#!/bin/bash -l # Submit job with the command: qsub Statajob # To view the status of the job: qstat -u username # Set the runtime limit (default 12 hours): #$ -l h_rt=12:00:00 # Send email when the job is done (default: no email is sent) #$ -m e # Give the job a name (default: script name) #$ -N helloWorld #Join output and error stream #$-j y ## end of qsub options echo "==========================================================" echo "Starting on : $(date)" echo "Running on node : $(hostname)" echo "Current directory : $(pwd)" echo "Current job ID : $JOB_ID" echo "Current job name : $JOB_NAME" echo "==========================================================" module load stata/16 stata -b do helloWorld.do echo " " echo "==========================================================" echo "Job $JOB_NAME finished on : $(date)" echo "=========================================================="