Introduction to MPI Tutorial Programs

This tutorial came with 7 examples. They are all based on the numerical integration of a cosine function over the range of [a, b]. A mid-point rule is used to perform the integration.
  1. Example 1 performs the integration serially. MPI is not used.
  2. Example 1_1 performs the same integral in parallel, with help from six most fundamental MPI utility functions/subroutines: MPI_init, MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Comm_size, MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Finalize. This code has a few drawbacks
  3. Example1_2. A more careful review of the previous algorithm exposes the fact that it is in fact a redundancy to send its share of local integral, my_int, to itself. By skipping over this, the deadlocking potential is eliminated.
  4. Example1_3. As is well known, integration is a commutative process. Summation of local integrals from the processors are independent of their orders. In the preceding examples, while MPI_Send is performed in parallel, MPI_Recev is not only performed sequentially, by virtue of a loop, the order of receiving is also unnecessarily contrainted per the loop order. Since order of operations (i.e., summation) is immaterial, this example introduces two wild cards: MPI_ANY_SOURCE replaces the loop index as receive process; MPI_ANY_TAG replaces a specified tag. The use of MPI_ANY_SOURCE enables the loop to adjust to the order of arrival of the sending processes rather than insisting on a specified sending order.


The examples are developed for the Linux system. However, they all follow the ANSI standard and hence should work for all operating systems.

The MPI wrappers, such as mpicc, depend on the system default. On the SCC, the environment variable MPI_COMPILER is default to the GNU compiler. As a result, GNU C compiler will be used for the wrapper.

Program Compilation

You can compile the set of examples for the Shared Computing Cluster (SCC) or on the IBM Bluegene.

Program Execution

Contact Info: Kadin Tseng,


  1. Created: November 24, 2013
  2. Modified: