares and Kickers. Wild: When you must give Consolation, you may set aside one card for every token you had in the challenge. You opponent may not take cards you set aside. Super: You may change the type of card after seeing which cards you may select from for Consolation. ; DIVVY [O:C] PREVENTS MAIN PLAYER FROM USING HALF HIS CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to split. If you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may force one main player with more than two cards to divide his cards into two hands of at least one card each. His opponent then chooses which cards he will use. The other cards are set aside and returned to his hand at the end of the challenge. History: Sentient atoms living in a volatile nebula, the ever-changing Divvy frequently crashed into unfortunate passers-by straying too close to their mutating environment. Now able to control their abilities, the conquesting Divvy seek to divide and conquer. Wild: Your opponent must discard half his hand (round down). He decides which cards. Super: You may discard cards that are set aside. ; DOCTOR [O:C:L] PREVENTS TOKENS FROM ENTERING WARP FOR LUCRE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of medicine. Whenever any player loses one or more tokens to the Warp, they may pay a fee you set in Lucre to return them to bases. If you lose one or more tokens to the Warp, you may pay a Lucre to the Box to return them to bases. History: Wild: If you lose one or more tokens to the Warp, you may return them to bases (except one you just lost) at a fee of one Lucre per token. Super: Your clients have Medicare. If you rescue tokens from the Warp, you may take your fee from the Box instead of the player. ; DOPPLEGANGER II [M:C] TAKES CARDS TO PLAY ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to haunt. You are not dealt a hand. When you are a main player in a challenge, take the hand of any player in the game except your opponent, or draw a new hand. When the challenge is over, return cards to their owner or discard the hand if you drew it from the Deck. History: Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game! Wild: If a player is about to play a Flare which affects you, you may give him this Flare before he uses it. You may use the Flare you just acquired, but this card may not be used again until the next challenge. Super: You may take your opponent's hand, forcing him to draw a new one. After the challenge is over, your opponent discards his cards and you give him back his hand. ; DOUGHBOY [O:C] ADDS TOKENS AFTER CARDS ARE REVEALED ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of tardiness. When you are the attacker or an ally in a challenge, you place your tokens in the cone after Challenge cards are revealed. History: Amorphous liquid metals on a volcanic planet, the alien Doughboy send psychic vibrations throughout the cosmos, and, masters of instantaneous travel, can teleport their masses at will whenever needed. Wild: You may ally after others have placed their tokens in the cone. Super: As a main player, your allies must declare that they are allying with you before Challenge cards are played, but put their tokens in the cone after Challenge cards are revealed. ; DOUSE [M:C] IMMUNE TO FLARES ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to lessen. You are not affected by Wild Flares played by other players. History: Wet beasts from an unstable liquid planet, the fish-like Douse laden themselves with curious ointments and oils making themselves immune to their ever-changing hostile environment. Wild: Immediately after someone has taken one of your Flares (e.g.,. through Consolation or the Finder), you may force him to discard it. Super: You are not affect by Super Flares played by other players. ; DRAW [O:C] DRAWS CARDS FROM ANY SOURCE ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power of options. Whenever you must draw from the deck (except for a new hand) or another person's hand (except in a deal), you may draw your cards from the either Discard Pile or another player's hand, instead. History: Wild: If a player causes you to draw a new hand (e.g.,. when you are a defending player and must draw a new hand), take his cards instead. Super: You may draw from the Discard Pile or another player's hand when drawing a new hand. ; DURESS [O:C] SETS PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO DEAL ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to make an offer. Whenever you are not a main player, if either main player has played a Compromise, you may force both players to make a deal. Whenever two players are about to engage in a deal, you may determine separate penalties for each party if they fail to deal. Penalties are limited to one of the following: up to four tokens to Warp, base to Warp, up to four Lucre to the Box, all Lucre to Warp, up to seven cards to Discard Pile (cards lost are determined randomly), entire hand to Discard Pile. Your power does not supersede the Will Wild or the Pacifist Super, and does not apply to powers with their own penalties for failure to deal (e.g.,. Wrack). History: Pin-striped arbitrators from a former prison planet, the Duress influenced key members with an iron hand (and a loaded .45) and a simple offer you can't refuse . Wild: If you successfully made a deal with your opponent, you can still force him to pay the penalty for failure to deal. Super: You collect any penalties for failure to deal. Any tokens lost go to your star disc and are traded per Assessor. EMOTE [O:C] FORCES PLAYERS TO PLAY ATTACK OR COMPROMISE CARDS ; Power by Cedric Chin You have the power to evoke. Whenever you are the main player in a challenge, you may force both yourself and your opponent to either both play Attack cards or both play Compromise cards, if possible. History: Wild: Whenever you are a main player, you may force both yourself and your opponent to either play a Kicker or not play a Kicker. Super: You may use your power in any challenge.