***********************************************************; * Research Computing Services *; * Introduction to SAS *; ***********************************************************; ***********************************************************; * Read SAS Datasets (sas7bdat) by setting libname *; * *; * 1. Modify the path to specify your own directory *; * 2. Open "Explorer" Window and check if the name of *; * your library is listed among the "Active Libraries" *; * 3. Check the content of your library *; * 4. Execute print procedure to see the dataset *; * *; ***********************************************************; * Read more: ; * https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/lestmtsglobal/n1nk65k2vsfmxfn1wu17fntzszbp.htm ; * Specify the location where the SAS file(s) is stored; libname mylib "/usr/ktrn/SAS/Intro to SAS/Datasets"; * Refer to the data using the name of the library and the name of the sas7bdat file; proc print data=mylib.med_visits; run;