%Rick Katz (Do not use with Amoeba, Census, or Worm.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to explode.) (Whenever you add one or more tokens of your primary color to a planet causing it to have 7 or more tokens of your primary color on it, you reach critical mass. Half of your regular tokens (rounding down) immediately move one planet counterclockwise.) (EXPLODES AT CRITICAL MASS) () (A-BOMB) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman () (Mandatory) (You have the)(wild power.) (You use each wild Flare in your regular hand as its corresponding power. You may not use the wild Flare. If another player already has a power whose Flare you hold, he may not use it. If the power conflicts with another power already in the game, the Flare is worthless.) (USES FLARES AS POWERS)()(ABORIGINE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with the Praw.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of bottomlessness.) (Whenever the Warp reaches critical mass and collapses into the Praw, your tokens 'fall through' and are returned to bases.) (FALLS THROUGH PRAW) () (ABYSS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the)(foreign power.) (As a main player in a challenge, each token belonging to another player which is on a planet base or moon in your home system counts as one ally token when figuring your total.) (COUNTS FOREIGN TOKENS AS ALLIES)()(ALIEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a game with Midas.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of credit.) (Start the game with no Lucre and a credit of 4. When you spend Lucre, borrow them from the bank. Keep a debit ledger to record your balance. If you ever acquire Lucre, return them to the bank and subtract them from the ledger. When the loan first hits each positive multiple of 20, immediately vacate an external planet base (tokens disperse) or a home planet if you can't give up an external one. If you are required to lose all of your Lucre for any reason, add 4 to your ledger. If you must pass all of your Lucre to another player, borrow 4 from the bank to pay him. A Cosmic Zap prevents you from spending Lucre, but not from losing a base. If you get this power in the middle of the game, return your Lucre to the box and credit your account.) (SPENDS LUCRE ON ACCOUNT) () (AMEX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Both) (You have the)(power of love.) (As a main player in a challenge, you may always choose to compromise even if you have no Compromise cards left. You select a challenge card and place it face down, normally. Your opponent turns his challenge card up before you reveal yours. If you wish to compromise, state that you are doing so and return the card that you played to your hand without revealing it. You do not have to decide whether or not to compromise until your opponent reveals his card, but if you choose not to compromise, you must use the card that you selected.) (COMPROMISES AT WILL)()(ANGEL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Peter Sarrett () (Optional) (You have the) (power of improbability.) (Whenever you are involved in a random event other than the receiving of a new hand, you may cancel the event and do it over. For example, you may cancel a flip of the destiny pile during your turn; you may draw a different Hazard card; you may cause cards taken from your hand to be drawn over (cards originally selected are returned and your hand is reshuffled); you may return cards you take from another player and choose them again; or you may discard a group of cards just drawn from the deck (except for a new hand) and draw new ones. If you cancel an event involving cards, all cards must be replaced. You may cancel each event only once.) (REPLAYS RANDOM EVENTS) () (ANOMALY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Gerald Katz () (Optional) (You have the) (power of atomization.) (As a main player in a challenge, after challenge cards are revealed, you may discard one or more Edicts or Flares from your regular hand. For each Flare you discard, add four points to your total. For each Edict you discard, add seven points to your total.) (USES EDICTS/FLARES) (AS REINFORCEMENTS) (ATOM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of sale.) (Once per challenge, you may auction off another player's card as he attempts to use it. Play stops as other players bid in Lucre. The card goes to the highest bidder. This bid may be matched by the person who played the card if he wants to keep it. Payment goes to you. If no one bids, the owner may buy the card back for one Lucre, or else you must buy it from him for 3 Lucre (or as many as you have up to 3). If you have no Lucre and no one bids, the player keeps his card. Flares may not be auctioned off. Challenge cards and Kickers are bid on before they are revealed. You may not use in any way the Lucre you receive for any cards auctioned after challenge cards are revealed until the challenge is over.) (AUCTIONS OFF CARDS) () (AUCTIONEER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to monitor.) (You collect a point every time Lucre are taken from the box by other players. In addition, you receive a point each time Lucre are returned by another player to the box or transferred from one player to another (if you are not one of the players involved). When your points reach a multiple of 5, take the top card from the deck. When it reaches a multiple of 30, receive a base on any planet. ) (TRACKS SPENDING OF LUCRE) () (AUDITOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to doublecross.) (As an ally in a challenge in which you are not also a main player, you may switch sides after cards are played, but before they are revealed, even if you have not been invited by the other player.) (SWITCHES SIDES IN COMBAT) () (BACKSTABBER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of gravity.) (Each time your color is actually flipped in the destiny pile, you may place one token from a planet or moon in your system onto your star disc. Tokens placed on the star disc are out of play until you return them in a deal or you lose your power, at which time they are sent to the warp. A Zap prevents you from taking new tokens, but tokens already on your star disc remain.) (PULLS TOKENS TO STAR DISC) () (BALLAST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to rob.) (On one challenge during your turn, instead of flipping the destiny pile, you may instead attempt to "rob the bank". No other powers, Edicts, or Flares may be used during this challenge. Play an Attack card (you may not play a Kicker), then draw from the deck until you get an Attack card, discarding others. If you did not play the higher card, you were caught, and play passes; if your card was higher, take Lucre from the bank in the amount of the difference between the two cards, treating negative attack cards as if they were an "Attack 0". This counts as a successful challenge.) (STEALS LUCRE)(FROM BANK) (BANDIT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to embezzle.) (You are in charge of the Lucre box. Once play starts, you hand out Lucre when needed and place them in the box for other players. Every time you reach into the box to give Lucre to another player or to put Lucre in the box for another player, you take one for yourself. You are limited to receiving one Lucre per player per challenge.) (STEALS LUCRE) () (BANKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to dicker.) (Start the game with a store of Lucre equal to 10 times the number of players in the game. Once per challenge in which you are not a main player, before cards are played, you may offer another player Lucre from your store in exchange for any card(s), a base, or the first challenge of his next turn (if you lose or fail to deal during that challenge, he forfeits his second challenge). You ask for the item, the other player then may set a price. If you accept his price, pay him the Lucre and take the item. You may make one counter offer for fewer Lucre. If he does not agree to the revised offer, you may accept the original terms. At any time you may put Lucre from your stardisc into the store, but Lucre may only leave the store as part of a barter agreement.) (OFFERS EXCHANGES) () (BARTERER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of reserves.) (As a main player in a challenge, each of your planet bases counts as one ally token when figuring your side's total. You do not collect rewards or consolation for these "tokens".) (COUNTS BASES AS ALLIES) () (BATTERY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to feed.) (At the start of your turn, if you have tokens in the warp, you may "eat" one token there belonging to every other player who has tokens in the warp. Tokens are removed from the game. Each token you eat provides you with one Lucre in nourishment. Take a Lucre from the box for each token that you eat.) (EATS TOKENS IN WARP) () (BEAST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Joe Lundy (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to leech.) (If you are not a main player, before cards are played, you may ask one of the two main players in a challenge for a Lucre. If he can't or won't give it to you, you may take the card of your choice from his regular hand. ) (ASKS FOR LUCRE) () (BEGGAR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to start over.) (At the start of each of your turns, you must start the game over in one of the following ways (your choice): Return your tokens to their original starting position; Discard all moons in your system (tokens on them return to bases) and draw as many new ones as you started the game with; Discard your regular hand, and draw a new one; or Discard all of your power cards, including this and any unrevealed powers, and take at random as many new powers as you started the game with. Assuming you have access to this power, you may do any of the above actions under all circumstances, no matter what has occured to your tokens, planets, moons, etc... Do each of the above just like when starting the game with the exception that you only draw a number of powers equal to the number you need (no draw 4 choose 3 or similar method) - you are allowed to make/keep secret a power(s) if the start of the game allowed this.) (STARTS OVER)()(BEGINNER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Alex Kay () (Optional) (You have the) (power to bequeath.) (Once per challenge, before cards are played, you may do one of the following: -Free another player's token from the Warp, and retrieve one of yours back to a base. -Raise another player's token from the Praw to the Warp, and raise one of yours to the Warp. -Give another player a card from the deck, and draw one for yourself. -Give another player a Lucre from the box, and take one yourself.) (GAINS FROM GENEROSITY) () (BENEFACTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Hello (Do not use with Invader.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of fear.) (As a main player in a challenge, when you point the cone at a planet base, you send one token on that planet belonging to the defensive player to the Warp before allies are called for. If there was only one defending token on that planet you win the challenge immediately and gain the base.) (REMOVES OPPONENT'S TOKENS) (AND GAINS BASES) (BERSERKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Do not use with Healer, Psycho, Undertaker or Zombie.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of seven.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played you may do one of the following: reduce your opponent's hand to seven cards (extras are discarded at random), reduce his Lucre to seven (extras are returned to the box), reduce his number of power cards to seven (his choice), or force him to have exactly seven tokens of his primary color in the Warp and Praw combined (he chooses tokens from bases until he reaches seven, or returns extras from the Warp/Praw to bases).) (LUCKS OUT OPPONENT) () (BLAKE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to increase form.) (At the start of each of your challenges, take the top card from the Flare deck and add it to your regular hand.) (ADDS FLARES) () (BLOB) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to place bets.) (In each challenge, as the last thing before cards are revealed, you may announce that you are taking bets on the challenge outcome. Any player wishing to bet gives you a Lucre (which you keep) and says which side he is betting on. After all bets are in, if one side has fewer Lucre bet on it, it is considered the "Dark Horse." Resolve the challenge normally. Any player who bet on the winner gets 2 Lucre from the box (3 Lucre if the winner is the "Dark Horse.") If a deal is reached, all players who bet receive one Lucre from the box. Players may bet against themselves.) (TAKES BETS ON CHALLENGE OUTCOME) () (BOOKIE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game or with Machine or Will or Midas.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to build bases.) (When you are the offensive main player, you may forgo an attack and build a base with Lucre. Place one Lucre on any planet in the defensive system. This can be your home system. When you have 2 Lucre on a planet, return them to the box and establish a base there. Lucre that are on a planet can not be removed for any reason unless the planet is destroyed. A builder challenge is treated the same as challenging an unoccupied moon. If you lose your power or power card, Lucre on bases remain there.) (CONSTRUCTS BASES)()(BUILDER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to ambush.) (Before you flip the destiny pile, all other players must select a challenge card value which they will play (if possible) during the challenge. This is done by each player playing a challenge card face down in front of them. Any player without challenge cards must draw a new hand. Once the defensive player is determined, all others must then discard the card they chose. If there is no defensive player in the challenge, all players return the cards to their hands.) (KEEPS TARGET SECRET)()(BUSHWHACKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to cancel.) (On each challenge, immediately after the destiny pile is flipped, you choose one of the following game elements which will play no part in the game for that challenge: Powers, Moons (excluding tokens currently on Moons), Planets (but not tokens currently on Planets), the Warp (including tokens currently in the Warp - tokens that would go to the Warp go to bases instead), the Praw, Lucre, Edicts, Flares, Kickers, Reinforcements, Attack Cards, Compromise Cards, or Hazard Cards. You must name each of these once before you can name any of them again. Omit from this list any items from expansion sets not being used. The game element remains canceled until a new game element to be canceled is announced at the start of the next challenge. If you cancel hazard cards, none will be drawn if a turn begins before the next flip of the destiny pile. If a main player has no uncancelled challenge cards, it is as though he is out of challenge cards.) (CANCELS GAME ELEMENTS) () (CANCELLER) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to infect) (As the offensive player in a challenge, if you win the challenge and both main players played Attack cards and if the absolute value of your total is more than twice the absolute value of your opponent's total, one of your token(s) that lands on the base may spread to an adjacent planet.) (TAKES HOLD)(AND GROWS)(CANCER) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to campaign.) (Start the game with ten extra Lucre in a "private account". These Lucre do not add to your total in challenges, and are immune to loss for any reason. Players may offer Lucre to your "campaign fund" in exchange for your promise to perform or not perform a specific game action, including playing a specific card, inviting a specific player to ally, committing a specific number of tokens to a specific side, attacking a specific player, moon or planet. They must initiate the offer, and determine the promise requested and the amount of the donation. You are bound by any promise you make, but you need not accept the Lucre. You may also offer Lucre from your fund to other players in exchange for their vote in a vote situation, or in exchange for one of the promises outlined above. Between challenges you may move Lucre from your star disc to your fund. If you get this power card from another player, you get his "campaign fund". If you draw the power once play has started, finance your campaign with ten Lucre from the box.) (MAKES PROMISES)(FOR DONATIONS)(CANDIDATE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to devour.) (Whenever your color is actually flipped in the destiny pile, you choose one planet that you co-occupy with other players to go on a "feeding frenzy." For each of your tokens on that base, you remove another player's token there to the Warp. You need not eat all of the same color tokens. If you have more tokens on the base than there are other color tokens, eat as many as you can.) (REMOVES SHARED BASES) () (CANNIBAL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to store and release.) (Begin the game with a charge of zero. As a main player in a challenge before cards are played, call "store", "release", or "neutral". (If you fail to indicate or if a Compromise is played, your call is treated as "neutral".) When you store, you add the difference between your total and your opponent's to your charge. If your total is less than your opponent's, add a negative number to your charge. When you release, all of your current charge is added (or subtracted if your charge is negative) to your total and your charge is set to zero. Neutral has no effect on the challenge and does not adjust your current charge. If you get this Power from another player, you get his charge.) (SAVES EXCESS POWER)()(CAPACITOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power of income.) (At the start of every other player's turn, you may take your choice of a Lucre from the box, a card from the top of the deck, or a token from the warp back to a base.) (RECEIVES PAYMENT ON EVERY TURN) () (CAPITALIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman, M () (Optional) (You have the)(power to count cards.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, you may subtract the number of cards in your opponent's regular hand from his total, or you may add the number of cards in your regular hand to your total.) (ADDS OR SUBTRACTS CARDS)()(CARD SHARK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to slice.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, the value of any Attack card played by your opponent is halved (rounding up). This works after all other card value manipulations as the result of cards, moons, or other powers. ) (HALVES OPPONENT'S CARD VALUE) () (CARVER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to ban.) (On each challenge, immediately after the defensive player is chosen, you may prevent one of the following actions for the remainder of the challenge: Buying cards; calling for allies; revealing secret powers; revealing secret moons; playing Kickers or Reinforcements; using optional powers. You may not ban the same action on successive challenges.) (PREVENTS ACTIONS)()(CENSOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of population control.) (If, at any time, a planet which you occupy, or which lies in your home system, has more than 6 tokens on it, you must remove the extra tokens of your choice. Owners of the removed tokens must return them to other bases, if possible, or else to the Warp. Removed tokens may not be placed on other bases such that they would cause another planet to go over the Census limit. If you have no alternative except the Warp, you may have more than 6 tokens on one, and only one, planet.) (CONTROLS OVERCROWDED PLANETS) () (CENSUS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the) (power to borrow Lucre.) (As a main player in a challenge, immediately after the defensive player is determined, if you have fewer than four Lucre, you may borrow from your opponent until you have four, giving him IOUs. You must spend the borrowed Lucre during the challenge. (As the attacker, you may immediately spend them to retrieve tokens from the Warp.) Whenever you need to pay Lucre to another player, write out an IOU for each. If your opponent in a challenge holds IOU's written on previous challenges, he may demand a card of his choice from your regular hand to destroy 5 IOU's or a base to destroy 12. You must accept the terms. If you ever acquire Lucre, (including at the start of your turn), you must buy back IOU's, if possible. If you lose your power, debts must still be repaid.) (SPENDS LUCRE ON ACCOUNT) () (CHEAPSKATE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power of Fate.) (After revealing Challenge Cards, you may discard yours and replace it from the deck. If you draw a Reinforcement or Kicker before a challenge card, it must be played. Subsequent Kickers and other non-challenge cards are immediately discarded. Resolve the challenge using the new card. Each card may be replaced only once.) (TAKES NEW) (CHALLENGE CARD) (CHOSEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to tax Edicts.) (Whenever another player plays an Edict, he must pay you a Lucre. If he can not pay you, he may not play the Edict. A player need not pay you in order to Cosmic Zap this power.) (TAXES USE OF EDICTS) () (COLLECTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to reinforce.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge in a system where you have at least one planet base, all of your tokens on planet bases in that system are added to your total in the challenge. However, they are not considered as allies for consolation or rewards and they do not go to the Warp if you lose the challenge.) (ADDS TOKENS IN SYSTEM OF ATTACK) () (COLONIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Both) (You have the)(power of extra power.) (Start the game with one extra power card for each other player in the game. At the end of each challenge in which you were a main player, or offensive ally (defensive with reverse cone), you must discard one of the extra power cards. At the start of your turn, you may draw a new set, discarding any powers you have left.) (USES EXTRA POWERS)()(COLOSSUS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to rescue.) (Once, before cards are played, during any challenge in which you are not a main player, each other player may offer you one or more Lucre to free his tokens from the Warp, Praw, or another player's star disc. If you accept the Lucre, play is suspended while you lead your rescue mission. Your tokens in the Warp, Praw or on the star disc are treated as offensive tokens, while tokens belonging to your client are your allies; tokens belonging to other players are considered defensive allies. You and your opponent play cards normally (draw from the deck until you get a challenge card to determine a card for the Warp or Praw). You must play an attack card. If you win the challenge, your tokens and your client's tokens are freed to bases. If you lose, owners of "defensive ally" tokens collect defensive rewards.) (FREES IMPRISONED TOKENS) (FOR A FEE) (COMMANDO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to compress.) (As a main player in a challenge, before you play your card, you may give your opponent any or all duplicate challenge cards from your regular hand.) (GIVES AWAY DUPLICATES) () (COMPACTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to resurrect.) (On each challenge in which you are a main player, before cards are revealed, you may discard cards from your regular hand and retrieve your tokens from the Praw to the Warp and/or from the Warp to bases in the following manner: Exactly one token per Attack card, exactly 2 tokens per Edict, exactly 5 tokens per Wild Flare, and all tokens for a Super Flare.) (TRADES CARDS FOR TOKENS) () (CONJURER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of refinement.) (Whenever you are entitled to draw cards into your regular hand from the deck, including at the beginning of the game, you draw twice the number that you need. After examining the cards, discard half of them, and add the other half to your regular hand. The discarded cards never enter your hand and can not be used in any way. If you draw a new hand as the defensive player in a challenge, you must keep at least one challenge card if possible.) (SELECTS BEST CARDS)()(CONNOISSEUR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to draft.) (If you are attacked on a base that is occupied by other players, after cards are down but before they are revealed, you may force tokens on the defensive planet to become defensive allies. You may draft up to 4 tokens from any one player there in addition to those already allied on either side in the challenge. You may not draft your opponent's tokens, although you may draft tokens belonging to his allies. If you lose the challenge, drafted tokens go to the warp. If you win the challenge, they remain on the base and players collect defensive rewards. If you must deal, tokens remain on the base.) (RECRUITS DEFENSIVE ALLIES) () (CONSCRIPTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2 or 3-player game or with Delegator.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of conspiracy.) (As a main player in a challenge, before allies are called for, you may write down the name of one player other than your opponent to be your secret ally. After cards are revealed, reveal your ally. If that player is already allied with you, his tokens count double toward your total. If your secret ally is allied with your opponent, his tokens don't count toward his total. If your secret ally was invited to ally by at least one side and did not attempt to ally, remove any one of his tokens from a base to the Warp.) (DESIGNATES SECRET ALLY)()(CONSPIRATOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %Pete Dateo () (Optional) (You have the) (power to weaken.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may discard a card at random from your opponent's regular hand for each external base he has. If he is the attacker and he runs out of challenge cards, his turn ends. If he runs out of playable cards as the defender, he must draw from the deck until he gets a challenge card to play. He must immediately discard any other cards he picks up without using them.) (REDUCES OPPONENT'S HAND) () (CONTROLLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power in prison.) (When you lose a challenge as a main player or ally, instead of going to the Warp, you may surrender your tokens. All tokens on your side go to your opponent's star disc. Whenever another player's color actually flips, if you have tokens on his star disc for any reason, you may break them out of prison back to your bases. In addition, for a fee of one Lucre, you may break other players out with you. Each player who pays you takes all of his tokens from the star disc back to his bases. Tokens belonging to any player who doesn't pay you are left behind. Tokens on star discs may still also be freed in the normal manner.) (ESCAPES FROM PRISON)()(CONVICT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to be bribed.) (You enforce the attack limit of 5.5 but can be bought off. If another player reveals an Attack card with a value above the limit, he must pay you a Lucre. If he can not pay you, you may take the card of your choice from his regular hand. If you reveal a card above the limit, you must pay your opponent a Lucre. If you can't pay, he may take a card of his choice from your regular hand. All payments are made simultaneously after the conclusion of the challenge.) (SETS ATTACK LIMIT) () (COP) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %Ben Berman (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game or with Decoy, Deuce, Doubleheader, Knight, or Procrastinator.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of remote control.) (When you are the attacker in a challenge, after cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may pay a Lucre to the box to "change channels." You move the cone to the corresponding base one system to the right or left. Unless you end up in your home system, the new defensive player is the system owner. In your home system, choose the defender from players with tokens on the new defensive base. If the new defensive player is allied in the challenge, his ally tokens must return to bases. If there are no tokens on a base that you switch to in your home system, there is no defensive player. (The defensive total is the card total plus defensive allies.) Otherwise the challenge is resolved normally with the new defensive player.) (CHANGES CHANNELS)()(COUCH POTATO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Insect, Mentor, or Plant.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of numbers.) (At the end of each challenge, you may add the total of all Attack \ cards played. Keep a running total. When the total passes a multiple \ of 25, take the top card from the deck. When it passes a multiple of \ 200, take a base on any system.) (TOTALS ATTACK CARDS) () (COUNT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to print Lucre.) (At the start of each of your turns, you may discard a positive Attack \ card with a value of 6 or less, and take that number of Lucre from the \ box.) (TURNS ATTACK CARDS INTO MONEY) () (COUNTERFEITER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Moons.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power on the moon.) (At the start of the game, place a Flare face down under each moon in the game. When you land on a non-secret moon, turn the Flare face up. If the moon is secret, you may keep the power secret as well. (You may reveal them independently.) As long as you occupy that moon, you may use the power that corresponds to the Flare. If a new moon enters the game, place a Flare face down under it. If you get this power after play has begun, place a Flare face down under each moon in the game, then reveal any that correspond to moons that you occupy.) (GAINS POWER ON MOONS)()(CRAMDEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %Matt Stone - Modified in original Mayfair playtest (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to handicap.) (When you are one of the two main players in a challenge, your opponent may not use any Edicts, Flares, Kickers or Reinforcements. However, he may use an Edict or Flare to stop this power.) (PUTS OPPONENT AT DISADVANTAGE) () (CRIPPLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to evolve.) (On one challenge, per power, (for the duration of that challenge) during each round of turns (ability resets each time you start a turn), you may use each of your other powers as if you had the super flare. "Discard after use" super flares may only be evolved once, although if you actually get the super flare, you may use it again.) (TURNS POWERS INTO SUPER POWERS) () (DARWIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to redeal.) (As a main player, once per challenge you may call for a redeal. Any time before cards are played, collect everyone's regular hands, shuffle the cards, and redeal them. Each player retains the same number of cards he started with.) (REDEALS CARDS) () (DEALER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Delegator, Phaze, Traitor, Doppleganger or Wrack.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to feint.) (When you attack another player, point the cone between two planets \ where you can make a legal challenge. The defender must defend each \ base with a separate challenge card. (If he has only 1 card, it is as \ if he is out of challenge cards.) Defensive allies may join only one \ of the attacks. If you attack your own system, you may challenge two \ different players if they are on adjacent planets. After cards are \ played, but before they are revealed, you decide which is the actual \ challenge. All allies on the other challenge return to bases, and the \ defender returns the other card to his regular hand.) (MAKES FAKE CHALLENGE) () (DECOY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Decoy or Doubleheader.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to divert.) (When you are the defensive player, you may make the offensive player attack you on any planet base in any system, so long as you have tokens there.) (DECIDES WHERE TO DEFEND) () (DEFLECTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to demand sacrifice.) (In order for any other player (main or ally) to win a challenge in \ which you are not involved, he must sacrifice a token of your choice \ from a base to the warp. The decision to sacrifice is made after \ cards are played but before they are revealed. The attacker decides \ first, then offensive allies, then the defender and his allies. \ When the outcome is determined, if any player(s) on the winning side \ have not sacrificed a token to you, all of their tokens involved \ in the challenge are lost to the warp.) (DEMANDS RITUAL)()(DEMIGOD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of savings.) (At the end of your turn, you may take up to eight Lucre from your star disc and place them aside. Just before your next turn, retrieve the Lucre to your star disc along with an equal number from the box as interest. While deposited, Lucre can not be lost for any reason. You may choose to return any or all of them to your star disc prior to your next turn in order to spend them or to add to your total in a challenge. However, each time you withdraw Lucre early, you immediately pay 1 Lucre to the box as a penalty. After the challenge in which you have used them, you may replace any unspent Lucre in your "bank" and collect the appropriate interest at the start of your next turn. Once you have made a deposit, you collect interest or pay a penalty even if you lose your power prior to your withdrawal. A Cosmic Zap prevents you from making a deposit - not from collecting interest or paying a penalty.) (PUTS LUCRE IN THE BANK) () (DEPOSITOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to decree.) (In a challenge, you may play an Edict as the challenge card of your choice. Declare that you are playing an Edict, then write down the value. Once played, it is treated as that Attack card. If you are Cosmic Zapped, return the Edict to your hand and play a challenge card normally.) (PLAYS EDICTS AS CHALLENGE CARDS) () (DESPOT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 2-player or 6-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to alter attacks.) (At the start of the game shuffle an extra set of destiny discs into \ the destiny pile. When another player actually flips this color, you \ attack him. This counts as his challenge. If it is his first \ challenge and he wins or makes a deal, he may take a second challenge. \ If you are out of challenge cards when another player flips the extra \ color, he flips again. If you flip the extra color, choose another \ player to attack you (you must pick a player who has challenge \ cards). If this was your first challenge and you win or make a deal, \ you may take another challenge. The extra color, once flipped, \ may not be altered by any other power or Flare.) (CHANGES COURSE)(OF ATTACK)(DESTINY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to zap.) (Immediately after the defensive player in a challenge is determined, you specify one power that can not be used during that challenge. The power is treated as if it had been Cosmic Zapped. You may not stop the same power on successive challenges. ) (STOPS A POWER) () (DESTROYER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to reduce.) (As a main player or ally in a challenge, the value of the tokens on \ your opponent's side is divided by the value of the tokens on your \ side before being added to his card (multiplied if he is the Virus). \ For consolation and rewards, tokens have full value.) (REDUCES TOKEN VALUE) () (DIVISOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Decoy, Demon or Judge.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of double attack.) (On each of your challenges, you may attack two adjacent planets. Place 1-4 tokens in the right and left sides of the cone (these numbers need not be equal.) Allies may join either attack, but not both. You and your opponent each play one card which counts for both challenges. If you win both attacks, you get a second double challenge. If you lose one or both, your turn ends. You may attack two adjacent planets in your home system if you challenge the same player on both.) (ATTACKS TWO ADJACENT PLANETS) () (DOUBLEHEADER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to double.) (On each challenge, before cards are revealed, you may choose to double the value of Attack cards, tokens or Lucre. In calculating totals in this challenge, all designated items played by all players count double for the purpose of calculating the total only.) (COUNTS TWICE)()(DOUBLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to clash.) (Whenever another player decides to take the second challenge of his turn, you may challenge him to a duel. If he does not accept, you get his second challenge. If he accepts the invitation, play out a challenge without any tokens. No other player may interfere in the duel in any way. If you win the duel, or make a deal, you continue the player's turn (if he is the Machine, his turn will end after your challenge, if you are also the Machine, your turn may continue. At the conclusion of this turn, play reverts to normal order.) As part of a deal during the duel, you may allow the player to keep the challenge. If you lose the duel or fail to deal, you may not duel again until after your next turn. (CHALLENGES FOR CHALLENGES)()(DUELIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to control.) (As a main player, any time before cards are played, you may force two other players to try to deal. If a deal is not made and one of the players is the attacker, play passes. Otherwise play resumes from the point at which it was suspended. If the players do not deal, you and they must each lose 3 tokens to the Warp.) (FORCES OTHERS TO TRY TO DEAL) () (DUNGEONMASTER) -----------------------------------------------------------------------( % Gerald Katz (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of inflation.) (All other players must pay one additional Lucre to the box for any set of cards or tokens they purchase. Also, when paying you for any reason, all other players must pay one additional Lucre.) (CHARGES EXTRA)()(ECONOMIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to bend time.) (You are not bound by the normal timing rules for game actions. You may place tokens in the cone out of order (although you may not ally after cards are revealed), buy cards at any time during a challenge in which you are a main player (no more than 4 per challenge) unless specifically prevented by a power or Flare, play Edicts whenever you want, and play Flares and use other powers at any time before cards are revealed in a challenge. You also decide all timing conflicts. You may not take a turn or challenge out of sequence, and all other conditions for using a card or power must be met (e.g. you must still win a challenge to play Wild Vulch, or you must be the Raider or the Medium.)) (PLAYS OUT OF SEQUENCE) () (EINSTEIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to be hired.) (If you are invited to ally on both sides of a challenge, the two main players may bid for your services. You must ally (if possible) with the player who offers you the most Lucre. If bids are equal or no one bids, you may choose to ally with either player, or not ally at all. If your side wins the challenge, your "boss" gets defensive rewards (one for each Lucre he spent on you). If you are hired and your side loses the challenge, collect one Lucre from the box as "workman's compensation" for each token you lost. If you are not invited to ally by either side in a challenge in which you may ally, collect one Lucre from the box as "unemployment compensation.") (SEEKS EMPLOYMENT)(AS ALLY)(EMPLOYEE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a game with Abyss or Zombie.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of mass-energy) (conversion. As a main player or ally in a challenge, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may convert some of your tokens into energy by placing them in the Warp. You may take your tokens from the cone or bases, but you must leave at least one token in the challenge. For each token you convert, add 2 points to your side's total in the challenge. After the challenge outcome, if your side won, you may convert excess points back at the rate of 4 points per token, returning the tokens to bases. You may not convert back more tokens than you energized. A Compromise card revealed by the opposing side is treated as an Attack 0 for this calculation only.) (GETS POINTS FOR TOKENS)()(ENERGIZER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of muscle.) (Once per challenge, you may force another player to perform one of the following game actions. You may tell him to play a certain Edict or Flare, buy cards, ask for allies, take a second challenge, or attack his home system if possible when he flips his own color in the destiny pile. You may not specify how the player must execute the action (e.g. you can force him to take allies, but not specific ones, or you can force him to play a Cosmic Zap, but he chooses who to play it on.) If a player can not perform the action you demand, you may not make him do another (e.g. he has no Cosmic Zap.)) (FORCES GAME ACTIONS) () (ENFORCER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Do not use in a 2-player game, or with Fungus.) (Both) (You have the)(power of enslavement.) (When you win a challenge as the attacker, you may take all losing tokens to your star disc as slaves. Tokens in your "slave pen" add to your totals in any normal challenge in which you are a main player. Also on each challenge, you may use one power belonging to each player who has tokens in your slave pen. He may not also use that power. When a player with tokens in your slave pen flips your color in the destiny pile, he may lead a slave revolt. He points the cone at your star disc and the challenge proceeds normally with all slave tokens counting for his side. During the revolt, you may not use any enslaved player's power. If he wins the challenge, all of his slave tokens and those of his allies are freed to bases. If you win the challenge, attacking tokens and their allies are enslaved. Winning defensive allies get rewards normally, and losing defensive allies go to the warp. If you permanently lose your power, enslaved tokens go to the Warp.) (TAKES SLAVE TOKENS)()(ENSLAVER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Doubleheader, Decoy or Siren.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to warp.) (As the offensive player, after you have flipped the destiny pile, you may warp to a different system. To do this, discard an Attack card. Then, starting from the middle planet in the determined system, move the cone clockwise a number of planets equal to the value of the discarded card. The planet where the cone lands becomes the planet you must attack, and the owner of the system is now the defensive player. If you want to warp the cone to your home system, there must be a legitimate attack on the planet where the cone lands. If more than one challenge is possible there, you choose the defensive player.) (WARPS TO NEW SYSTEM) () (ENTERPRISE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to invest.) (You begin the game with 4 extra Lucre. When you use the cone, you may choose to finance that side of the challenge by investing Lucre in the venture, so long as the total of your Lucre and your tokens committed to the challenge does not exceed four. Your Lucre count towards the total in the challenge, but do not count for defensive rewards and do not land on the base. Instead, if you back the winning side, you receive back your Lucre, plus a 100% profit from the box. If you back the losing side, return the Lucre to the box. In the event that the two main players must deal, return your Lucre to your star disc.) (INVESTS IN ATTACK) () (ENTREPRENEUR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Delegator or Peacekeeper.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to even the odds.) (As a main player or ally in a challenge, after allies are committed, you may force one other non-main player who has voluntarily allied in the challenge to commit an equal number of tokens to the other side.) (BALANCES ALLIES)()(EQUALIZER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Use only in a game with Lucre. Use only in a multiple power game. Do not use with Delegator, Demon, or Phaze.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to swap powers.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, as soon as the defensive \ player is determined, take a power card from your opponent. This \ power is now yours. At the end of the challenge, give him a different \ power card (which may be this one). In each case, you choose the \ card. He may pay you a Lucre to choose the power card at the \ beginning of or end of the challenge, but not both. If you take a \ power, you must give one back, even if Cosmic Zapped.) (EXCHANGES POWER CARDS) () (EXCHANGER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Both) (You have the) (power of ten.) (The normal size of your regular hand is 10 cards. Whenever you are entitled to a new hand, you draw 10 cards. When you are down to 3 or fewer cards, you may choose to discard them (as if you were out of challenge cards) and draw a new 10 card hand as per normal rules. Also, at the start of your turn, if you have more than 10 cards you may discard down to exactly 10 cards.) (RECEIVES TEN CARD HAND) () (EXPONENT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power of extended play.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, if both players reveal Attack cards, after totals are computed, you may call "keep playing". You and your opponent must then, if able, play and reveal an additional Attack card. You may continue to extend the challenge as long as both players play Attack cards. When the extension stops, challenge results are determined. Each player is considered to have played a single card whose face value is the sum of the cards. Calculator equalization is applied to these values; other card-related powers (Gambler, Laser, Oracle, Visionary, etc.) only apply to the play of the original Attack cards and may not be used during extension. All cards played are discarded. Players may not draw new hands during extension.) (PROLONGS CHALLENGE)()(EXTENDER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to till.) (At the start of each of your turns, you may place a Flare from your regular hand face down under one of your planet bases. Alternatively, you may buy the top Flare from the Flare deck for one Lucre if you have none. Purchased "seeds" must be planted immediately. On any turn, you may use your first challenge to discard one Flare, planted in a previous challenge, from a base you occupy and take the corresponding power card (unless if it belongs to another player in which case you take your challenge normally). If you no longer occupy a base, the planted Flare is discarded. Once grown, the power(s) are independent of this power card. If you lose your power card, except to another player, all planted Flares are discarded.) (GROWS POWERS)()(FARMER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Doppleganger, Laser, Oracle, or Procrastinator.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of destiny.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may call for divine intervention. The offensive player must draw cards from the top of the deck until he gets a challenge card which he must play. (If a Kicker or Reinforcement is drawn before a challenge card, it must be played. Subsequent Kickers and other non-challenge cards are immediately discarded.) The defensive player must then do the same. The challenge outcome is determined normally with both players having played the card they drew. (Deuce still plays his second card normally. With Knight or Multiple, players alternate each time they draw a playable card until all cards are played.)) (CALLS FOR PREDETERMINED OUTCOME)()(FATE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Insect, or Oracle.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of representation.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, each ally (offensive and defensive) also plays a challenge card face down. (An ally without a playable challenge card must draw a new hand.) After looking at the cards played by you and your allies, you select one to represent your side. Without looking at the cards played by your opponent and his allies, you select one to represent his side. The cards that were not selected are returned to their owners' hands, and the challenge is resolved with the selected cards, as if the main players had played them.) (CHOOSES CARDS FROM THOSE PLAYED) (BY MAIN PLAYERS AND ALLIES) (FEDERALIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to clean up.) (Once per turn you may do one of the following: reshuffle the discard pile into the deck, reshuffle the destiny discard pile into the destiny pile, reshuffle the hazard discard pile into the hazard deck, remove all tokens of all players from the Warp or Praw (your choice) to the bases of your choice or replace all tokens which must return to bases during a challenge on the bases of your choice.) (STRAIGHTENS UP)()(FELIX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to pay interest.) (At the start of your turn, other players may make a deposit in the bank by giving you up to four Lucre, which you keep. Deposits are made secretly. All other players take their Lucre off of their star discs, place 1-4 in their hands, and then simultaneously reveal how much they are depositing. Remaining Lucre are returned to the players' star discs. At the end of your turn, you must give them twice the amount of Lucre they gave you, taken from the box. If you lose your power during your turn, you must still pay off for deposits already made.) (USES OTHER PLAYER'S LUCRE) (BUT PAYS INTEREST) (FINANCIER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to fix challenges.) (When you are not a main player in a challenge, after cards are revealed, you may spend Lucre to affect the result of the challenge. Each Lucre spent allows you to add four to the total of your choice of sides.) (BUYS CHALLENGE OUTCOME)()(FIXER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the)(power to throw in your hand.) (Whenever you are entitled to take random cards from any source (for example consolation, rewards, or buying cards for Lucre) you may instead decide to discard an equal number of cards of your choice from your hand. Discard those cards to the place from which you would normally be entitled to take them.) (REDUCES HAND)()(FOLDER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to embarrass.) (As a main player in a challenge in which both you and your opponent reveal Attack cards, for every 5 points you win by (rounding down), your opponent must lose an additional token to the Warp from bases, and you receive the top card from the deck. You may gain a maximum of 6 cards, and your opponent may lose a maximum of 6 extra tokens. If you lose the challenge by more than 10 points, you must lose additional tokens from bases to the Warp equal to the number you have in the challenge (up to 6).) (GAINS FROM)(OVERWHELMING VICTORY)(FOOL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to forge.) (On each challenge, if you have an Attack card that matches any other Attack card played, you may play it. You may either add or subtract that card from the side's total. You may match any or all cards played in a challenge, and you may forge each card multiple times.) (PLAYS DUPLICATE CARDS) () (FORGER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Delegator.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to revive life.) (As a main player, after allies are committed, you may take other players' tokens from the Warp and use them to supplement your force. These tokens are in addition to any normal allies you or your opponent receives, and are not treated as normal allies. You may not revive tokens belonging to your opponent, although you may use tokens belonging to his allies, and you may not take more than 4 tokens from any one player. The owners of the tokens you revive gain rewards or the base as if they were normal allies only if you win. Winning defensive "allies" return to other bases. If you lose or must try to deal, revived tokens return to the warp.) (GAINS ALLIES FROM WARP) () (FRANKENSTEIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of low.) (Your opponent in a challenge must play his lowest Attack card if possible. (Miser chooses which hand to play from, but must play his lowest card in that hand. Warmonger may choose to play the lowest card in his hand, or fire his lowest missile. Knight must play his lowest remaining card each round. Multiple must play his lowest cards. Forger may play multiple copies of his lowest card.)) (OPPONENT PLAYS LOWEST CARD) () (FREAK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz () (Optional) (You have the) (power to suspend.) (On each challenge, immediately after the defensive system is determined, you may freeze one planet or moon. No action of any type may involve that base or any tokens on it for the rest of the challenge. You may not freeze the same planet or moon on successive challenges. Continuous moons which are frozen are not in effect for the challenge. ) (PREVENTS ACTIVITY ON BASE) () (FREEZER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 6-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(buddy power.) (Start the game by setting up another system to your right, complete with tokens, hands, destiny cards, etc. The friend is like any other player, except that he never has any powers, he can not win the game, and he does not get a turn. You control all of the Friend's actions. In a challenge in which you are a main player, and the Friend is the opposing main player, choose any other player to play the challenge for the Friend. He may ask for allies and play challenge cards and Kickers, but you control the Friend's spending of Lucre and use of Edicts, Flares and reinforcements. You may not make a deal involving both yourself and the Friend. If another player gets this power card, he also receives all attributes of the power (hand, tokens, system, etc...).) (CONTROLS EXTRA PLAYER)()(FRIEND) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a Multiple Power Game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of heredity.) (When you are a main player in a challenge and you win or make a deal with your opponent, you take one of your opponent's power cards (his choice) and use it as your own from then on. If you lose a challenge, or fail to deal with him, you must give this power card to your opponent.) (INHERITS POWERS) () (GENE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to steal life.) (As a main player in a challenge, you may place up to 4 of your tokens from the warp onto the cone to ally with you. If you are the offensive player and you win the challenge, dead tokens join the living on the base. If you are a winning defender, dead tokens return to bases and you collect rewards as a winning ally. If you must deal, dead tokens return to the warp. If you lose the challenge, or your allies are forced off the cone, dead tokens return to the warp.) (ALLIES WITH SELF FROM WARP) () (GHOST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to plunder.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, and your side wins, you gain a reward for each opposing token lost as a direct result of the challenge. The reward is either a token from the warp, a card from the deck, or a Lucre from the box.) (GAINS REWARDS FOR OTHERS DEAD) () (GHOUL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the)(power of indecisiveness.) (Once on each challenge, you may take back or change a game action that you \ have made. You may: Change one call (or non-call) for allies after your \ opponent calls for allies; change the number of tokens you have committed \ after all other players have committed tokens to the challenge; buy cards \ in a challenge after initially declining; rescind a payment for a service \ or fee if you are not satisfied with what you receive; reneg on a deal \ if you don't like what you receive (the deal is nullified); repoint the cone \ as the attacker after all allies are committed (the new challenge must be \ legal); return all reward cards to the deck after looking at them and take \ tokens from the Warp instead; or take back one statement that violated \ "Positive Moon", Wild Empath, etc.) (TAKES BACK GAME ACTION)()(GLITCH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of excess.) (Whenever you play Reinforcements, their value is doubled. In addition, whenever another player plays or discards a Reinforcement, you pick it up and may play it on a later challenge. When you are out of challenge cards and need to draw a new hand, keep any Reinforcements you hold.) (DOUBLES REINFORCEMENTS)()(GLUTTON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of money.) (As a main player in a challenge, each of your Lucre adds two points to your total.) (LUCRE COUNTS DOUBLE)()(GNOME) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Hazard cards.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of mischief.) (Whenever another player must take a Hazard card, you look at it first. If you desire, you may discard it and make him draw the next one instead. This card takes effect if possible.) (DETERMINES HAZARDS) () (GOBLIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Brad Seidel - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to stomp.) (Start the game with an extra token on your center planet. At the \ start of each challenge, draw the top card from the deck (the card is \ discarded). If it is an Attack card, Kicker, or Reinforcement, your \ Godzilla token moves that number of bases in the direction of your \ choice. All other players' tokens on the planet where Godzilla lands \ that are not in their home system must return to home bases. A player \ may protect his tokens from Godzilla by discarding a card (or group of cards) \ that total the value of the card that brought Godzilla to the base.) (SCARES AWAY)(VISITING TOKENS)(GODZILLA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with moons.) (Both) (You have the) (power over moons.) (At the start of each of your challenges, add a moon at random to your system from those not in the game. You may then occupy it in addition to your normal challenges. ) (ADDS MOONS) () (GOLEM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to petrify.) (Any other players' tokens that share bases with you can not be removed from those bases for any reason except to be placed into the warp. ) (HOLDS TOKENS ON SHARED BASES) () (GORGON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of dead powers.) (On each challenge, you may use one power which has been lost by another player. This is restricted to powers that have been lost due to a card (including Hazards) or lack of home bases. (For the Colossus, Pentaform, Power Broker, Reincarnator, Xenomorph, etc. powers in the stack are not considered to be lost unless the power itself is lost. You may then use the stack as if you had the main power.)) (USES LOST POWERS) () (GRAVEROBBER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of malice.) (As a main player, before cards are played, you may take two cards of your choice from your opponent's regular hand and exchange them with two cards at random from the discard pile. He may pay you a Lucre to make you pick the cards from his hand at random.) (EXCHANGES CARDS) () (GREMLIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to dupe.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are played but before \ they are revealed, you may place an Attack card, a Compromise card, \ and a non-Challenge card face down. If you have no Compromise card, \ you may place down two Attack cards. If you can't put down the \ required cards, play the challenge normally. Your opponent picks one \ of the cards, then you show the others and return them to your hand. \ If he chooses the Compromise, he returns the card he played to his \ regular hand and plays the Compromise. If he picks the Attack card, he \ adds it to his total. If he picks the non-challenge card, he takes it \ into his regular hand and may use it on a later challenge, but he \ subtracts the Attack card he did not take from his total. (If you \ used 2 Attack cards, he subtracts the lower one.) All played cards \ are discarded.) (OPPONENT GETS)(UNWANTED CARD)(GRIFTER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to tax bases.) (In order for another player to land on a moon, he must pay you a Lucre. If he can't pay you, he may offer you a card. After he shows you the card, you may take it and let him land on the moon, or refuse the card and force him to attack elsewhere. A player with no Lucre may not attack an occupied moon. Also, each time a player gains an external planet base, he must pay you a Lucre. If he can't, take the card of your choice from his regular hand. If he can't pay you and has no cards, he may still land on the planet base at no cost.) (TAXES BASES)() (GUARDIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Filth.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to fight back.) (Immediately after you lose a home base in a challenge, you may attack it to try to win it back. No allies are allowed in the counterattack and you must challenge all tokens that gained the base as a result of the original attack. You choose the player who must defend from among those with tokens involved. Play is suspended while this attack takes place. The base is not considered won or lost until after you have had the chance to take it back.) (TRIES TO REGAIN LOST BASES) () (GUERILLA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Siren or Phaze.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to call someone out.) (Immediately after the defensive system is determined, if you have a planet base in that system (and it is not your home system), you may challenge the attacker to a shootout. You choose one of his planet bases. His tokens on this planet must attack yours on one of the bases in the defensive system. No allies are allowed in the shootout. The losing tokens go to the warp, and the winner must place at least one token from his winning base onto the losing base. (RISKS BASES TO GAIN MORE) () (GUNSLINGER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to cause trouble.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you take half of your opponent's regular hand (rounding down) along with an equal number of cards from the deck. After looking at the two sets of cards, give one back to your opponent, and discard the other.) (ALTERS HANDS) () (HALFLING) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Hazard cards. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power over hazards.) (When you must draw a Hazard card, instead of reading it, give it to another player. If it can affect him, it does. If you look at the card, you must take it yourself. ) (GIVES AWAY HAZARD CARDS) () (HAZARDOUS WASTE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto () (Optional) (You have the) (power to steal bases.) (Whenever you gain a base on a planet as the direct result of winning a challenge, you may attempt to steal another base. Point the cone at the next planet counterclockwise from the one where you just gained a base, and challenge the player in whose system that planet resides. No allies are allowed in the steal attempt. If you fail to win the extra challenge, you are "picked off", and all tokens on the original base you gained go to the warp. If you succeed, you may try to steal another base, and so on, but if you are "picked off" at any time, tokens on the original base, and all of those you have stolen on this sequence go to the warp. Steal attempts take place in addition to your normal challenge.) (ATTEMPTS TO GAIN EXTRA BASES) () (HENDERSON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Insect, Mentor or Plant.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of strength.) (You start the game with two sets of tokens. Place 4 tokens of each color on your home bases. Place only one set of star discs in the destiny pile. This is your primary color. While you have your power, both sets of tokens are treated normally, but when you lose the use of your power (except to another player), tokens of your second color remain where they are and do not count in challenges or for determining your number of bases. They can not be retrieved from the warp, but do go to the warp along with any tokens of your primary color if they are on a base that is lost. If another player gets this power card, all of your Hoard tokens are removed from bases, and he places them on his. (Tokens that are in the warp stay there). If you get this power card after play has begun (except from another player), take 20 extra tokens and place them on your bases.) (STARTS WITH 40 TOKENS) () (HOARD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Hazard cards.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of reclamation.) (You collect all cards discarded by other players as the result of Hazard cards, and add them to your regular hand. (Your collection takes precedence over all other collection type powers such as the Vulch.) In addition, you take any power cards that are discarded by other players as a result of Hazard cards and add them to your own. Finally, any tokens which should be lost to the warp by other players because of a Hazard card go to your star disc instead. At the start of any challenge in which you have tokens belonging to your opponent, you may try to deal for them in addition to the challenge.) (COLLECTS LOST ITEMS) () (HOBO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to pester.) (For each power your direct opponent in a challenge uses, you may immediately take the card of your choice from his regular hand. He may pay you a Lucre to choose the card himself.) (TAKES CARDS FOR USE OF POWER) () (HOUND) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Both) (You have the)(power to combine.) (On each turn, you may forgo your first challenge and combine two of \ your power cards into one card and draw a new power card at random. \ The combined card is treated as one power. If you use one of the powers \ in a hybrid, you must use the other(s) if possible during the same challenge. \ However, once you use a hybrid, you may not use it again (even if one \ or more of the powers is mandatory) for the next N challenges, where N \ is one less than the number of powers in the hybrid (ie. if there are \ three powers in the hybrid, you can not use them for the next 2 \ challenges). A Cosmic Zap affects all of the powers of one hybrid. \ Once combined, a hybrid cannot be split even if another player gets it.) (MERGES POWERS)()(HYBRID) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to suggest.) (When you win a challenge (including a Timegash challenge) as the defensive player, play immediately passes to you. At the end of your turn, you decide whether play passes to the right or the left. At the end of your Timegash turn, the normal order of play resumes.) (CHANGES ORDER OF PLAY) () (HYPNOTIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Delegator.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to hedge.) (When you are not a main player in a challenge, if either main player invites you to ally, you may ally on both sides of the challenge regardless of whether the other player invites you. You may ally with up to 4 tokens on each side, and tokens are treated as normal offensive and defensive allies.) (ALLIES ON BOTH SIDES IN CHALLENGE) () (HYPOCRITE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Delegator, Federalist, Ghost, Patriot or Traitor.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to swap.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may call out "exchange." All offensive allies must then move to the defensive end of the cone, and defensive allies are placed in the offensive end of the cone. Total are then figured normally.) (EXCHANGES ALLIES) () (ILLUSIONIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Filth.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of assimilation.) (When you are the winning offensive player in a planet challenge, your opponent's tokens remain on the base. Likewise, as a losing defensive player, your tokens remain on the base. You still receive consolation, if appropriate.) (ASSIMILATES WITH OPPONENT) () (IMMIGRANT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power of vice.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are revealed, you may either give away any or all of your Compromise cards from your regular hand to other players, or collect all of their Compromise cards from their regular hands and put them into yours.) (GIVES AND TAKES COMPROMISES) () (IMP) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to annex.) (At the beginning of your turn, you may declare one planet base in another player's system to be part of your home system. This planet is counted as an external base for the player whose system it is in if he has tokens there. You may relinquish an annexed base at any time except when it is under attack. You may not annex more than one base per system. If you lose your power except to a Zap, annexed bases are returned to their owners. Also, your external bases count as home bases for the purpose of keeping your power.) (EXPANDS HOME SYSTEM)()(IMPERIALIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to build.) (After you play an attack card and lose a challenge, you do not need to discard it. You may place it face up in front of you, and add it to your total in subsequent challenges. Each time you lose a challenge, you may add any attack card you played to the stack. When you win a challenge, discard the stack along with your card.) (ACCUMULATES CHALLENGE CARDS) () (INDUSTRIALIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Filth.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to overrun.) (Whenever a planet base in any system becomes vacant, regardless of the reason, you may place a token on it.) (LANDS ON VACANT BASES) () (INVADER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to spend wisely.) (In each challenge in which you are a main player, before cards are played, \ you may use \ your Lucre to increase your value. You may buy points, three points per \ Lucre, in addition to cards and tokens, but you may invest no more than \ 4 Lucre per challenge. Keep a running total of the points you have \ bought and in each challenge you add the points you have accumulated \ to your total. If you get this power card from another player, you recieve \ all accumulated investor points.) (BUYS ATTACK POINTS) () (INVESTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2 or 3-player game.) (Both) (You have the)(power to ostracize.) (At the start of the game, you designate one player to be "It". While that person is so designated, so long as you have your power, no one may voluntarily ally with him or voluntarily invite him to ally, everyone who is asked must attempt to ally against him, no one may make a deal with him, no one may play reinforcements on his side, and all radiation symbol Edicts must immediately be played against him. You may remove the "It" designation at any time, but may not designate a new "It" until the start of your next turn. "It" becomes "not-It" by winning a challenge against another player. The losing main player in that challenge then becomes "It". A Cosmic Zap removes the "It" designation from a player during that challenge.) (ALIENATES PLAYER)()(IT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of value.) (You receive 4 tokens or cards for each Lucre you spend. However you may not buy more than 4 cards per challenge.) (LUCRE WORTH 4) () (JANUS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Gambler.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of bad luck.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may call out "Jinx." You then choose one of the played cards (your choice) to become an Attack 13 if it is revealed to be an Attack card.) (CAUSES CARD TO CHANGE INTO ATTACK 13)()(JINX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of wrath.) (If, as a main player, you play an Attack card and lose the challenge, send one of your opponent's tokens to the warp (your choice), and he must pay you a Lucre. If he has no Lucre, take the card of your choice from his regular hand.) (TAKES REVENGE ON OPPONENT)(FOR WINNING CHALLENGE)(KAHN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to self-destruct.) (As a main player with tokens at stake in a challenge, after cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may declare the attack to be a suicide mission. The cards are discarded, and all of your tokens and your opponent's tokens go to the warp. Both you and your opponent are considered to have lost the challenge. However, all allies are considered to have won the challenge; all offensive allies gain the base, and all defensive allies return to bases and collect rewards.) (SACRIFICES SELF TO DESTROY OTHERS) () (KAMIKAZE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Do not use with Chronos, Decoy, Demon, Deuce, Doppleganger, Federalist, Insect, Wretch or Multiple.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to duel.) (As a main player, immediately before cards are played, you may call for a duel of cards. Declare how long it will last, from 2 to 5 rounds. (You must have enough challenge cards in your regular hand to complete the duel.) For each round, you and your opponent each play a card (cards if Procrastinator) and the outcome is determined before the next round begins. If your opponent runs out of challenge cards, on each remaining round he draws from the deck until he gets a playable card, discarding non-challenge cards. The player winning the most rounds wins the challenge. (Defender wins a tie.) A round resulting in a compromise/ compromise situation is a draw. The loser of the duel takes consolation if he played a Compromise on any round he loses. (Emotion Control turns all rounds into draws; players then try to deal.) At the end of the duel, all played cards are discarded.) (CALLS FOR DUEL OF CHALLENGES) () (KNIGHT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of good credit.) (As a main player in a challenge, you may borrow one card from another player (the "Lender") by asking one yes/no question. If he can, the Lender must give you a card satisfying the condition, otherwise he gives you any card (if he has one) from his regular hand. The question may be about a specific card (ie. "Can I have an Emotion Control Edict?") or a general question ("Can I have an Attack card above 15?"). The borrowed card is not considered to be part of your regular hand, and is immune to loss, although if it is your only challenge card, it is as though you are out of challenge cards. At the end of the challenge, the card is returned to the Lender (even if you have used it). If you do not use the card, it is not revealed to other players.) (BORROWS BUT GIVES BACK CARDS)()(KRYSLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the) (power of ownership.) (Whenever another player gains a planet base in your system, he must pay you a Lucre as rent. If he can not pay you, you may immediately evict one of his tokens from the base. Evicted tokens go to your star disc. Also, at the beginning of your turn, you take a Lucre from each player who has a planet base in your system. If a player can't pay you, you may evict one of his tokens from each planet base in your system.) (CHARGES RENT) () (LANDLORD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the) (power to settle disputes.) (Whenever other players must try to deal, they each pay you a Lucre. You work with them to help them come to an agreement. If a player can not pay you, you may forbid him from dealing (but other players involved must still pay you anyway) or you may try to deal instead of him. If you can not successfully negotiate a deal for yourself with other players involved, he loses three tokens to the warp instead of you. If you must make a deal, all other players involved must pay you (if they can.)) (CHARGES TO HELP MAKE DEALS) () (LAWYER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Latto (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to drain.) (At the start of each of your turns, you may borrow 1 card at random from each other player and put it in your regular hand. At the end of the turn, you must return all borrowed cards which are still in your hand.) (PILFERS CARDS)()(LEECH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of letters.) (Once per challenge, immediately after the destiny pile is flipped, you name a letter of the alphabet. No Power, Flare, or Edict whose name contains that letter may be used until the destiny pile is flipped in the next challenge. All 26 letters must be named before a letter is reused. The Letterman power is immune from this power and must be zapped at the time the letter is declared.) (SPELLS DOOM)()(LETTERMAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to dispose.) (As a main player before cards are played, you may discard exactly one card from your regular hand for every token that you have in the challenge.) (DISCARDS CARDS) () (LITTERBUG) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to lend.) (On any challenge in which you are not a main player, you may give one of the main players an Attack card from your regular hand. At the start of your next turn (after you have drawn a new hand if necessary), each player to whom you have loaned a card must repay you with a higher Attack card than you gave him. If a player can't repay an Attack card, he must give you an Edict or a Flare. If he has no Edicts or Flares, he must give you a base. You may loan only one card to each other player between each of your turns.) (LENDS CARDS TO OTHERS) () (LOANSHARK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Use only in a game with moons.) (Both) (You have the) (power of planet moons.) (At the start of the game, place a moon face down on every planet. (No player may look at them.) Before the first turn of the game, look at the planet moons you "occupy" and reveal non-secret ones. You may reveal secret planet moons you "occupy" at any time. Immediate planet moons take effect in the order of your choice, then continuing ones. Whenever you land tokens on a planet, the planet moon takes effect as if you occupied it. You may replace one planet moon per system upon first landing there. Planet moons are not normal moons (they are not affected by Lunar Zaps, Vanish, Moon Win, etc. and have no effect if you lose your power). A Zap stops an immediate planet moon, or consequences of a continuing one for that challenge only. If you get this power from another player, look at unrevealed moons on planets you "occupy", and reveal non-secret ones as if starting the game.) (PLACES MOONS ON) (EACH PLANET) (LOONY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power over Lucre.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, your opponent may not use his Lucre in any way except when calculating his total. If you win the challenge, you take all of his Lucre.) (WINS LUCRE IN CHALLENGE) () (LUCRETIA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Moons.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to share moons.) (You may co-occupy moons. To land on an inhabited moon, simply move \ in. As the defender, you may play out the challenge or let the \ attacker join you. Immediate moons take effect again when a new \ player lands. Continuing moons affect all players on them. Secret \ moons take effect when any player reveals them. All conflicts favor \ you. A player attacking a shared moon picks one defender. You may \ offer cohabitation rights in a deal. If you leave, remaining players \ must make a moon challenge to determine who stays. (The last player \ who arrived is the attacker. If more than 2 are left, start with the \ last 2 players and continue until one player remains.) Effects of the \ disputed moon are suspended until ownership is settled. Finally, once \ per challenge you may force any one other player to place an equal \ number of tokens from bases onto a moon you occupy alone.) (MAY CO-OCCUPY MOONS) () (LUNATIC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Moons.) (Both) (You have the) (power of lunar change.) (Whenever you occupy a moon, before it takes effect, you draw another moon, look at it, and place it face down beneath the moon you are occupying. On any subsequent challenge, while you occupy the moon, you may flip it over, discarding the top moon and occupying the one underneath. Once this moon has been flipped, you may repeat the process. If you vacate a moon with another underneath, it is discarded and the bottom moon is now treated as if it were the original and had never been occupied. If you lose your power card, discard all bottom moons.) (EXCHANGES MOONS) () (LYCANTHROPE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Peter Sarrett - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to protect.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, immediately after the defensive player is determined, you may ask your opponent to pay you half of his Lucre (rounded up - minimum of 1) for your protection. If he pays you, take the Lucre and conclude the challenge. If he can't or won't pay you and if you win the challenge or make a deal, you may cause an "accident" to happen to that player at any time before the start of your next turn. You may cause his tokens in a challenge to "accidentally" fall off of the cone into the Warp, force him to discard at random 1/3 of his regular hand, (rounded down) or assassinate one token from a base which you share with him for each of your tokens there. If the same player has refused to pay and lost 3 times, you may kill one of his powers (your choice in a multiple power game.) It is replaced at random with one not in the game.) (CHARGES FOR PROTECTION) () (MAFIA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to transform.) (As a main player in a challenge, immediately after the defensive player is determined, you may exchange one of your opponent's power cards with one taken at random from those not in the game.) (CHANGES OPPONENT'S POWER) () (MAGICIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Both) (You have the)(power to deliver.) (On any challenge, before cards are revealed, another player may pay you a Lucre to mail a card of his choice from his regular hand to any player (including himself or you). He may pay 2 Lucre to mail 2 or 3 cards, 3 Lucre for 4, 5, or 6 cards, or 4 Lucre for more than 6 cards. You take the Lucre and without looking at them, place the cards face down in the "post office." When a player's color is actually flipped in the destiny pile, or at the start of his turn (before he gets a new hand), if he has any mail in the post office, deliver the cards to him. You may mail cards from your regular hand to other players by paying the bank. For "express delivery", a player may pay you one extra Lucre, and you must deliver the cards immediately. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases or loss of this power card (except to another player), cards in the "post office" are discarded.) (DELIVERS MAIL)()(MAILMAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power of sacrifice.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are revealed, you may sacrifice any or all of the tokens you have in the challenge. Tokens go to the warp, and for each one you sacrifice you play an extra attack card. Add the values of your attack cards together, and conclude the challenge as though you had played an attack card with that value. All played cards are discarded at the end of the challenge.) (SACRIFICES TOKENS TO PLAY) (EXTRA CHALLENGE CARDS) (MARTYR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to hurt yourself.) (You are not bound by normal win conditions. Instead, you will win the game only if all of your tokens are lost. This includes tokens in the Warp/Praw, on other players' star discs, out of the game, or trapped on planets or moons due to other powers, moons, Flares, etc. This power is not tied to your number of home bases.) (WINS BY LOSING)()(MASOCHIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game, or with Insect, Mentor or Plant.) (Both) (You have the) (power to enslave.) (When you win a challenge as a main player, you enthrall your opponent. While under your power, he may not attack you (if he flips your color in the destiny pile, he may land on a moon or flip again). When an enthralled player gets cards (except a new hand), you may take them, and when he gains a planet base, you may join him on it. When he wins a challenge against another player, you may enthrall that player as well. A player may escape enslavement by losing a challenge or paying you 3 Lucre. A Zap Edict prevents you from enthralling, and/or frees enthralled players for that challenge. If you lose your power card, or the use of your power (except to a Zap), all enthralled players are freed.) (CAPTIVATES LOSING PLAYERS) () (MASTER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to kick attack cards.) (You may play any Attack card between -6 and 6 as a Kicker of that value. To do so, announce that you are using an attack card as a Kicker, and place 2 Lucre to the side (once these Lucre are set aside, they can not be spent or lost). When you reveal the "Kicker", before figuring totals, if it was a 6 or a -6, give both Lucre to your opponent; if it was a zero, retrieve the Lucre; if it was anything else, give one Lucre to your opponent, and retrieve the other Lucre. If both sides reveal compromise cards, your "Kicker" is treated as a Kicker 1.) (PLAYS ATTACK CARDS) (AS KICKERS) (MATHEMATICIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [O;W] () (Optional) (You have the) (power of disarmament.) (As main player in a challenge, if you have an Attack card in your regular hand before cards are played you may call "disarm". You and your opponent must each discard an Attack card. Your opponent discards his highest Attack card, and you discard any of your Attack cards. If your opponent has no Attack cards when you call for disarmament he does nothing. If as a result of disarmament the offensive player has no more Challenge cards, his turn immediately ends (tokens return to bases); if the defensive player has no Challenge cards, he discards his hand and draws a new one.) (FORCES DISCARD)(OF ATTACK CARDS)(MEDIATOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Decoy or Doubleheader.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to shift.) (As the defensive player in a challenge, immediately after the defensive planet is determined, you may draw an Attack card at random from your opponent's regular hand. He keeps the card. The cone moves this number of bases counterclockwise. If a legitimate challenge can be made on the base where the cone lands, it must be made. If more than one challenge is possible, the offensive player chooses who will defend. If no legitimate challenge can be made on the base where the cone lands, you and the attacker must try to deal. Deal rules apply.) (MOVES THE CONE) () (MEDIUM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to teach.) (As a main player in a challenge, immediately after the defensive player is determined, you may teach one of your powers one of your opponent's powers, and his power yours. For this challenge, the two powers are exchanged. At the end of the challenge, the powers return to their original owners.) (TRADES POWERS) () (MENTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of risk.) (Whenever you are not a main player or ally in a challenge, you may offer to go into battle for one of the main players for a fee of 1 or more Lucre. If he agrees, take the Lucre, put his tokens aside, and replace them with yours. (You do not take ownership of a base if you replace the defender there.) The player who hired you must play an Attack card if possible. To support his side, you may also play an Attack card which will be added to his total (after all other card value manipulations have taken place). If the player loses the challenge, your tokens go to the warp (or Void, Fungus, etc.) instead of his. He replaces his tokens on other bases as the attacker or remains on the base if he was the defender. If he wins, return your tokens to bases, collect standard defensive rewards, and he carries out the outcome of the challenge normally. If the main players must deal, return your tokens to bases.) (GOES INTO COMBAT FOR A FEE) () (MERCENARY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Gerald Katz (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to discount.) (Whenever you spend Lucre (including when paying another player), you spend only half the normal cost (rounded up).) (PAYS LESS)()(MERCHANT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Us only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of euthanasia.) (Starting with the turn after yours, each other offensive main player in each challenge must place one of his tokens from a base into the Warp each time he flips destiny. After your third turn, the number increases to two tokens per flip; after your sixth turn, three tokens. Tokens must come from bases. You are immune to the mercy-killing. Prior to flipping, a player may pay you one Lucre to save all of his tokens from being euthanized during the challenge.) (KILLS OLD TOKENS)()(MERCY-KILLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use with Dragon, Entrepreneur \ or Zombie.) (Both) (You have the)(power of gold.) (You start the game with no tokens and 25 Lucre. Place 5 Lucre on \ each home planet. These are your "tokens". Whenever you \ acquire Lucre, place them on your bases. Whenever you must pay \ Lucre to another player, you may give him "tokens". Once your "token" \ goes to another player, it is treated as a Lucre. When you spend \ Lucre, place your "tokens" from bases into the Warp. If at any time \ all of your tokens are freed from the Warp, if you have fewer than 20, \ take Lucre from the box until you have 20 "tokens" on bases. If \ you lose your power due to lack of home bases or loss of power card, \ replace Lucre on bases and the cone with tokens. \ Excess tokens go to the Warp, excess Lucre on bases go to your stardisc, \ and Lucre in the Warp go to the box. If you get \ this power after play starts, replace your tokens with Lucre, and \ distribute your Lucre onto bases.) (USES LUCRE AS TOKENS)()(MIDAS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Do not use with Decoy, Doubleheader or Phaze.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to copy) (If you are not a main player or an ally in a challenge won by the defender, you may repeat the challenge. You replace the original attacker, placing the same number of tokens in the cone as he had in the original challenge. Allies must ally again on the same sides with the same number of tokens. (If they have fewer tokens available during the Mimic challenge, they must commit as many as they have.) After this challenge, the normal order of play resumes. Results of this challenge are in addition to the results of the original challenge.) (REPEATS CHALLENGES) () (MIMIC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Both) (You have the) (power to prospect.) (Whenever you establish an external planet base, draw the top card from the deck. If it is a non-negative Attack card, divide the value of the card by the number of your tokens landing there, and collect that amount of Lucre from the box (rounding up). If the card is anything else, you did not find any gold in the mine. In either case, discard the card. Also, at the start of each of your turns, you may "prospect for gold" in each of your "mines." Declare the order in which you are going to prospect, and then draw a card from the top of the deck for each mine. Collect one Lucre from the box for each token on a base for which you draw an Attack card. Cards are discarded.) (DIGS FOR LUCRE)()(MINER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to invert.) (As a main player in a challenge, you may reverse the digits of both Attack cards played. For example, a 15 would become a 51, a 20 would become a 02, etc. Single digit cards are treated as if there were a 0 in front. A 4 would be a 04 and thus would become a 40 when reversed. To invert the cards, after you and your opponent have played your cards face down, call out "reverse." Totals are figured normally with the values of the cards being the reversed numbers. The Mirror effect takes place before any other card modifications take place.) (REVERSES DIGITS OF ATTACK CARDS) () (MIRROR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of moderation.) (When you are an ally in a challenge, before challenge cards are revealed, you may announce "moderation." You then play an Attack card. After all three challenge cards are revealed, if either or both main players played a compromise card, no moderation occurs. If both main players played Attack cards, then the player who played the "moderate" card (ie, the card with the middle value) wins. The number of tokens is ignored. If you play the moderate card, or if your card matches either or both of the other cards, you decide the winner, and may keep either or both of the cards discarded by the main players. If the two Attack cards played by the main players match each other, but are different from yours, the challenge is concluded normally. Regardless of the outcome, the card you played is discarded.) (MODERATES OTHERS' CHALLENGES) () (MODERATOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to live underground.) (At the start of the game, you get one special token for each other player in the game. Each extra token hides on a planet in another player's system. Write down the locations of the hidden tokens. When another player establishes an external base on a planet with a hidden token, the Mole comes out of hiding, and establishes a base there. A Mole token may not be moved off the planet for any reason (including Terrorist bombs or Filth), and may only be attacked by the player in whose system it resides. If you lose this challenge, the token goes back into hiding. If all Mole tokens have been revealed (even if they have returned to hiding), immediately hide another token. If you lose your power, revealed Mole tokens remain out, but do not count (although they can still be returned to hiding.) If you receive this power after play has begun, write down the location of your tokens as if starting the game.) (HIDES ON PLANETS) () (MOLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of proclamation.) (You may nullify the effect of Edicts on other players for a fee. \ A player may pay you one Lucre to ignore a Sanity, Insanity, Inverse, \ Force Field, Suction, Stellar Gas, or Cosmic Gas; two Lucre to nullify \ the effect of any Zap card played against him; or three Lucre to avoid \ the effect of a Plague, Revolt, Bankruptcy, Bypass, Depletion, or Backfire \ Edict. You may refuse the payment, but if you accept it, the played Edict has \ no effect against the player who paid you. You may avoid the effect of any Edict by paying the appropriate number of Lucre to the bank.) (NULLIFIES EDICTS) () (MONARCH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Amoeba, Crystal, Gorgon, or Stain.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of one.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, your opponent and his allies can each use only one token. All extra tokens must be moved to other bases (if possible), or else to the warp.) (FACES ONLY ONE TOKEN) (FROM EACH OPPONENT) (MONOLITH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with moons.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of decision.) (Whenever any player lands on a moon, you declare whether or not it will take effect. Another player may offer you a base, cards, or Lucre to change your mind about a moon he has landed on after you have made your decision. If you accept his offer, a moon you had nullified takes effect normally, and a moon that you did not stop has no effect. When a player lands on a secret moon, you must look at it, and your decision determines whether or not it will take effect when he reveals it. If you lose your power (including to a Cosmic Zap), all continuing moons that are occupied are in effect, regardless of whether you had nullified them, and any secret moon that you had nullified may be used normally.) (DECIDES WHETHER MOONS TAKE EFFECT) () (MOONIE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in a game with the Praw. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the)(power to embalm.) (Whenever another player loses tokens to the Warp, he may pay you one Lucre or one card at random from his regular hand to embalm the tokens. You must accept the fee, but may discard any unwanted card. At the beginning of your turn, you may move any tokens which are not embalmed from the Warp to the Praw or from the Praw out of the game.) (PRESERVES TOKENS)()(MORTICIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of commiseration.) (Whenever any other player is entitled to consolation from anyone other than you, you receive the consolation instead. You may either keep the cards, or pass them to the player who is entitled to consolation If you keep the cards, the player entitled to consolation then takes it from the deck. If you pass the cards, you then take consolation from the deck, which you must keep.) (TAKES CONSOLATION) () (MOURNER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Comets and Alternate Destiny.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of Comets.) (Start the game by drawing at random one Comet or Alternate Destiny from the unused destiny deck for each player in the game. Keep them face down without looking at them. Whenever the destiny pile is flipped, you may replace the revealed destiny card with the top one from your reserve, placing the one you took face up on the bottom of your stack. When your reserve deck runs out, shuffle the cards you have taken to make up your new destiny reserve. You may have no more than 2 of any one player's destiny cards in your stack at any time.) (RANDOMLY CHANGES)(DESTINY)(MR CLEAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Kickers. Do not use with Punter.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to kick.) (You pick up any Kickers discarded by other players and add them to your regular hand. In addition, when you need to draw a new hand, you may keep any Kickers you hold and draw 7 new cards.) (PICKS UP DISCARDED KICKERS)()(MULE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use with Doppleganger, Federalist, Insect, or Pacifist.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of challenge cards.) (As a main player, designate the number of challenge cards (at least \ one) to be played by each player in the challenge (you must have at \ least this many). If the attacker does not have enough challenge \ cards, his turn ends. If the defender does not have enough, he plays \ all he has, gets a new hand, and plays more. To determine the \ challenge winner, add the values of all Attack cards played (ignoring \ Compromise cards) by each side, and treat the sum as one Attack card. \ (Deuce plays one additional card, while Procrastinator and the player \ opposing Decoy play two sets of cards.) If the loser played at least \ as many Compromise cards as the winner, he gets consolation. If one \ player played no Attack cards, he loses. If neither player played an \ Attack card, try to deal.) (DECLARES NUMBER OF CHALLENGE) (CARDS TO BE PLAYED) (MULTIPLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to mummify.) (After playing an Attack card in a challenge, instead of discarding it, you may mummify it by placing it on a planet where you have a base. In subsequent challenges, when that base is attacked, you add the mummified card to your total. Once mummified, a card remains with the planet for the rest of the game, but it only counts toward your total if you have your power and are defending the base with at least one token. You may mummify multiple cards on each base, but each card must be placed on a base with the fewest number of mummified cards. If you get this power from another player, mummified cards stay where they are and count toward your total on planets where you have bases.) (PROTECTS PLANETS) () (MUMMY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the) (power to see.) (Whenever another player obtains an Edict or Flare, he must show it to you. As a main player in a challenge, you may ask your opponent for a specific Edict or Flare. If he has it in his regular hand, he must give it to you. If you forget what has been shown to you, you may not ask to see the cards again.) (ASKS FOR EDICTS AND FLARES) () (MYSTIC) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in games with the Praw. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to manipulate.) (Whenever you use the cone, you may take up to 4 tokens belonging to other players from the Praw to your star disc. For each token you take, place a token of an extra color onto the cone. These tokens are now yours. You may mix and match your regular tokens with the extra color, but may have no more than 4 total on the cone. When one of the extra color tokens goes to the Warp, it is removed from the game, and you must release one token (your choice) from your star disc to the Warp. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases or loss of your power card, release all dead tokens from your star disc to the Warp and remove all necromancer tokens from the game.) (USES DEAD TOKENS)()(NECROMANCER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to disrupt.) (Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, you immediately draw half (rounding down) of the cards from your opponent's hand. (Do not look at them.) These cards can not be played during the challenge. If this leaves your opponent without challenge cards and he is on offense, his turn ends. If he is on defense, he draws new cards from the deck one at a time until he draws a challenge card which he must play. After the challenge, he retrieves the cards you "disrupted" away.) (TEMPORARILY REDUCES HAND) () (NOSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Mandatory) (You have) (no power.) () (WORTHLESS) () (NOTHING) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman () (Both) (You have the)(power to capture star discs.) (As the attacker, you may challenge the defender's star \ disc. No allies are allowed, otherwise the challenge proceeds \ normally; but the defensive player may not spend Lucre and he \ adds tokens on his star disc to his total. If you win the challenge, \ take his star disc. Your tokens there return to \ bases. If you lose, your tokens are captured on his star disc. While \ you hold a player's star disc, you control his Lucre and any tokens on \ it. You may spend the Lucre, and deal the tokens. Tokens and Lucre \ continue to be placed on the captured disc normally. A player may try \ to regain his star disc when he flips your color. No allies are \ allowed, and you add the tokens on his star disc to your total. If he \ wins the challenge, he reclaims the disc. If he loses, his tokens are \ captured on his own star disc. If you lose your power due to lack of \ home bases or your power card out of the game, captured discs are \ released.) (CAPTURES STARDISCS)()(NOVA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power of signs.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may call out "switch signs." All negative Attack cards become positive, and all positive Attack cards become negative.) (SWITCHES SIGNS)()(OBVERSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Hypnotist.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of hope.) (As the offensive player, each time you lose a challenge, you may do one of the following: take another challenge, discard your hand and immediately draw a new one, or discard one of your power cards, and draw a new one.) (EXPECTS BETTER AFTER LOSING) () (OPTIMIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to persuade.) (In any challenge in which both sides reveal Compromise cards, you may declare one side to be the winner. The losing main player receives consolation as though only he had played a Compromise.) (DECLARES WINNERS)(IN COMPROMISING SITUATIONS) (ORATOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Deflector.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of omnipotence.) (As the offensive player in a challenge, once the defensive player is determined, you may choose to attack that player on any planet in any system, including on a planet where he has no tokens.) (MAY ATTACK DEFENDER ANYWHERE) () (OVERLORD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to squirrel.) (On each challenge you may set aside one card you played instead \ of discarding it (despite Filch, Vulch, etc.). On any subsequent challenge, \ if you do not set aside a card, you may play one card from your stockpile. \ Once played, the stockpiled card is discarded normally.) (STOCKPILES CARDS)()(PACKRAT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Do not use with Macron.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of size.) (As a main player or ally in a challenge, if you have one token in the challenge, it counts as eight toward the total. Similarly, if you have two tokens involved, their combined value is five. Three tokens in a challenge are worth the normal three, and if you have four or more tokens, their combined value is one.) (VARIES TOKEN MASS)()(PARTICLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to work with.) (When you are an ally in a challenge, you may play an Attack card face down next to the card played by the main player on your side. If he reveals an Attack card, reveal your card which is added to your side's total (after all other value manipulations have taken place). If the player reveals a Compromise card, or if you are forced off the cone, return the card to your hand.) (PLAYS CARD AS ALLY) () (PARTNER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to muster defenses.) (As a main player in a challenge, you may commit up to four of your tokens from bases as allies. They are treated as any other normal allies.) (MAY ALLY WITH HIMSELF) () (PATRIOT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [:W] () (Optional) (You have the) (power to condition.) (As main player or ally in a challenge, before cards are played, you \ may give your opponent a Challenge card from your regular hand. If he \ plays that card, any tokens he loses as a result of the challenge \ outcome return to bases (if he is defensive player, they must leave \ the challenged planet or Moon), and he receives an additional reward \ of his choice of one token from the Warp or one card from the deck. If \ he does not play the card, after the challenge is resolved put any one \ of his tokens from a base into the Warp. These rewards and punishments \ apply to any challenge outcome, including failure to deal. After the \ challenge is resolved, you get back the card you gave your opponent, \ unless he played it.) (REWARDS OR PUNISHES)(OPPONENT)(PAVLOV) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game or with Auctioneer.) (Both) (You have the)(power of storage.) (Once per challenge, before cards are played, you may buy one token from the Warp (any color except your own) or an unrevealed card. The card may be a card that should go to another player, or a card which has been played but not revealed. The cost of the item is one Lucre (which you pay to the offended player.) To regain a card or token, a player must pay you 2 Lucre. After the challenge, any card which was not bought back is placed face up in your "store". These items may then be bought from you for two Lucre at any time by any other player when he is a main player in a challenge. If you lose your power, other players may still buy items you hold, but you may not take any more.) (BUYS OTHER PLAYERS' ITEMS)()(PAWNBROKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Hypocrite or Mimic.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of war and peace.) (You start the game at peace with all other players. A player at peace with you may not voluntarily attack you or ally against your side when you are a main player or ally. (Peace is broken if he has no choice.) You break peace with a player if you are a main player or ally on one side of a challenge, and they are on the other. You reestablish peace if you are allied on the same side of a challenge, or make a deal.) (MAKES PEACE) () (PEACEKEEPER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff - Modified by Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the)(power to sell points.) (In any challenge in which you are not a main player, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may sell either or both main players points, at a cost of two points per Lucre. Once bought, the points add to the player's total on any challenge in which he is a main player and you are not an opposing main player or ally. If you lose your power, points that have been bought count on all challenges, including those in which you oppose them. Players may exchange points in deals.) (TRADES IN TOKENS)()(PEDDLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to mutate.) (At the start of the game, after all other powers have been chosen, draw five extra Alien Power Cards, and arrange them in a stack in the order in which they will be used. Use the first as long as you have no external bases, the second when you have exactly one external base, the third when you have exactly two, and so forth. Only the active power need be revealed. You can use only the Super Flare for the Pentaform, not for the extra powers.) (HAS 5 LIFE STAGES)()(PENTAFORM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Both) (You have the)(power to dematerialize.) (At the start of the game, place five of your tokens on your star disc, and place 3 tokens on each home planet. As a main player in a challenge, you may add your tokens on your star disc to your total. Whether you win or lose the challenge, these tokens are unaffected and remain on the star disc. You may commit any of these tokens to an attack, but they lose their status as "Phantom tokens". When you retrieve tokens from the Warp or the cone, you may place them on your star disc, whereupon they become "Phantoms". If you lose your power, phantom tokens lose their value, but may still be moved normally.) (HAS PHANTOM FORCE)()(PHANTOM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Delegator, Immigrant, Siren or Worm.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to cross.) (Whenever someone attacks another player on a planet in a system other than your own, if you have a base on the corresponding planet in your home system, you may immediately take tokens from that base and move them to the base being attacked. You need not evacuate your base completely. You become the defensive player, and the challenge is figured normally. If you win the challenge, keep the base you have established, if you lose, the tokens go to the Warp. If you must try to deal, or if the challenge is not completed, return your tokens to bases. You must win the challenge before the base is officially yours for purposes of using other powers or winning the game.) (DEFENDS BASES) () (PHAZE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Census or Filth.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to restore bases.) (Whenever a player must vacate a planet base for any reason, you may offer to allow him to return tokens there from other bases in return for a base, cards, and/or Lucre. If he agrees, he puts tokens back on the base as if he never lost it (ie. the base was never empty for Invader or similar purposes).) (HEALS BASES) () (PHYSICIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to shield.) (At the start of the game, place a force field around one planet in each system. Write down the location of the force fields. When any player(s) tries to establish a base on a planet with a force field around it, the force field breaks, but prevents him from landing and he must return the tokens to other bases. Losing tokens on the base hit the force field, and remain there. If you are zapped, the force field is destroyed. At the start of your turn, replace any force fields that have been activated. The replacement force field may be on the same planet. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases or loss of your power card, the force fields remain around the planets, but you may not place new ones. If you get this power card once play has begun (except from another player), immediately set your force fields as above.) (PLACES FORCE FIELDS AROUND PLANETS)()(PHYSICIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Both) (You have the) (power to prosper.) (As a main player in a challenge, you collect one point for every opposing token lost as a direct result of the challenge outcome. Keep a running total of your points. At any time, you may buy a card or a token from the Warp for 1 point or a base in any system or a random power card for 25 points, but you may not buy more than four cards in this manner during any challenge.) (GAINS POINTS FOR WINNING) () (POINTER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to porkbarrel.) (Once per challenge, you may take exactly four tokens from the Warp \ and place them on any one planet of your choice, or take exactly four \ tokens from the Praw and place them in the Warp. You must include at \ least three tokens that are not your own. The owner(s) of the tokens \ vote (one vote per token) to decide whether to leave them where you \ put them or return them to the Warp or Praw. In the event of a tie, \ you cast an extra tie-breaking vote. Tokens you place on a base are \ not considered to have landed there until after the vote has allowed \ them to remain. If the vote causes the tokens to be returned to the Warp \ or Praw, you must return them there and also lose an additional token to the warp. You may not give any player his fifth external base \ in this manner.) (REMOVES TOKENS FROM WARP) () (POLITICIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Pete Dateo (Use only in a game with Lucre. Use only in a multiple power game.) (Both) (You have the) (power to buy power.) (At the start of the game, draw four extra power cards. Put them in any order you choose. When you have three or more Lucre, you have the first power. With five or more Lucre, you have the first and second powers. With seven or more Lucre, you have the first three powers. You have all four powers if you have nine or more Lucre.) (BUYS EXTRA POWERS)()(POWER BROKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Insect.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to sway beliefs.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may declare one planet that you share with your opponent to be an "ideological conference zone." If you win the challenge, your tokens there have "converted" your opponent's tokens to your side. Remove his tokens there from the game, and replace them with tokens of an extra color. These tokens are now yours. If you lose the challenge, half of your tokens on the base (rounding up) were captured in the failed effort. Place them on your opponent's star disc. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases, tokens of your extra color go to the Warp. If you lose this power card, your extra tokens are removed from the game, and any other players' tokens which had been "converted" are placed in the Warp.) (CONVERTS TOKENS) () (PREACHER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Demon, Oracle or Sorcerer.) (Both) (You have the) (power to put off.) (As a main player in a challenge, you play two challenge cards. After \ your opponent reveals his challenge card, you choose between your two \ challenge cards. Return the other card to your hand, and conclude the \ challenge based on your chosen card. If you have only one challenge \ card in your regular hand, it is as if you are out of challenge cards. \ Also, as the offensive player, place one token in the cone, and after \ cards are revealed, you may add up to three more tokens. In a \ challenge in which you are not a main player or ally, you may ally \ after cards have been revealed. A player who had not previously \ invited you to ally may also do so at this time. The results of the \ challenge are then determined normally.) (DELAYS DECISIONS) () (PROCRASTINATOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Gerald Katz () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to discount.) (If you lose a challenge as a main player, your allies don't go to the warp (instead they return to bases). Also, if you win a challenge as a main player, you receive a card or token from the warp for each of your tokens involved in the challenge. This ability is immune to the Cosmic Gas Edict.) (PROTECTS ALLIES)()(PROTECTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power over sanity.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may call for Sanity or Insanity. If you call for Sanity, for the rest of the challenge, no Powers, Moons, Edicts or Flares that can change the totals may be used (this includes mandatory powers), and no Kickers or Reinforcements may be played. When totals are computed, simply add each side's card plus tokens plus Lucre. Mandatory powers such as Anti-Matter, Macron, Victor, etc., are treated as though they had been Zapped (although players are still considered to have the use of the powers). If you call for Insanity, all optional powers that affect totals must be used, and all players who can do so, must play Kickers and Reinforcements.) (DECIDES COMPLEXITY)(OF CHALLENGE)(PSYCHIATRIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to terrorize.) (Whenever you should lose tokens to the Warp, you may designate another player to lose them instead. Replace your tokens on bases, and your victim places his tokens in the Warp. He may then take a card at random from your regular hand for each token you made him lose to the Warp. If you run out of cards, he may draw from the deck.) (CHOOSES OTHERS TO LOSE TOKENS) () (PSYCHO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [:W] () (Optional) (You have the) (power to punish.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played you may say to your opponent, "If you play an Attack card of value X or greater, I will put one of your tokens in the Warp," where X is the value of any Attack card in your hand, or 10 if you have no Attack cards. If your opponent does play such a card, after the challenge is over, take a token from any of his bases and put it in the Warp. After the challenge you must show the card from your hand to your opponent.) (THREATENS DIRE CONSEQUENCES)()(PUNISHER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Kickers.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of Kickers.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, you may play any wild Flare as the Kicker of your choice. After the challenge, it is discarded. ) (PLAYS FLARES AS KICKERS) () (PUNTER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the)(power to round off.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may call "Round off." You then declare whether the number on any Attack cards played will be rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 10. When the cards are revealed, determine the outcome of the challenge with the new numbers. A card that is already a multiple of 10 remains unchanged.) (ROUNDS OFF CARDS)()(QUANTUM) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to hijack.) (As the defensive player in a challenge in which you have tokens involved, before cards are played, you may take the cone and ransom it off to your attacker. You may demand a base, cards, or anything else possible under rules for making a deal. If he agrees, return the cone and conclude the challenge. If he does not agree, all tokens on the cone return to bases, you and the attacker each lose 3 tokens to the warp, and play passes.) (RANSOMS CONE TO ATTACKER) () (RAIDER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of machismo.) (Whenever any player is entitled to take consolation cards, you determine \ whether or not he may take them. Also, on any challenge in which players \ would be entitled to take rewards for a successful alliance, you determine \ whether players may receive them. You must allow all or none.) (CONTROLS CONSOLATION) (AND REWARDS) (RAMBO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to replay.) (As a main player, after challenge cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may call out "discard". The played challenge cards are discarded, and you and your opponent must choose another one.) (DUMPS PLAYED CARDS)()(RAPPER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in a game with Hazard cards. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to recycle hazards.) (Whenever another player must draw a Hazard card, you may offer to sell him any Hazard card from the discard pile for a fee of one or more Lucre. You may offer only one card, and your fee is not negotiable. If he accepts, take the Lucre, and give him the card he has bought. Once recycled, a Hazard card can not be used again, and is placed in a separate discard pile. If the player refuses your offer, he draws the top Hazard card normally.) (SELLS USED HAZARDS)()(RECYCLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to refine.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may force one type of challenge card to be discarded. You may name a specific value of Attack card or a Compromise card. Everyone (including yourself) must discard all cards of that value from their regular hand.) (MAKES EVERYONE DISCARD) (SPECIFIED CARDS) (REFINER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Peter Sarrett (Use only in a multiple power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to duplicate.) (On each challenge, you may use this power as one of your other powers. The replicated power can therefore be used twice in the same challenge (if appropriate). You may Assassinate twice, Trade hands twice, ask 2 Seeker questions in a challenge, etc. Should the original power be stopped, you can still use the duplicate. To use this power as the Changeling, swap this card for your opponent's.) (DUPLICATES OWN POWER) () (REPLICANT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre and multiple powers. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to repossess.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played you may take \ away one of your opponent's power cards unless he pays you 1 Lucre. \ If he doesn't pay you and you win the challenge, he may later reclaim \ his power for 2 Lucre (the original cost plus interest). If you don't \ win the challenge, return the power card. If you lose your power, \ those cards you hold can still be bought back, but you may not \ repossess any more.) (TAKES AWAY POWERS) () (REPO MAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power of reinforcement.) (You may use Attack cards from -6 to 6 as Reinforcements.) (USES OTHER CARDS)(AS REINFORCEMENTS)(RESERVE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [M:W] (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to sell from the deck.) (Once during each challenge, before cards are played, you may take the top card from the deck, place it face up in front of you, and auction it for Lucre. You cannot prevent any of the other players from participating, nor can you bid. The high bidder pays you and takes the card into his regular hand. If no one bids, you may buy the card for 1 Lucre or discard it.) (SELLS TOP CARD)(FOR LUCRE)(RETAILER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Phil Hill (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Both) (You have the)(power to usurp.) (You collect rewards from other players for each planet base you have in their home system. At the start of your turn (after you have drawn a new hand if necessary), each player in whose system you have one or more planet bases must pay you a Lucre (you may take the card of your choice from the regular hand of any player who can't pay you.) Whenever you reveal an Attack card, you may take an Attack card at random to add to yours from each player in whose system you have 2 or more bases (if they have one). Add the card(s) to your total after all other value manipulations have taken place and discard them normally. If you have 3 or more planet bases in a player's system, on each challenge you may use one of his powers and he may not. If you have 4 or more planets on a player's system, you may take the first challenge of his turn. If you have 5 or more bases on a system and have not won (as the result of Schizoid, Overtime, etc.), that player may not win the game either.) (GETS EXTRA GAINS FOR EXTERNAL BASES)()(REVOLUTIONARY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % UWash (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of welfare.) (In any challenge in which you are not a main player, immediately after the defensive player is determined, you may take the Lucre of the two main players and divide the Lucre equally between them. If the total amount of Lucre is odd, you keep the one extra Lucre for yourself.) (REDISTRIBUTES LUCRE)()(ROBIN HOOD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-Player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to sabotage.) (When you are not a main player or ally in a challenge, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may take one of the unrevealed challenge cards into your regular hand and, before looking at it, replace it with another challenge card from your regular hand. The player who played the original card now plays yours. He may not look at it until it is revealed. If the player you sabotaged wins the challenge, you receive a reward of one card from the deck, or one token from the Warp for every token he had in the challenge. If he loses or fails to deal, you lose to the Warp as many tokens as he does.) (REPLACES UNREVEALED) (CHALLENGE CARD) (SABOTEUR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game or with Psycho.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to die.) (Any time another player loses tokens to the warp, you may declare \ that you are sacrificing yourself in his place. The other player \ returns his tokens to bases and you place an equal number of your own \ into the warp. For each token lost in this manner, retrieve an \ additional token (from a color not in the game) to the warp. These \ tokens are now yours, and can be freed from the warp in the normal \ manner to become part of your force. If you lose your power, the \ second color tokens can no longer be retrieved from the warp. Any \ currently on bases remain there, but don't count toward your total in \ a challenge. When you don't have your power, Saint tokens that are on \ bases that you lose go to the warp. If you get this power from \ another player, immediately remove all of the extra tokens from the \ game.) (SACRIFICES TOKENS TO GAIN TOKENS) () (SAINT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to sell.) (You start the game with an extra seven card hand. This is your "sales bag." Once per challenge, you may offer to sell any card or cards to any player who co-occupies a base with you or who is allied on the same side of a challenge. During this "sales call," you may reveal as much or as little as you want about the item(s) you are offering for sale. The sale price must be in Lucre. Also, at the start of your turn, you may discard any unwanted cards from your sales bag, and replenish cards at the rate of two cards per Lucre. You may never have more than 7 cards in your sales bag. If you draw this power after play has begun, immediately draw a "sales bag".) (SELLS CARDS)()(SALESMAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game, or with Filth.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to return home.) (As a main player in a challenge, before challenge cards are revealed, you may threaten to return one of your opponent's bases to his home system. He may choose to abandon the challenge and return his tokens to other bases (you win the challenge and played challenge cards and Kickers are discarded), or play out the challenge normally. If he continues with the challenge and loses, return all of his tokens on the chosen base to a planet in his home system where he has no tokens. Players with five home bases are immune to your power.) (RETURNS BASES HOME) () (SALMON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to orbit.) (As a main player, before cards are played, you may declare that everyone (including yourself) must pass their highest (or lowest) Attack card to the player on their left (or right). A player without Attack cards must pass a compromise. A player without challenge cards must pass a Kicker, Reinforcement or Safety. A player with only Edicts and Flares must pass one. A player without cards does not participate in the card orbit.) (MOVES CARDS AROUND TABLE) () (SATELLITE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Hazard cards.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to stop hazards.) (You may offer to neutralize the effect of a Hazard card on another player in return for a base, cards, Lucre or tokens. If he accepts, take what is offered, and the Hazard does not take effect. You may not neutralize your own Hazard card.) (PREVENTS HAZARDS FOR A FEE) () (SAVIOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone - Modified by Peter Dateo () (Optional) (You have the) (power of recovery.) (Whenever you are to take consolation cards from another player or reward cards from the deck, you may instead take one card from anywhere \ in the discard pile. ) (CHOOSES REWARDS AND CONSOLATION) () (SCAVENGER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a two player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to poison.) (As a main player, after cards are played but before they are revealed, you may remove opposing tokens from the cone. You may take up to the number of tokens you have in the challenge. The tokens are placed in the warp and the result of the challenge is then figured normally.) (REMOVES TOKENS FROM CONE) () (SCORPION) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to pickpocket.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may take a card at random from your opponent's regular hand. You may keep it or return it and draw a card from one of his allies, which you may keep or return. You may continue taking cards until you have found one you like, or until you run out of opposing players to draw from. Once you choose to draw, you must keep one of the cards, and you may not draw from the same player twice.) (TAKES CARD FROM OPPONENT) () (SCOUNDREL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of intrigue.) (When you have tokens in another player's system (either on a planet base or on his star disc), you may spy on him. You may look at any cards he obtains, secret powers or moons he has not revealed, and any Kickers he plays. Once per challenge, you may force a player to reveal a secret power or moon you have seen, but only if such revelation will have an immediate effect. Also, in each challenge in which you are not a main player or ally, you may force a player to play one non-challenge card you have seen (at the appropriate time).) (SPIES ON) (OTHER PLAYERS)(SECRET AGENT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power over the future.) (At the end of your turn, you may rearrange the destiny pile, placing the star discs that remain in any order you wish.) (REARRANGES DESTINY PILE) () (SEER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Do not use in a 2-player game. Do not use with Politician.) (Both) (You have the)(power to patrol.) (Start the game with 4 extra tokens around each home planet. At the start of each player's turn you may "go on patrol" in that player's system. Ring 1-4 of your patrol tokens around a planet or moon in that system. When tokens attempt to land on a new base (even after winning a challenge) they must first defeat your patrol. This battle is treated as an extra challenge with you as defender. If you are main player or ally, tokens on your side land normally. Tokens on patrol are not considered to be on bases. Patrol tokens retrieved from the Warp may return to any patrol. If you have your power and no patrols, you may restore a patrol on 1 home planet when you retrieve a patrol token from the Warp. If you lose your power patrol tokens remain, but do not count.) (PROTECTS PLANETS)()(SENTINEL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to guard.) (Whenever another player tries to take tokens from the warp, he must pay you a Lucre to do so. If he has no Lucre, he must give you a card at random from his hand instead. You may keep the card or discard it. If he has no Lucre or cards, the player may not retrieve his tokens from the warp, but once he has paid you, he may continue to retrieve tokens for the remainder of the challenge without having to pay again.) (GUARDS TOKENS IN WARP) () (SENTRY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of temptation.) (Before cards are revealed in a challenge, you may tempt any player with tokens in the challenge. You may offer him Lucre or tokens from your star disc or cards from your regular hand. If he accepts, he moves his own tokens back to bases and sends all other tokens from his side to the Warp, but he must leave a single token of the offensive or defensive player. Then play out the challenge normally.) (LEADS OTHERS ASTRAY)()(SERPENT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of darkness.) (Each time that you should lose tokens to the warp (except as the result of using other powers such as Saint or Martyr), take them. Place them in one of your hands and put your hands behind you. Ask another player to pick a hand. If he chooses the one with your tokens in it, the tokens go to the warp. If he chooses your empty hand, your tokens were able to hide and are thus unaffected. They remain on the planet base if you have lost a challenge as the defender, or were Assassinated, Revolted, the victim of a Terrorist bomb, etc. or return to bases if you have been Vacuumed, failed to deal, or lost as the offensive player or an ally. Tokens that successfully Shadow after losing a moon challenge must return to other bases.) (TOKENS AVOID DANGERS) () (SHADOW) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with more than 6 players.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of hunger.) (You must sit out the game for one challenge, after which you give this power card to any player who is not currently a main player. You take over his position in the game; his hand, power(s), etc. He must now sit out one challenge and may then "cut in" on a player as you did.) (CUTS IN ON GAME) () (SHARK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to herd.) (As the attacker in a challenge, for each token that you take from a planet base, you may pull one additional token belonging to another player from that base onto the cone. You may not take tokens belonging to the defensive player. Players that you force to ally with you may not ally on the other side (unless their power allows them to ally on both sides), but they may commit more tokens to your side, so long as they end up with no more than 4 each.) (BRINGS ALLIES ALONG) () (SHEPHERD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use with Dragon.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to purchase wisely.) (Whenever you buy cards, you may buy them from one other player's regular hand (if he has enough cards). You may ask for specific cards or types of cards. If the player has the card(s), he must give it to you, otherwise he gives you any card he chooses. You may not buy from your direct opponent.) (BUYS CARDS FROM OTHERS)()(SHOPPER) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Amidon () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of varied appearance.) (At the start of the game, draw one alien power card for each player in the game. Assign one power card to each system. On each challenge, you have the use of the power assigned to the defensive system.) (DEFENSIVE SYSTEM) (DETERMINES POWER)(SIDON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to slime.) (If another player directly prevents you from taking a game action, he \ must pay you a Lucre. This is limited to the following: buying cards \ or tokens; allying; getting consolation or rewards; using a power; playing a \ card; revealing a secret power or moon;landing on a base; or taking a turn. \ If a player can not pay you, he may not prevent you from taking the action \ even if doing so is mandatory (ie. Filth.)) (GAINS REVENGE)()(SLIMER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to squeal.) (Once during every turn, you may look at any unrevealed item in the game, including a hidden power, an unrevealed moon, Schizoid's terms, Miser's Hoard, the location of Terrorist's Bombs, predictions made by wild Medium or wild Prophet, or the location of wild Pirate's treasure. You may peek at the top 2 cards in the deck, Flare deck, or Hazard deck; the top 2 discs in the destiny pile; or two random cards from another player's hand. You may not look at a card that has been played face down. At any time, a player may offer you a Lucre to reveal a specific secret to him. You may choose to accept the Lucre unless you don't know the information. If the information involves another player, he may pay you a Lucre to keep quiet. You must accept his payment, and may not divulge the information until it is requested again on another challenge.) (REVEALS SECRETS) () (SNITCH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with moons.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to invade.) (Whenever a disc is flipped in the destiny pile, if you occupy a moon in the system of that color, you may move all of your tokens from one moon there to any planet in the same system. In a game with the Dictator, he determines the disc color.) (TAKES OVER PLANETS VIA MOONS) () (SOLDIER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of movement.) (Each time that your color is actually flipped in the destiny pile, you may do one of the following: Rearrange all of your tokens on bases as you wish; Move all of your tokens from one planet base to another planet base in the same system; Move all of your tokens from a moon to an unoccupied moon in the same system; Move all of your tokens from the warp to bases; Move all of your tokens from the Praw to the Warp; Move all of your tokens from one other player's star disc to the Praw (or the Warp if no Praw); Move all of your tokens in any form of captivity (in the Void, under the Fungus, in control of the Super Zombie, etc.) to one other player's star disc.) (MOVES TOKENS AROUND) () (SPIRIT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to peek.) (As an ally in a challenge in which you are not also a main player, after cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may look at one of the cards played. You may then choose to abandon your alliance and return your tokens to bases.) (SEES PLAYED CARD AS ALLY) () (SPY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to remain.) (Once any of your tokens have landed on external planet bases, they can not be removed for any reason by any player (including yourself.) So long as you have your power, even the Filth can not remove you from a base if you were there first. If you lose your power, tokens co-occupying a base with the Filth must leave.) (CAN NOT BE REMOVED) () (STAIN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of powers.) (At the start of the game, after all other powers are determined, you choose any power that is not in the game to use (so long as it does not conflict with any power that is already revealed). For determining a super Flare, your power is still considered to be the Superhero.) (CHOOSES OWN POWER) () (SUPERHERO) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of audacity.) (As a main player in a challenge, when calculating your total, multiply any Attack card you play by the number of tokens opposing you. Then add in your tokens and calculate normally.) (USES OPPOSING FORCES) (AGAINST THEMSELVES) (SWASHBUCKLER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power to attack from behind.) (Whenever you reveal a Compromise card in a challenge, you may alter it to be an Attack 15.) (PLAYS COMPROMISE CARDS AS ATTACK 15)()(TAILGUNNER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to be cute.) (When you share a base with another player, and one or more of that player's tokens leave that base one of your tokens from that base may follow each of the other player's tokens wherever they go (except to a moon and unless prevented by the Gorgon). Place each "mascot" token beside the token it follows. Such "mascot" tokens do not participate in a challenge (eg, they are not added to their side's total, they do not cause you to be an ally with their side). Mascot tokens must follow their host until the end of the challenge, at which point they stay wherever their host took them.) (FOLLOWS OTHERS' TOKENS AROUND) () (TEDDY BEAR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Invader, Machine, or Wraith.) (Optional) (You have the)(power of infestation.) (Instead of challenging a base in the system whose color you actually flip, you may ring 1-4 tokens around one planet there. Each time a color is actually flipped, if you have "termite" tokens in the system, you may devour to the Warp up to one token from each planet you have infested for each of your termites there. If a planet you ring is vacant when the color is actually flipped, your termite tokens may land there. You may increase your termites with tokens you retrieve from the Warp or return from the cone, although they are not considered to be on bases. Also whenever another player actually flips your color, instead of his challenge, he may exterminate to the Warp up to one termite token for each token he has on infested planets. If you lose your power card or use of your power due to lack of home bases, termites go to the Warp.) (INFESTS PLANETS)()(TERMITE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use with Invader. Use only in a multiple power game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of regeneration.) (Immediately upon losing your third home base, replace tokens on it from other bases. You do not lose your powers; instead you replace your other powers with ones taken at random from those not in the game.) (REGENERATES POWERS) () (TIMELORD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2 or 3-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to fawn.) (At the start of the game, after powers are distributed, select and announce one other player as your "lord" or "lady". Whenever your lord is a main player: you may ally with him without being invited; you may not ally against him, unless forced by the Magnet (but his opponent, for example the Grudge, can still invite you); before cards are played in the challenge, you may give your lord any cards from your hand, or use your own Lucre to buy cards and give them to him (you may look at them); and you may give him any or all of your Lucre before cards are revealed. If your lord wins, you share in his win.) (HELPS ANOTHER TO) (A SHARED WIN) (TOADY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to inflict pain.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may do one of the following to your opponent unless he pays you a Lucre: -Remove 2 of his tokens to the warp (he chooses the tokens). -Force him to discard all of his Kickers and Reinforcements. -Force him to discard all of his Attack cards. -Force him to discard all of his Edicts. -Force him to discard all of his Flares.) (PUNISHES OPPONENT) () (TORTURER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Mark Katzoff (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to retrieve.) (If any other player involuntarily loses cards, tokens, Lucre, or power cards (except to another player), you may offer to retrieve the lost item(s) for that player in return for a base, cards, tokens, or Lucre. If he accepts, take what is offered and give him back the lost item. The player may not make a counter offer.) (FINDS LOST ITEMS)()(TRACER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Delegator.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to betray.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, you may ally against yourself. Your tokens may come from a base which you are defending, although you may not evacuate it completely. You need not be asked to ally and your tokens are considered as normal allies for purposes of gaining a base or collecting rewards, except that the reverse cone does not affect your "traitors".) (ALLIES AGAINST SELF) () (TRAITOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of tolls.) (As a main player or ally in a challenge, each opposing ally must pay you a Lucre. Your opponent in the challenge may pay the Lucre for any player that he wants as an ally who can not pay you. Allies who were on the cone before you must pay you or return to bases. If a player is forced to ally against you, and he can't pay you, take the card of your choice from his hand.) (CHARGES OPPOSING ALLIES A FEE)()(TROLL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to shorten.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are played, but before they are revealed, you may call out "truncate". Once final totals are calculated, the outcome is determined by the last digit of each side's total. Negative totals remain negative.) (SIMPLIFIES TOTALS)()(TRUNCATER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Andy Latto (Use only a game with Hazard cards.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to create Hazards.) (At the start of the game (or when you acquire this power card), immediately take three random Hazard cards from the deck and add them to your regular hand. Also, whenever you win a challenge as a main player or ally, take a Hazard card from the deck and place it in your regular hand. Whenever you lose a challenge as main player or ally, give your opponent a Hazard card from your hand if you have one. Hazard cards may be part of a player's hand like any other card. If any other player has Hazard cards in his hand at the beginning of his turn, they all take effect (in the order of his choice) at the very beginning of his turn (before getting another hand). They are then discarded. When you need to draw a new hand, keep any Hazard cards that you hold. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases or lost power card, discard all Hazard cards in your hand, but Hazard cards in other player's hands continue to take effect. At the start of your turn, you may fill up your hand with random Hazards until you have three.) (KEEPS HAZARDS IN HAND)()(TSUNAMI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to burrow.) (Start the game with an empty planet hex to your left. (With the Terrorist, these are planets 6 through 10.) Whenever you should lose tokens directly from a base in your primary system to the warp, they go to the corresponding base on the other system instead. (Tokens go from the middle base to the middle, the far left to the far left, etc.) Once on the second system, they can be attacked as if they were on a base in your primary system. Tokens lost from these bases go to the warp. To lose your power, you must have fewer than 3 home bases on the two systems combined. If you lose your power, bases in the second system still count for other players who have them, but no new challenges can be made there. If you get this power card after play has begun, place an additional hex to your left.) (DEFENDS TWO SYSTEMS) () (TUNNELER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with the Praw.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to colorize.) (Each time another player's color is actually flipped in the destiny pile, you may move all of his tokens from the Warp to the Praw. Replace the tokens moved from the Warp with tokens of another color (not in the game). These tokens are treated as if they were your color as long as you have this power. If you lose this power, these tokens can no longer move, and don't count towards occupancy of a base or critical mass. If you lose this power card, all of these tokens are immediately removed from the game.) (COLORIZES TOKENS) () (TURNER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power to rearrange cards.) (As a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may mix up cards. Shuffle your regular hand together with an equal number of cards from the top of the deck and the same number of cards from the top of the discard pile. If there are not enough cards in the discard pile, take extra cards from the deck to make up the difference. After shuffling, randomly replace the cards such that each source (your hand, the deck and the discard pile) ends up with the number of cards it started with.) (MIXES UP HIS CARDS) () (TWISTER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of wealth.) (At the start of each of your turns, you collect a Lucre for each planet base that you occupy instead of the normal 1 Lucre.) (COLLECTS EXTRA LUCRE) (FOR PLANET OCCUPANCY) (TYCOON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to rub it in.) (Whenever you are not a main player in a challenge, if another player \ reveals an Attack card and loses, you may take random cards from his \ regular hand, up to the number of tokens he lost in the challenge. He \ may pay you 2 Lucre to refrain.) (TAKES CARDS FROM LOSER) () (TYRANT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Wretch.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to come from behind.) (If you are a main player and should lose a challenge in which both you and your opponent played Attack cards, if your opponent's total is more than double your total (after all other value manipulations have taken place), then you win instead. If either total ends up negative, you win if the absolute value of your opponent's total is more than double the absolute value of your total.) (WINS WHEN FAR BEHIND) () (UNDERDOG) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to bury.) (Whenever another player should lose tokens to the warp, you take them. (This takes place before the Psycho or Saint may act.)\ He must pay you a Lucre to put them in the warp. If he can't or won't pay you, you keep the tokens on your star disc. (A player may save himself from the Void by refusing to pay you.) As part of a deal, you may later free them to the warp. If you lose your power due to loss of your power card or lack of home bases, tokens you hold are freed to the warp.) (PUTS TOKENS INTO WARP FOR A FEE) () (UNDERTAKER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of immunity.) (As the defensive player in a challenge, no one may ally against you (even Parasite or Traitor).) (FACES NO ALLIES AS DEFENDER) () (VACCINE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to rummage.) (Whenever you buy cards or get a new hand, you may draw cards from the deck or the discard pile. If you draw them from the discard pile, you draw from the top. All cards must come from the same place, and if there are not enough in the discard pile you must draw from the deck.) (DRAWS CARDS FROM DISCARD PILE) () (VAGABOND) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to suck.) (On each challenge in which you are not a main player, before cards are played, you may do one of the following: take one card at random from each main player's regular hand and discard them; take one Lucre from each main player and return them to the box, or take one token from a planet base belonging to each main player (his choice) and put them in the warp.) (SUCKS AWAY) (CARDS, TOKENS, AND LUCRE) (VAMPIRE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to disintegrate.) (As the attacker in a challenge, immediately after the defensive player is determined, you may disintegrate his regular hand, causing him to discard it and draw seven new cards.) (DISCARDS OPPONENT'S HAND) () (VAPORIZER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2 or 3-player game or with Delegator or Demon.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of ventriloquism.) (On each challenge in which you are not a main player, you may select another non-main player as your dummy. For the rest of the challenge, your dummy may not speak on his own behalf; instead, you speak for him. For example, you accept or decline his invitations to ally with others, you cast votes for him, you negotiate deals for him (although you may not force him to accept a deal with you), etc. He plays his own cards (although you explain any that require explanation), determines the number of tokens he puts in the cone, and decides which bases to move tokens to/from. The Silencer may prevent you from speaking on your own behalf or from speaking on behalf of your dummy, but not both.) (SPEAKS FOR OTHER PLAYERS) () (VENTRILOQUIST) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman - Keep track with British Cones () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to gain rank.) (Whenever one of your tokens is involved in winning a challenge as a main player or ally, it increases its rank by one. In future challenges, each token's value is equal to its rank. Whenever a token with a rank above one is involved in losing a challenge when you are a main player or ally, its rank is returned to one.) (BETTER LIVING)(THROUGH WINNING)(VICTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use in a 2-player game. Do not use in a game with Oracle.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of charges.) (As a main player in a challenge, when your opponent uses his power you gain one "charge" for use of that power in a succeeding challenge. In a multiple power game, you accumulate one charge for each power used during a challenge, but you may use only one charge per challenge.) (GAINS TEMPORARY) (USE OF POWERS) (WAND) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rick Katz () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to imprison.) (Whenever another player should lose tokens to the Warp as a direct result of a challenge in which he is the attacker and both players have played Attack cards, you imprison them on your star disc. In any challenge in which you are a main player, if you hold tokens belonging to your opponent, you must free one to the Warp. You may also parole tokens to the Warp as part of a deal. If you lose your power, you must still parole tokens normally, but may not offer them in a deal.) (IMPRISONS LOSING TOKENS) () (WARDEN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the) (power over loss.) (For each of your tokens that goes to the Warp, you may take a card from the top of the deck.) (DRAWS CARDS FOR TOKENS LOST) () (WARLOCK) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the) (power to incite.) (Once per challenge you may do one of the following (under appropriate conditions): -Forbid deals. -Nullify any action which has the effect of changing an Attack card into a Compromise card. -Force one player involved in a challenge (main or ally) to commit his maximum number of tokens in that challenge. -Forbid attacks on unoccupied planets. -Forbid consolation.) (INCITES PLAYERS TO RECKLESSNESS) () (WARLORD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman () (Optional) (You have the)(power to stockpile.) (At the start of your turn (after you have drawn a new hand if necessary), you may place Attack cards from your regular hand face down on planets you occupy. You may place only one card per planet. When challenged on a planet which has a stockpiled "missile", after totals are computed, if you played an Attack card, you may turn over the stockpiled card to add to your total. Once fired, or if the base is lost, the card is discarded. Also, in a challenge, instead of playing a challenge card normally, you may instead fire one of your "missiles" (as the defender, this may come from a planet other than the one being attacked). You need not take a new hand when you are out of challenge cards if you have stockpiled "missiles". If you get this power once play has begun, it there are any "missiles" on bases you occupy, you may fire them normally (but may not look at them first). Any "missiles" remaining on bases you do not occupy are discarded.) (FIRES MISSILES)()(WARMONGER) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % [O:W] () (Optional) (You have the)(power to replace your hand.) (As a main player in a challenge, before Challenge cards are played, you may discard your regular hand and draw a new seven card hand from the deck. If you are offensive player and have no Challenge cards after doing so, your turn immediately ends and tokens return to bases. If you are the defensive player, continue discarding your hand (playing Edicts and Flares as desired) and drawing a new one until you get a hand with Challenge cards. This power may be used only once per challenge.) (MAY DISCARD HAND)()(WASTREL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with moons.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of the moon.) (When you are a main player in a challenge, if you occupy a moon in the system where the challenge is occurring, your total in the challenge (after all other manipulations have taken place) is doubled.) (DOUBLES TOTAL WHEN ON MOONS)()(WEREWOLF) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Mentor or Plant.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of growth.) (At the start of each challenge, take a token from a color that is not in the game and place it on one of your bases. Tokens of the other color(s) are treated as if they were the same as your primary color. There is no limit to your growth, but if you lose your power card to another player or out of the game, all of your extra tokens are removed from the game. If you lose your power due to lack of home bases, you may not use your Weed tokens.) (GROWS EXTRA TOKENS) () (WEED) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to pull.) (When you lose tokens to the warp from a base that you share with other players, you pull all of their tokens from that base into the warp. If you still have other tokens there, they remain on the base (as when the Assassin takes one of your tokens from a base.)) (TAKES BASES TO WARP) () (WHIRLPOOL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ed Lopez - Modified by Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to sell yourself.) (As the defensive player in a challenge against a planet base where you have tokens, before allies are called for, you may offer to allow the attacker to land on the base in exchange for a base, cards, tokens, or Lucre. If he agrees, it is treated as a successful deal. If he doesn't agree, you each lose 3 tokens to the Warp and play passes.) (OFFERS BASE TO ATTACKER) () (WHORE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Use only in a game with Lucre.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to chicken out.) (You start the game with 4 extra Lucre. As the defensive player in a \ challenge, immediately after the defensive base is chosen, you may buy \ off the attacker. Pay him a Lucre for each of his tokens on the \ cone. He must return them to bases and play passes. If you don't \ have enough Lucre to buy him off and you lose the challenge, collect 1 \ Lucre from the box for each of your tokens that are lost to the warp \ as a result of the attack. You do not collect Lucre if you fail to \ deal. If you get this power card after play has begun, except from another \ player, take 4 Lucre from the box.) (BACKS OUT OF CHALLENGE) () (WIMP) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Ben Berman (Use only in a game with moons.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power to moon.) (Whenever a token of yours enters the Warp, draw a moon and place it underneath. Treat it as if you had just landed there. You may reveal secret moons in the Warp at any time. If tokens go to the Warp simultaneously, reveal Immediate moons first in any order you choose, then Continuing. Once tokens leave the Warp, the moons are discarded. Choice, Moon Wraith, Nomad, Moon Win, and Gateway moons are worthless in the Warp.) (USES MOONS)(IN WARP)(WITCH DOCTOR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power to accumulate.) (Whenever you lose a challenge as a main player or ally, draw a new power card. Power cards accumulate until you gain an external base, when you must discard them.) (COLLECTS POWERS) () (WIZARD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Do not use with Census, Insect, Mentor, or Plant.) (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of invisibility.) (At the start of the game, place one token on each of your home \ planets. Place the remaining tokens in reserve. Whenever you use the \ cone, place one token on the cone and secretly set aside 0-3 more from \ your reserve. Whenever you gain a base, place only one token on it. \ When you are the defensive player on a base where you have a token, \ secretly set aside 0-3 tokens to help defend. When cards are \ revealed, reveal your hidden tokens. Also, whenever you lose a token, \ except as the result of a challenge, the token comes from your \ reserve, even if it is to be chosen by another player. If you lose \ your power for any reason, divide your reserves among your bases.) (KEEPS TOKENS)(OFF BOARD)(WRAITH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Mandatory) (You have the) (power of misery.) (If you lose a challenge by 10 or more points, the challenge is considered an overkill. All tokens on both sides go to the warp and both players are considered to have lost the challenge.) (CAUSES OVERKILL) () (WRETCH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Peter Sarrett - Modified by Matt Stone () (Both) (You have the) (power to shapeshift.) (At the start of the game after all other powers have been determined, pick a power at random. After you have actually used that power once, discard it and immediately draw a new one at random. Each time you use this power, repeat the process. You may not "shapeshift" more than twice per challenge. If you have already changed powers twice in a challenge and use your power, discard it. You must then wait until the start of the next challenge to draw a new power. Also, at the start of your turn, if you have not yet used your power, you may discard it. Pick a new one once the next challenge starts.) (CONTINUALLY CHANGES POWER) () (XENOMORPH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- () (Optional) (You have the)(power of duplication.) (Once per challenge, you may copy the use of one non-challenge card played by another player so long as you have the ability to use it at the same time. If the card is an Edict or Flare, your use must come immediately after his. To Xerox a Kicker, after your opponent announces that he is playing a Kicker, you may do so also, even if you have none. When he reveals his Kicker, it also affects the card you played. Cards which are passed to another player or "exchanged" in some manner may not be Xeroxed as you do not have the ability to pass/exchange the card.) (COPIES CARDS)()(XEROX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone () (Optional) (You have the)(power to be abominable.) (At the start of your turn, you may discard an Attack card valued between 1 and 10. Throw that many tokens belonging to other players into the warp. Tokens may come from anywhere, but you may not take a player's last token from any base, nor can you take more than half of the tokens from any one player.) (KILLS TOKENS WITH CARDS)()(YETI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matt Stone (Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the)(power to reverse.) (As a main player in a challenge, after cards are down but before they are revealed, you may call out "invert". When the outcome is determined, winning offensive allies get defensive rewards, and winning defensive allies land on the base. (If the reverse cone is in effect during the challenge, you may cause normal cone rules to apply.)) (REVERSES CONE)()(YING-YANG) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a multiple-power game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power to gust.) (At the start of your turn, you may pass this power card to the player on your right. Every other player must then pass one of his power cards (his choice) to the player on his right. Everyone keeps their new power until the Zephyr gusts again.) (MOVES POWERS AROUND TABLE) () (ZEPHYR) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Use only in a game with more than 6 players.) (Both) (You have the) (power to kibitz.) (You get no hex, tokens, cards, etc. Write down the player you think will win the game. If he wins, you join him in the win. (For higher stakes, also write down how many others will also win. If wrong, you lose, if right, you win alone.) To help mold the outcome, you may look at anything in the game at any time (hands, secret powers, hidden writings, the deck, etc.) You may tell anyone anything you like, publicly or privately, including lies. You are not affected by any power or card except a Cosmic Zap, which can prevent an action you take, but can not deprive you of a win.) (TRIES TO MOLD OUTCOME) (OF GAME) (ZILCH) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Aaron Fuegi with thanks to Steve Jackson (Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.) (Optional) (You have the) (power of priveleged attacks.) (As the offensive player, you may pay 1 Lucre to the box at the start of your challenge, or 2 Lucre immediately after the destiny pile is flipped (and before ALL other powers that occur after the flip), to declare the challenge "privileged". No non-main player may interfere (ally, play cards, use optional powers or use mandatory powers that require any type of decision) in a privileged attack unless forced/allowed to by the actions (card play or power use) of one of the main players and then only in direct response/compliance with that action.) (MAKES PRIVELEGED ATTACKS) () (BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Aaron Fuegi with thanks to Steve Jackson () (Mandatory) (You have the)(power of confusion.) (Attacks made in your system by players other than you are made against a random target. When a player attacks in your system, make a list of all possible legitimate targets and then randomly select one of those targets by any method the players agree upon. If there are multiple players that can legitimately be attacked on the randomly chosen target (example: a co-occupied moon), the attacker may choose which player to attack.) (IS ATTACKED RANDOMLY)()(BERMUDA TRIANGLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Aaron Fuegi with thanks to Steve Jackson () (Optional) (You have the)(power to neutralize.) (After cards are revealed in a challenge in which you are the attacker, you may call out "neutralize" and add or subtract 10 points from your side's total. However, if you end up winning a challenge in which you called "neutralize", neither you nor your allies (with regular cone) gain the base; instead you all receive standard defensive rewards and return to other bases. The losing side still loses their tokens and the defender loses the base.) (NEUTRALIZES BASES)()(KILLER) -----------------------------------------------------------------------