Lesson Plan #13

Planning Final Project


Lesson Title

Planning the Final Project


1 class or more (1.5 hours)


The class will engage in a discussion preferably with a Native American Artist to help the students explore their imaginations and brainstorm a plan for a final project. 

Description of Class

The class will sit down preferably facing one another and discuss and plan out the basic plan and idea for a combined final project.  Students will imagine and assign individual contributions to the final project.

Primary Educational Objective

This class is to help the students utilize their newly learned skills to do original thinking to create a plan and then strategize on how to carry it out. Students will be incorporating their knowledge of indigenous iconography and culture/language and create a virtual world based on these concepts.

Additional Concepts and Skills

In addition to discussing the concept of their world, students must also address the necessary software they will need, i.e. Corel, Adobe, Audacity, use of graph paper, etc.


Class discussions are key for this part of the project.

Classroom Activities

Discussions and review of their field trip(s), visual images collected and what they have learned from the visiting artists and the readings.

Homework Assignments

Sketch out designs or ideas, or identify digital photos that students would like to incorporate.

Lecture Materials


Reference Materials

Field trip sketches, photos, visiting artists’ ideas.

Prerequisites (this course)


Related Topics

Geometry (x and y coordinates), art classes, music composition and recording.

Technology Requirements

The ability to have a roundtable discussion with blank paper and writing or art utensils to aid in the sketching and conceptualization of a final project. (Graph paper, sketch pads, artists pencils, erasers.)