Spirited Ruins Contributors

Contributors to Spirited Ruins

Erica Adams
Shallow Water, Six Pack Earthwork
Glenn Bresnahan, Boston University
event server architect, video streams
Erik Brisson, Boston University
lead HiPArt system designer
Harriet Brisson,
Rain Chain
Alex Broadbent
Walking Manic
Louis Calisi, Boston University
enchanted chair and robot
Tom Coffin, NCSA
Symmetry Through Movement
Deborah Cornell, Boston University School for the Arts
"Linea Australis"
Richard Cornell, Boston University School for the Arts
audio for "Linea Australis"
Kat Curry, Boston University
virtual landscape design and scene layout, technical liaison to artists, web-site
Rita DeWitt, Rhode Island School of Design
Gate room and Maze With Four Courts
Aaron Fuegi, Boston University
technical liaison to artists, software agents
John Gagan
Laura Giannitrapani, Boston University
Frank Lloyd Wright Stained Glass Window Tango Dancers
Jerry Hoyt, MassArt
What's Real?
Robin Chaia Mide, independant artist
4d visualization
Nancy Moskin, SMFA
Arches, starfish, cg fountain, beercans
Dana Moser, MassArt
Pythagorean Packets
Mark Nadeau, independant artist
Mirror and Levitating Reflecting Pool
Carlton Newton, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
Volumetric Gypsum Sculptures
Robert Putnam, Boston University
audio engineering, software agents, physical world to vr interface
Aaron Skillman
Jennifer Teig von Hoffman
HiPArt web-site assistance
Chelynn Tetrault, MassArt
Fluidity of Impulse Through Motion
BenThompson, MassArt
Untitled (horns)
Wendy Tulman, Boston University
Event Coordinator

Our systems administrators, whose skills keep the whole place running smoothly.

Mike Dugan
Wayne Gilmore
Eric Jones
Russ Wolf