
--- Run mpi programs


"mpirun" is a shell script that attempts to hide the differences in starting jobs for various devices from the user. Mpirun attempts to determine what kind of machine it is running on and start the required number of jobs on that machine. On workstation clusters, if you are not using chameleon, you must supply a file that lists the different machines that mpirun can use to run remote jobs or specify this file every time you run mpirun with the -mr_machine file option. The default file is in util/machines/machines.<arch>.

mpirun typically works like this

mpirun -mr_np <number of processes> <program name and arguments>

If mpirun can't determine what kind of machine you are on, and it is supported by the mpi implementation, you can the -mr_machine and -mr_arch options to tell it what kind of machine you are running on. The current valid values for mr_machine are

chameleon (including chameleon/pvm, chameleon/p4, etc...)
meiko (the ch_p4 device on the meiko)
paragon (the ch_nx device on a paragon not running NQS)
p4 (the ch_p4 device on a workstation cluster)
sp1 (ch_eui on ANL's sp1)
execer (a custom script for starting ch_p4 programs without using a procgroup file. This script currently does not work well with interactive jobs)

You should only have to specify mr_arch if mpirun does not recognize your machine, the default value is wrong, or you are using the p4 or execer devices. The full list of options is


This help
<machine name> use startup procedure for <machine name>
<machine-file name> Take the list of possible machines to run on from the" file <machine-file name>"
<np> specify the number of processors to run on
don't run on the local machine (only works for
Use execer to start p4 programs on workstation clusters
Use a procgroup file to start p4 programs, not execer (default)
Don't delete the P4 procgroup file after running
Testing - do not actually run, just print what would be executed
Verbose - throw in some comments

Location: util/README