The MIT ruleset (after passing through several authors is now in my hands. I will put it after this intro, and also have it on my web page at Eventually it will make it to the MIT-SGS homepage. Comsic Encounter Titan (in the MIT version) is horribly unbalanced. The best method to deal with this is the auction method listed in the intro. Still, it provides a bit of fun, and is worth playing occasionally. Many thanks to Bo-Yin Yang who was the person who did most of the creation for the MIT version, though his may have been derivative of others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no formal copyright, but please mention MIT SGS and "The Warroom" if you copy these rules. I (Bo-Yin Yang) thank Dwight Brown, Dan Shoham, Matt Tomlinson, David Resnick, and Joe Roach for play-testing about four or five hundred games, even if under somewhat trying circumstances ..... (e.g. late at night, or early in the morning). CMU may have produced the first net-known version and many of the powers here are based on theirs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I (David Finberg) am the current keeper of the MIT CETitan rules. I have begun the long and tedious process of clearing up wordings, resolving disputes, and toning down some of the more insane powers (read phoenix) which are unplayable at any bid. My current address is and I welcome all comments, questions, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE Titan is a Titan Variant involving Cosmic Encounter like, individual powers for each player. Each power breaks the rules in a predetermined manner. The interaction of the powers makes the game a lot more complicated and in many ways more fun, even though the depth of play stays roughly the same. S is for the initial set-up. B stands for Battle Powers. These only applies during battle resolution. M stands for masterboard powers. These applies throughout the player's turn. T is for modified Titan characters. Notes on general rules applicable to all powers: * Speed 1 characters, if any, are NEVER slowed during transit. * For play-balance, we prefer the MIT variant of set-up, where towers are non-adjacent and order is completely random. There is also a "No T T-T T on T1 rule": Titan cannot teleport Tower-to-tower on turn 1. * When we say "fight(s) at", point counting does NOT change. * Where applicable Rangestriking for skill 2 has a 3 range unless otherwise specified. Rangestrikes cannot damage lords unless otherwise specified. * Line of Sight for range >4 is still set by line between centers of hexes. * When a player with multiple Titans lose one, it does not end the battle. * When a stack has only "Special" characters left, it is usually a mutual. * in case of rules conflict not taken care of, lower number gets precedence. * unless explicitly mentioned, a stack in battle may only add one piece per turn * +'s represent very strong powers, ! represent powers that verge on being broken, and !! represent unplayable powers (as written). These notes have been added for my (DF) purposes. As a guideline, +'s may go for 1-200 points, while ! often go for 250-350 (or more). However, bidding is VERY dependent on what powers are available. I make no promises about the rankings, but I have played a large number of times. Clairfications (ADF - * In all cases where a player has the option of using his stack marker as a piece in the battle the following applies: Stack markers are not points when not entered onto the battle board; they are points when entered. Adding a piece in battle costs you points in the end. * Some powers cause a reduction in skill and corresponding reduction in movement for pieces. The movement reduction does NOT affect skill 2/3 creatures on their very first move onto the battle board. It does, however, affect base skill 4 creatures. * With powers that increase the movement abilities of your pieces, on attack you can NOT move in such a way as to force MORE pieces off the board (unable to enter) than would be the case with normal movement pieces. You can, of course, within this restriction make the defender move into very bad positions just so long as he can get on the board at all. (ADF) BIDDING RULES: For best play balance ... The problem with CE is that there are often screw combos where one player starts at a huge disadvantage. This is also true here and we allow each player to change his/her own chances with bidding in points. To start, randomly draw N powers from the set, where N is the number of players. Each player then secretly writes down a non-negative integer (the "bid") for each power and everyone reveals a set of bids simultaneously. The variant in which N+1 powers are drawn and bid for is also playable. The highest bid for ALL the powers is determined, and that player is assigned the power for which he made that bid. S/he may choose the one of his liking if the same bid was made for more than one power. If there is a tie, then if either has made an equal bid on another power, s/he takes the other power. Otherwise, the tie is resolved randomly. Take the power and the player out of the cycle and repeat as necessary to assign everyone a power. Each player then starts with points equal to the negative of his/her final The starting towers, starting as separated as possible, are randomly determined, and then the order of play is also randomly determined, and the game begins. To acquire an Angel, a player must be at a multiple of 100 and have _at least_ gained that many points since the start of the game. So someone starting at -87 will not acquire an angel at 0, but someone who started at -100 will. Titan strength is calculated normally (6+floor(score/100)), and anytime anyone end up with a Titan strength of 0 or less, s/he is eliminated. If there are special Acquisition or Titan strength modifications, just change the numbers. Similarly, Teleportation is still gained at a 10 point titan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 ENT: Of the trees, By the trees, and For the trees. M1- In a treed terrain (Jungle, Hills, Woods, or Swamp), you may always recruit with one less Cyclops, Minotaur, Warbear, or Troll than is usually needed. B1- Trees do not hinder your movement or rangestrikes. While in a tree, your chars each gain 1 die striking out, and a non-tree-native (not recruitable in treed terrain) enemy loses 1 skill attacking into a tree. B2- When fighting in the Plains, Marsh, Brush, or Desert, you may mark one of the 3 center hexes as a tree before defender's entrance. 11 AMOEBA An Amorphous Jelly of Cells, nearly impossible to eradicate. S-- You have 18 stack markers; start with 3 each of the basic creatures (no Angel or Titan) and split as desired into `3 stack of 3' in your tower. T-- Each Stack Marker functions as if it is your Titan (and counts toward the stack limit of 7). So, you cannot flee, but Stack Markers are not scored as points unless entered into a battleland. Furthermore, a Stack Marker being killed in battle does NOT affect the flow of the battle unless it is the last surviving one, and you put it back over the stack if you win the battle, prior to recruit or acquiring/summoning Angel(s). [If you end up with a 8-stack due to the above, remove one char of your choice.] M1- When splitting a stack unevenly, you may OOZE: place the smaller stack into any hex that your original stack could have moved to on a one. Continue as if you just split, and un-split neither of the resultant stacks can move. B1- You may take your recruit at turn 4 as the attacker, as if you had already won the battle, if you have not summoned an Angel into this battle. 12 CLERIC + You are blessed with the power of your Deity. M1- Each of your Angels starts with one MIRACLE which may be invoked at will to do one of the following: TELEPORT her stack to empty tower or empty hex within 6; ASSIGN 1-6 to one specific masterboard roll; gain the pointage of your Titan; Get a result on one a battleland die-rolling event (single attack or combined) without rolling, as long as it is within 3 Standard Deviations. An Archangel starts with 3 Miracles. B1- When entering a battle, each of your chars carry one HOLY BULLET. These may be used as one attack of strength 1 and skill (3+ (char-points % 12)) at any enemy non-lords within Line of Sight (range is infinite) ANY time (including during movement!). A character not moving or attacking during your half-turn gets one extra Holy Bullet. B2- Your Lords/Demilords can PRAY after a movement phase: "attack" on your own character for heals. Lord/Demilord that Prayed cannot attack in that half turn. Praying when engaged or with a demilord lose 1 skill. 13 ZOMBIE The casualties of battle fights for you, the undead. M1- You may recruit from the dead. B1- All dead chars in battle involving you stays on the board to the end of the battle. Corpses do not hinder movement or rangestrikes but attack enemies on entry with 1 die at skill (corpse points % 12) + 2 for each corpse. B2- You win all mutuals, and can collect points if you win on time. B3- Anytime you gain points from a battle, you may select any collection up to 7 from chars involved therein, and form a new stack, prior to aquiring or summing of angels and recruiting. If you raise an enemy Titan, it becomes an ordinary Lord (can be summoned and teleport) at its last pointage. T1- If your titan dies in battle you lose (even if you win the battle). 14 FIELD-MARSHALL You have the gift of commanding very large armies. S-- Start with an extra Centaur and Ogre each and split to 2 stack of 5. M1- Your stack limit= 9, but 9-stacks MUST be split before a masterboard roll. M2- You may combine several of your stacks in an attack as long as they do not add to more than 9 chars. The only restriction is that sub-stacks of a split cannot attack together that turn unless they took difference PATHS. The opponent may elect to defend opposite any of the attackers' entrance. After you win a combined attack, reform all survivors into one stack. 15 PALADIN You summon help to arrive on the scene in the Nick of Time. S-- You will never have any (Arch-)Angels. Start with 3 of each basic creatures and split as desired into 2 stack of 5. M1- Your Titan gain 1 strength per 80 points instead of 100. M2- For each masterboard move you may take one character from any moved stack and place it in any other moved stack, if you did not attack that turn. B1- You have the option of FIGHTING RETREAT when conceding a battle: extricate one character, which is placed in any stack with room for it. B2- During battle, you can summon another character from another stack on the half turn after first kill, just like anyone would summon an Angel or in place of the usual defensive recruit. _IF_ that stack is in a pending battle, you must instantly declare a Fighting Retreat as above (the points to be counted immediately) before you can summon help. 16 BARBARIAN Tough and irresistible, you eat your enemies for strength. M1- You may OVERRUN an enemy stack. Design an attack to Overrun. The stacks are immediately and privately compared. If your Overruner is worth at least twice as many points, the opposing stack dies and CEASE TO BLOCK MOVEMENT so that all your stacks, including the overrunner, may finish the movement as if the blocker does not exist. The Overrunner also may opt to recruit in the Overrun Hex instead of the eventual destination. If the Overrun fails, the attack is carried out normally. M2- EXCEPT for a FAILED Overrun, whenever you are in battle and your stack have half again as many (1.5x) points as the enemy's or more, the enemy is OVERWHELMed and concedes immediately. B1- You may opt to take the first strike phase in any half turn. When you attack in the 1st strike phase, each 6 rolled heals one hit on your char, including getting "credits" to cancel damage in counterstrike, if any. Do not use with Awful Green Things. 17 MARINES Your valiant soldiers are the best in the land. B1- All your chars _fight_ at +1 strength, and are native to bog, bramble, drift, sand, dune, and slope ("all-nativity"). B2- A native character INSIDE or ONSIDE OF its native terrain may CONVOY an equal or smaller (in points) character over it at NO MOVEMENT COST. 18 AVIAN You have mastered the science of flying. M1- Normally flying chars (* chars) are recruitable from the dead. B1- Your non-* chars can fly (as per the normal rules). B2- Your *-chars may HOVER over any hex (except the volcano), even occupied ones. Hoverers disregard any hazard in or around hex in fighting, and is considered 1 level up or atop dune/slope when applying Line of Sight. A HOVERing character slows entrance of walking enemies, and can take a free attack against a flying enemy moving into the same hex. Attacking directly below gains the HOVERer 2 dice, and adjacent underneath 1 die; enemies attacking directly up lose 1 skill and adjacent above 1 die. 19 ARCHER ! Your soldiers are well versed in the art of ranged attacks. M1- Normally rangestriking chars (~ chars) can be recruited from the dead. B1- All characters may rangestrike. ~ chars may in addition rangestrike even when engaged and, when native to the terrain, have infinite range. B2- Before the enemy's movement, you may take an extra round of rangestrikes, with none of above bonuses applying. The dead are IMMEDIATELY REMOVED. 20 SCOUTS You are an expert in obtaining favourable battle conditions. B1- You may decide the relative ordering of battles involving you. You may decide on the sides of entry, even if it means that the attacker has to come in on a small side (only exception to the above: Tower). B2- During battle you can summon an Angel _AND_ recruit no matter which side you are. You may choose to do one on your first half turn after your first kill, the other at your 4th turn, or leave either or both to the end of the battle. B2- When summoning an Angel, you can instead use a Cherub (4~*4) which is a lord and always available, and NOT RESTRICTED by the one-summon-per-turn rule. Cherubs disappear at the end of a battle. Instead of recruiting, you also may borrow, for the rest of the action, a native which has less points than the average of the remainder of your stack. 21 PSIONICIST + Your telekinetic capabilities can affect at a remote distance. M1- Whenever your masterboard roll is 1 short to hit an enemy stack, or 2 if a you have a Lord, you may attempt to TRACTOR. You roll 1 die and add to it the # of chars in your stack. The enemy gets The-best-of-2-rolls added to # of chars. If (Your total - Enemy total) is at least as high as the distance, the enemy stack is pulled back just enough to be attacked. B1- Your chars may make TELEKINESIS ATTACKs. These are strikes that can be made WITHOUT contact at strength/3 (rounded), and the maximal range is skill+1. At extreme 4 or 5 range, there is a penalty of 1 skill but otherwise Telekinesis is not affected by Line of Sight or hazards. 22 HEALER + Your people are used to nursing each other back to life. B1- Unless conflicts arise, you may elect to strike second (to counterstrike) in any half turn. You may still rangestrike if it is YOUR half turn. B2- You have the choice to make attacks to HEAL your own chars for -1 skill. Each "hit" thus scored cures a hit of damage, with possible `resurrection' of a `killed' char. A char can never be healed to more than its strength. When doing HEAL rolls into Brambles, non-native targets means -1 skill and native ones normal skill, instead of vice versa. To prevent resurrection, your opponent may at will `overkill' your chars. A char overkilled to 200% its constitution disintegrates and can no longer be resurrected. 23 ELEMENTALIST +(!) You are at home with the magic of the elements. B1- Keep track of a 5-turn cycle of Elemental Ascensions, with each New Ascension to start after your masterboard roll: 1 WATER (bog/drift): Your chars have Water Nativity. Your _NORMAL_ water native fight at +1 strength. Non-water native enemy striking into water loses the first hit. Water Elemental = 3~5 2 EARTH (sand/dune/slope): Your chars have EARTH nativity. Your _NORMAL_ earth natives fight at +2 strength. You are can move and STRIKE across cliffs and walls freely. Earth Elemental = 4~4. 3 WOOD (bramble/trees): Your chars have bramble nativity. Your _NORMAL_ bramble natives fight at +1 strength. You may enter and rangestrike through trees freely. WHILE in a tree, your chars have their constitutions raised to 150%. Wood Elemental = 4*4. 4 METAL: All your chars defend at +1 skill. Metal Elemental = 6-3. 5 FIRE: Each of your chars deliver one free hit to all adjacent enemies. All your chars are native to volcano and can rangestrike from it at distance 3. Before defender's 1st, replace a center hex (of 3) of any battleland except for Tower, Mountains and Tundra by a mini-volcano. Fire Elemental = 9*2. B2- During each ascension you may conjure up ONE Elemental with its appropriate nativities in lieu of a summoned Angel or a recruit in a suitable terrain (METAL and FIRE are assumed to be Mountains and Towers only). Any elemental disappears on the ascension corresponding to the NEXT turn. M1- In ascension 1/2/3 and Swamp-Tundra/Mountains-Desert/Jungle respectively, your can always recruit a Troll/Lion/Cyclops, even from the dead. 24 BERSERKER + Your ferocity is not hindered in the least by threat of death. B1- After your movement phase, you can declare your char(s) to go BERSERK. Berserkers are auto-killed at the end of the half turn, but after they strike twice, or rangestrike three times (at your choice). B2- After your enemy's movement, you may declare your char(s) to go into FRENZY. Those chars fight at +1 skill that half turn, but -1 skill thereafter in the battle. B3- Counterstrike of a char slain in the enemy's strike phase get (1/3 rounding up) bonus in hits scored. 25 KNIGHTS + Superior IMPACT is your forte. B1- All your characters move 1 extra. However, if you move first, you must not force any more enemy pieces off the board than is normally possible. B2- Your (skill 2/3/4) chars gain (4/3/2 dice) striking. 26 CLUCK You know HOW to wimp out, how to run and hide. M1- If your stack is attacked, you may attempt to ESCAPE after seeing the enemy stack. Roll 1 die and move away up to half (rounds up) the roll away in triple arrows. The attacker may still elect to attack with enough "reach". M2- You may CO-EXIST with an enemy stack (when you would normally be attacking) after you see it. You may still recruit. Your stack cannot be attacked as long as there is anyone co-existing with you [a stack which attacks and eliminates a co-existing stack then co-exists with you]. B1- You may CALL OFF any attack after any half turn. What is left of your stack stays to Co-exist. Your opponent scores for the already killed. B2- In a battle, one of your chars may ESCAPE to any stack with room at each of your movement. With no room anywhere, start a stack in any tower you like. B3- During a battle, your chars may HIDE OFF-BOARD without being eliminated. If you have no surviving char on the map at the end of any half-turn, however, you have lost the battle. Chars already entered may exit the entrance side to off-board, to be re-entered as necessary. 27 MULTI-CHOICE The test is easier for you! M1- All your Stacks can Tower Teleport even without a lord. On turn 1 both stacks Teleport (not tower-tower), not needing to show lords. M2- You roll 2 dice for masterboard (reroll as necessary so as not to get a double). Each of your stacks may move with either number. B1- During any battle you can roll ONE single attack and take either. 28 ILLUSIONIST ! The Master of Deceit M1- You may split 0-stacks off lord stacks. 0-stacks act just like any other stack. Whenever a 0-stack is in a battle it is simply removed from play. M2- Before your movement phase, you may CREATE ILLUSIONS. Sacrifice one or a set of identical char(s) to create ILLUSIONS, which are the same as the Sacrifices except that they have only 1/2 the constitution. An Illusion starts at the locations of the Sacrificed char (which therefore mustn't be engaged). The number of Illusions is restricted by stack limit of 7 and that each remaining hit point on a sacrificed char can create one Illusion. Damages already taken at the time _carry_ forward. You may repeat the process later, if only one kind of char is involved. Illusions die at the end of the battle, unless you have at least 3 left in which case you may get one Original back; if the opponents win they count half points in addition to the sacrifices. If at recruiting time you have a native Illusion, you can get another Illusion if desired. Do not use with Awful Green Things. 29 HALFLINGS + Your folks reinforce each other and share each other's woes. M1- You can skip mid-levels when up-recruiting, if the number of recruiters is (# of lower char needed to recruit mid-char) plus (# of middle char needed to recruit upper-char), plus 1 if in mountains/tundra. Example: you can have 5 centaurs for a unicorn in the woods, or 5 cyclopses in jungle for a serpent, but you need 5 lions and not 4 for a dragon in the mountains. B1- With an identical set of chars on the battleland, each of the set gain 1 die striking for each extra char starting at the skill level, and in a 4-handed game or larger, skill 3/4 chars start gaining bonuses at 2nd/3rd. With a 4-set (or more) present, each gain 1 die on rangestrikes. [Example: 3 Cyclopses attack at 11-2 each. 4 Centaurs roll 5-4 in a large game and 4-4 in a small game. 4+ gorgons each rangestrike 4-3.] B2- When damage is taken, hits may be passed to identical char(s) in contact, or down a chain as desired. No char can absorb more hits than is enough to kill it, unless it happens to be the last surviving char that the attacking char can strike at or otherwise damage (thus no legit spills are deprived). Guardians counts as part of chains as long as there are at least two "real" chars. Hit absorption is 1-for-1 regardless of the skill levels. 30 SYMBIOTES + Past masters in cooperation. T-- You never have (Arch-)Angels, but start with 2 Titans and acquire an extra per 200 points. Titan (not the last) dying in battle does nothing special. B1- Before you enter battle, you may SYMBIOSISE pieces in pairs. The char on the bottom is translated into points and converted into strength points at the top char's skill level (rounding down). The pair then functions as one for the whole battle as a bigger version of the top char. B2- You can always recruit at your turn 4. If you have a `single' char alive at that point, your recruit can be symbiosised with it immediately. 31 VIPER Your enemies are drained of their strength by poison B1- Your chars in native hazards gain 2 dice striking out, and make ALL enemies lose 1 die striking in. Your chars move through trees and bogs freely but may not end movement on a tree or bog (if non-native). B2- Any enemy having taken more than 1/2 of its constitution in damages can fights and moves for the duration of the battle at -1 skill. Enemy with ONE hit left can not strike (but may still rangestrike at original range). B3- Before your counterstrike, roll on each enemy as many dice as hits already inflicted, and score 1 extra hit for every 6 rolled. 32 REGENERATOR Leisurely soul, You enjoy The Pause That Refreshes. B1- At the end of a half turn, each of your survivors heals one hit. Those not involved in any hostilities (including being rangestruck!) heals one extra. B2- Before your movement phase, heal all your tree-native (recruitable in treed terrain) chars next to at least one tree by 1 hit. B3- Before ENEMY movement phase, heal all your chars inside or surrounded by native "onside" hazards, and all your chars in the tower, by 1 hit. 33 GHOST Never material, you are sneaky in movement. M1- Your stacks move simultaneously and freely, and are not blocked by other stacks, including your own. After your stack movement no two stacks can occupy the same hex, but your stacks can recombine so long as they don't add up to above 7 chars. A stack just recombined cannot recruit that turn. M2- You may make multiple attacks against the same enemy stack. Resolve them serially and if you win, the other attacking stacks can be recombined into the winning stack if size permit, or bounced back to old location. B1- Your chars are not `pinned' in battle: may always disengage. B2- "Entry-prohibiting" hazards (incl. other chars!) are treated as SLOWING (except volcano), and what usually slows (bramble, slope etc.) do not. Your chars still cannot end movement on a "no entry" hazard however. 34 DOPPELGANGER Living among others, you are the champion of Emulation M1- Any char may substitute for another of =< 60% pointage in recruiting. B1- Before your entrance, you may declare certain of your chars to EMULATE enemies, for the battle, but each enemy can be Emulated only once. The defense does not change, the char use the offense (not including power bonuses) of the Emulated enemy, and you decide, before the turn, whether you want the "old" movement_and_nativity, or that of the Emulation. 35 RAINBOW You have achieved the Harmony of Color. S-- You pick colors first. Other players cannot take your color Angels. B1- Chars of your color and skill 2 fights at +3 strength and have nativity to slope/sand/dune/bramble/bog/drift. Skill 3/4 same except +2/+1 strength. B2- Each char in each battle may take one Rainbow Shot (extra rangestrike) at any time. Strength is pointage of char divided by 18 (rounding up), and skill is # colors you have present. Skill 2 shots can be taken at range 3. B3- On all attacks between chars of the same color you gain 1 die and your opponent loses 1 die. 36 COMMUNIST You are the beloved of the masses and the little ones. M1- You may always recruit the weakest creature of any terrain, even from dead. All `commoners' recycle (never run out) in 4-handed and larger games. M2- You may DISBAND stacks before movement roll, recycling all chars. B1- On every movement phase you may bring in one `commoner' provided that (a) you do not exceed the 7-char stack limt (b) pointage of commoner kickers does not exceed max[(1/2) of original stack pointage, 36] (c) no other char is added to stack that turn (Angel, recruit). Commoner kickers only count as half-points, stays after battle and DO NOT COUNT AGAINST RECRUIT. 37 MAGE ! From a land of wizards, you are well-versed in High Magic. M1- Your Warlock can teleport and be summoned like just like a lord. M2- Your Titan may MINI-TELEPORT to any empty hex on a same hexagonal track (at most 3 such tracks exist for each location) on a masterboard roll of 5. B1- Warlock's "usual" rangestrike has infinite range. As defender you may summon a guardian from another stack instead of recruit at 4th turn. B2- Your Lords and Demi-Lords can rangestrike with FIREBALLs. A Fireball is FULL-strength at +1 skill (at extreme range of 4/5, lose a skill). Each 1 rolled in a Fireball hits the caster. Fireballs cannot go up tower walls. 38 SIREN ! You are versed in the art of Seduction and Distraction, M1- You may use the SIREN SONG whenever someone else is trying to add a char to a stack within 3-hex distance on the masterboard (even in a battle) of your Lord(s) and Demi-Lord(s). Each Siren Singer makes an "Attack" at +1 skill, and on a `kill' (effects not accumulative), the char joins the stack of the Singer. If that stack has no room, the char recycles immediately. B1- Your opponent will (in each strike phase) first declare all optional modes (including rangestrikes or other special powers). You then set the order of attacks, and you can call the TARGET of attacks as long as the called target is in the Line of Sight. However, if your opponent is using a ranged attack, s/he can specify at WHICH skill level to attack at (e.g. long or short rangestrike, etc), and any already-dead cannot be attacked. After you announce the target, your opponent may decide to roll for spills, but all to-spill attack rolls must lose at least one skill factor. 39 DWARF Although clumsy of movement, you excel in building protection. B1- All your chars move 1 slower, but are never hindered by any hazards (except the volcano) in movement. Skill 2/3 chars move normally on turn 1. B2- All your chars are ARMORED and defend at +1 skill. When defending at +3 skill, the first hit of any attack is not counted (if +4, 2 hits ignored). B3- Your Angel or recruit are announced at the usual time yet arrives 1 turn later than normal, but CAN enter even if there is no other survivor. 40 SPEEDY ! Always pressed for time, you learned to be FAST. M1- Every 4th round, you DOUBLESPEED: take TWO consecutive turns instead of one. With 4+ players games, Doublespeed every 3 rounds. B1- After the enemy's entry to battle, you also Doublespeed. Take TWO half turns (you get to move) for every enemy half turn. Battle times to less than 14 half turns. Recruiting occurs on the 7th half turn. You summon your Angel after one enemy-half-turn ends AFTER your first kill. 41 LADY LUCK Better lucky than good, you always say. M1- Before you roll, you announce that you would like (or respectively, not like), one specific roll. If you do not then get (or resp. DO get) that roll, you reroll (which stands). The default value is I LIKE SIX. B1- Any time any attack roll is 1 hit or more `unlucky' (as measured from the mathematical average) for you, it is re-rolled (as infinitum, if needed). Your opponent may elect to take his/her _second_best_ result as per the above (`Average Minus') for any attack before it is rolled. 42 NINJA You are well-trained in projectile weapons and camouflaging. B1- When in a Native hazard hex, your chars gain 1 die striking out, and have the first hit discounted when defending against non-natives. This applies for favorable (onside) hazard lines also. B2- All your chars, during ALL half-turns, rangestrike SHURIKAN [strength (1/3)-, down 1 skill] at EVERY non-lord enemy within range(=usual skill) and line of sight. This applies to engaged chars too. 43 ASSASSIN You are good at underhanded executions B1- You get BACKSTAB BONUSes: when you attack from the SIDE, you get (1/4) bonus hits (truncating). Attacking from BEHIND, get (1/3 round up) bonus hits. For Lords, do (1/3 truncate) and (1/2 round up) respectively. B2- From Native Hazard HEXES only, all first hits count as TWO. B3- After your movement, you can declare ASSASSINATIONs on enemy(s). Targets defend at +1 skill that half turn, but do NOT counterstrike when killed in the assassination attempt. You may also declare Assassinations on the enemy half turn. In this case you attack against the Targets at -2 skill (no spills) with whatever is available, before the enemy rolls. 44 VALKYRIE You Derive strength from slain enemies. M1- You may recruit from dead. B1- You score 3/4 points for chars fleeing from you and chars you slay during battles you do not win (you cannot gain Angels that way). B2- Your chars (including recruits and summoned Angels) fights with strength bonus + (# of enemies killed in previous half-turns) in battle. B3- You may take a dead enemy as recruit (even if defenders flee), but if this is defender's turn 4, that recruit fights at -1 skill for the battle. 45 ECHO You have the power to reflect and deflect. M1- Your stacks can exit the tower hex the same side you came in from. B1- All 6's you roll are re-rolled for extra damage, repeat as necessary. All 1's rolled by enemy STRIKEs inflict 1 hit on self. B2- All your ranged attack dice that misses, except 1's can be re-directed at another enemy with Line of Sight at one less skill (stop before getting to 0 skill). All enemy range dice which misses can be re-directed as if an rangestrike coming from the target (same level). 46 REPUBLICAN You gain power through false information. M1- You always need one less of a set to recruit up, provided that you have something else in the stack at least as big in points as the up-recruit (you must reveal the piece). B1- You can elect to truncate or round up the score of any battle involving you to a multiple of ten. 47 GLADIATOR + It is not easy to find such superb troops such as yours! M1- You always need one extra of "the set" to recruit, except basics in Tower. That is, you need 3 Centaurs for a Lion, 4 Lions for a Griffon, etc. M2- You may recruit from the dead. You acquire a Warlock every 180 points. B1- All Your chars fights, and MOVES, as if they are +1 skill. B2- After you score in a battle, you can take any basic creature (even from the dead) and place in any stack with room, before recruiting occurs. 48 IMMOBILISER You derive pleasure in seeing others stumble. M1- If an opponent rolls on the masterboard just high enough for a stack to "reach", that attack cannot be made. Does not apply to Titan Teleports. B1- All enemies fighting you lose the ability to fly and rangestrike. All non-* characters move 1 slower (even to the point of losing chars-- do not use with Paratrooper, Avian, Archer, Engineer). B2- Non-~ enemies on battleland MUST STOP after moving next to your char. B3- When your Titan is involved in a battle, you can declare ALL combatants non-native to all hazards (before entry to the battleland). 49 ASTROPATH + You have the ability to alter the course of time. M1- You start with 1 turn IN RESERVE, to be taken any time. You may reserve a turn to take later anytime you don't have one in reserve. M2- You may decide to REWIND after masterboard roll. Stacks in Towers move normally; others move BACK TOWARD any hex from which the stack could have attain the current location on the roll (includ. by tower teleportation). Opposing stacks cannot be skipped, but the first such encountered can be attacked (attacker enter from the small side). M3- Each 100 pts. you gain a SKIP with which you may skip anyone's turn after you see the masterboard roll. 50 DEMON You have the power to POSESS. S-- You start with an extra Angel instead of your Titan. T-- You lose only if you have no stacks, or have been reduced to -600 or less. If you get to 400 points, all your stacks can Titan Teleport. B1- You may enter the Demon (Your Titan, X*4) into a battle when you move. If Move the Demon atop another one of your creatures to POSSESS it and make it a BEAST, and both Demon and creature must be killed for the beast to die. With any hits left the Demon can move away to Possess another creature. The Demon does not count toward the stack limit. Each time a Beast is killed in battle, you lose 100 points. A piece under the Demon is left alive at the end of the battle unless the Beast is killed. 51 DEMOCRAT You Tax and Spend and Tax and ... B1- After any battle is concluded, you may TAX. Roll a die and take fraction of result/10 of the point transaction from either the winner or the loser. If you are involved, modify result by +1/-1 depending on win/loss. B2- Before entrance to battle, you may take (one of the) lowest-pointed enemies and add it to your stack, size permitting. 52 AWFUL GREEN THINGS A vicious Parasite, you kill your hosts for growth. S-- Start with 24 Stack Markers and three basic creatures each, and split as desired into 3 stacks of 3. You never have any lords. T-- You are not lost until all stacks are killed. All your stacks can Tower and Titan Teleport and recruit Warlocks. M1- If you move just hight enough to attack an enemy stack, you can CO-EXIST. Your stack cannot be attacked as long as there is anyone co-existing with you [a stack which attacks and eliminates a co-exister will co-exists with you]. You can look at the enemy stack and recruit OUT OF IT if applicable. B1- All your chars loses 1 skill in combat. However, you always attack first, and enemies fight at strength= # hit points left, _from_ the counterstrike. This loss of skill effects movement as well as fighting (ADF). B2- You can enter the Stack Marker into battle which fights with Titan Strength (X-3, moves 4). Stack Marker heals 1 (if possible) for each hit it scores during battle. Markers are NOT points and does not take up stack space. 53 GYPSY You are at home with FATE. M1- During your turn, you may look at all enemy stacks. M2- Before your splits, you may roll secretly for each masterboard roll up to and including your next roll. You may announce any information as desired. M3- Each time you score 20+ points in one engagement, you get one Hand Of Fate. You can set one die to be any number before it is rolled, or force a mulligan afterwards. B1- You can roll the attack dice for the entire stack first before deciding on the direction of any attacks and possible spills. Your opponent must roll all attacks before you do, even if it is nominally `your' half turn. 54 GHOUL You enslave the dead to work for you. M1- You may recruit from the dead pile. M2- Slain enemies may be ENSLAVED. Enslaved enemy spirits fights at -1 skill for the rest of the battle, you can keep it (back to normal) if you win. You are restricted by the stack limit and Enslaved spirits lose all power priviledges. Enslaved enemies are only worth half points at the end of battle (but count for angels). You may add more than one piece per turn to your stack. 55 COLOSSUS You are simple yet feared, for your SIZE. S-- Gain 399 points at the beginning of the game. 56 ENGINEERS !! You enslave nature to do your work for you. B1- Hazards have the following constitutions: Wall 6-1, Slope 3-2, Dune 2-3, Tree 10-1, Bog 6-2, Sand 4-3, Bramble 2-5, Drift 3-4. Treat a Cliff as the same as two Slopes or two Dunes, depending. You may create or destroy new Hazards by getting enough hits with your chars. Hazards in or on either sides' entry row hexes are at +1 skill. To REPLACE a hazard, the original one need only be half-razed. Chars in hazards where they can't normally enter takes 2 hits per half-turn for as long as they stay in that hex. B2- Your opponent may not create new terrain nor attack NATURAL Hazards, but can attack artificial ones, even partially finished ones. Fully formed hazards counterstrikes agains your enemies when attacked, but not you. B3- Before the battle, you get to prepare the ground: each of your char get one free roll to create or destroy any hazards on the map. These are not cumulative. B4- Either side may, before movement, take its landscaping rolls. Those who participated in landscaping cannot attack again the same half turn. B5- You can create FOXHOLES (defender inside +1 skill, slows non-flyers) at 3-3 and FENCES (slows, either side attack -1 die) at 2-4. B6- When inside or surrounded by a native hazard, your chars also takes 1/4 (round up) extra hits to kill. 57 CORPORATE LOBBY You hate all Green. S-- You never have bramble natives: start with an extra centaur and an extra ogre instead of your gargoyles and split as desired. M1- You skip all Jungles and Brushes in movement. M2- You may Challenge stack(s) skipped to Duels (in order of skips, if more than one). Challenged stacks may flee for _NO_ points. Otherwise the combat takes place in the first non-brambled terrain before the encounter, but the enemy stack may elect to recruit from its _original_ location (instead of the location of the challenge) during or after battle. B1- Bramble Natives loses the first hit of each attack against you. 58 PARATROOPER !! You are nimble of movement. B1- Your chars can enter `no entry' hazards. You set up anywhere on the battleland, but you may not force more enemy chars off the board than is otherwise allowed, if you are the first to enter. Chars in forbidden hazards fight at -1 skill until exit. B2- Your flyers have infinite flying range on the battleboard. They also can pick up (en route) any unengaged char of no higher pointage and drop it off next to the flyer's destination. B3- In the first 3 half turns of any battle your chars fight at +2 strength. B4- Your Angel can be summoned together with another char from same stack. B5- Your flyers can get free BOMB attacks against enemies when flying over them: (1/3 round down) strength, 59 CHAOS The fog of battle is your ally B1- After winning a fought battle you show the opponent the remnants of your stack; otherwise you need never reveal your stacks and only need to reveal a char only when it dies. Opponent must call for "one higher" or "two higher" in advance to receive non-automatic spills. B2- You declare the attacking and defending skill levels of your chars after any roll within the constraint that you do not take less damage or inflict more on enemies than your actual skill indicates. B3- You may roll fewer dice than the strength of your char(s). You may opt to roll (some of) the remaining dice after seeing all results. B4- You may add as many Decoys(1*4) as possible to a stack, stack limit permitting, before you set up. Decoys die after battle. 60 ELECTRO ! You have learned to conduct your attacks through other media. B1- You may STRIKE ELECTRICALLY through other chars or bogs. Lose 1 skill per hex-path of conductance, and per (offside) hazard encountered, but with no other penalty, dow to a limit of Skill 0. Lose no skill if the conducting hex is a bog. No chars in the path of conductance is harmed. 61 PHOENIX !! You, the Eternal Firebird, burn enemies. B1- All enemies take 1 extra hit per half turn for each of your char with which they are in contact. B2- All your chars are native to the Volcano and Sand. Do not use with Dwarf. B3- Chars slain can re-enter 3th movement afterwards or later (1 per turn). You can re-enter up to one casualty if opponent concede before turn 5. T-- Your Titan being killed does not count until you lose the battle. 62 ANTI-MATTER + You specialise in pairs creation/annihilation M1- Whenever your stack is eligible for a recruit, even if your stack is full, you may point to any enemy stack within 3 hexes and demand that an identical char be killed out of it, if possible. M2- Whenever an enemy tries to add to a stack (incl. battle), you may instead kill an identical char from one of your stacks within 3 hexes instead. B1- Immediately when two stacks make contact, you may pair off identical (name) chars and remove them or replace them with pairs of natives of <= pointage. When your Titan is involved you may add native-pairs <= 2/3 pointage of Titan. [No annililation or creation applies to Titans.] B2- Before dice is rolled in any half turn you may kill any identical char pairs engaged with each other, no matter what damage is there. 63 NYMPH Ladies of Nature, you are charming ... very much so. M1- You can always recruit (even dead) Troll in Swamp, ditto Cyclops in Jungle. B1- All your chars Native to Bramble/Bogs and gain 1 die striking out, and non-native enemies STRIKing INTO bramble/bog lose 2 dice. B2- You may make any attack to CHARM at -1 skill. An enemy with >= 1/5 constitution in CHARM cannot inflict hits on any of your chars except one of the CHARMers (your choice) till the CHARMer is slain. An enemy "slain" entirely in CHARM defects to your side next half turn (turn around). Rangestrikes cannot be taken as CHARM attacks. A character must have attacked an enemy to be designated as the target. B3- Rangestrikes takes +1 skill to hit you except from Warlocks. 64 HI-&-LOIS You never worry about the dice being high or low. M1- You have the option of taking HIGH or LOW of 2 dice when rolling. B1- Say HIGH or LOW before each roll (not each die), and take the appropriate result of 2. 65 NECROMANCER You are the Ruler of Death M1- Between the time that you rolled for movement and until the next player started to roll, you may REINCARNATE: recycle any number of non-Lords from your stack, except that in a battle started BOTH strike phases of a half turn must be completed. M2- You may recruit from the dead piles. M3- From any battle not involving you, you may take one slain creature to add to the stack of your choice, recycling appropriate chars to get down to 7 if necessary. Each combatant may declare one of his(her) dead off-limits. B1- You may enter your first kill at your next movement phase as your recruit (in lieu of an Angel summon, possibly) or alternatively recruit ANY n/L casualty of battle during or immediately after battle. B2- You may compel BOTH side to lose one char before coming on to battle. 66 WARRIOR !! You gain in experience, acting beyond known bounds B1- You begin the game with 0 experience points. B2- You may use an experience point to increase a character's skill or constitution by one for the rest of the battle. Multiple points may be expended upon one creature, but each experience point can only be used once per game. No creature's skill may be increased beyond 5. B3- You may use these points at the end of a strike phase, increasing your character's constitution and keeping him alive. However, enemies may overkill, and once dead a creature may not be revived later in the battle. B4- You gain one experience point at the end of each engagement in which both sides enter the battleboard. You gain one half an experience point if your opponent flees. You gain nothing if you flee. Do not use with the Barbarian. *********** David Finberg "We're travelin' maniacs With our knapsacks on our backs We'll leave raisins in our tracks (617)225-6394 From the trail mix in our slacks" - YW&D