
MatrixLaboratory $\Rightarrow$ Matlab

is an interpreted programming language. Originally developed for linear algebra and engineering problems, but now with wide applicability and toolboxes for areas ranging from medicine, economics, and machine learning.

A good way to introduce yourself to a new language is by trying to solve a "non-trivial" problem; learning the tools and syntax necessary to solve the problem along the way. This motivates the syntax/tools in a "why" versus "what" way!

In [153]:
format compact

Motivation: An Exploration of an Interesting Dataset

Github repository of data we will use


University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Data Source

The readtable() solution

x_FairOrPoorHealth x_Smokers x_AdultsWithObesity x_PhysicallyInactive x_WithAccessToExerciseOpportunities x_ExcessiveDrinking x_SomeCollege x_ChildrenInPoverty x_SevereHousingProblems x_DriveAloneToWork x_LongCommute_DrivesAlone

In [154]:
T = readtable("NE_HealthData.csv");
mymap = containers.Map(states,state_inds);
Tnum = table2array(T(:,[4:9,11:15]));
colmap = containers.Map(1:11,[4:9,11:15]);
Warning: Column headers from the file were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers before creating variable names for the table. The original column headers are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.
Set 'PreserveVariableNames' to true to use the original column headers as table variable names.

Examples of using our data:

In [155]:
averages = zeros(numel(states),11);
it = 1;
for state = 1:6
    averages(it,:) = mean(table2array(T(mymap(states{state}),[4:9,11:15])));
    it = it + 1;
In [156]:

Plotting and Visualization

Some examples:

Correlation Plots

In [157]:
%plot inline -s 800,800
myscatter = scatter(T.x_ChildrenInPoverty, T.x_Smokers,'.r');
title("Poverty vs Smoking for NE Counties")
xlabel('% Children in Poverty')
ylabel('% Smokers')
ax = ancestor(myscatter,'axes');
axis tight
hold on

%Plot linear regression and 95% confidence interval
[coeff, S] = polyfit(T.x_ChildrenInPoverty, T.x_Smokers,1);
xFit = linspace(min(T.x_ChildrenInPoverty), max(T.x_ChildrenInPoverty), 100);
[yFit, delta] = polyval(coeff, xFit, S);
plot(xFit, yFit, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend('Data','Linear Fit','95% Prediction Interval','Location','northwest')
In [158]:
In [159]:
%plot -s 800,400
contig = long>-125 & long<-50 & lat>24;
clong = long(contig);
clat = lat(contig);
axis tight equal
In [160]:
%plot inline
dt = delaunayTriangulation(clong,clat);
tri = dt.ConnectivityList;

xy = [clong, clat];
maxEdge = 2.6;
edges = [tri(:,[1 2]);tri(:,[1 3]);tri(:,[2 3])];
tri(any(reshape(sqrt((xy(edges(:,1),1) - xy(edges(:,2),1)).^2 + (xy(edges(:,1),2) - xy(edges(:,2),2)).^2),[],3) > maxEdge,2),:) = [];

h = trisurf(tri,clong,clat,rand(numel(clong),1)*20+clong);
%shading interp
axis tight
In [161]:
% Read-in data file
% Format contents how we want
cases = table2array(T(:,4));

date = table2array(T(:,1));
elapsed = days(date - date(1));

states = table2array(T(:,2));
unique_states = unique(states);
mymap = containers.Map(unique_states,1:55);

% Pre-allocate "infection" and "day" matrices
infection = zeros(numel(unique_states), elapsed(end)+1);
day = infection;
% Pre-allocate "state_counter" to be 1 for all states
state_counter = ones(1,numel(unique_states));
% Loop through formatted data
for record = 1:numel(cases)
%    For next record, get correct row=state and column=state_counter(state)
    row = state_nums(record);
    column = state_counter(row);
    state_counter(row) = state_counter(row) + 1;
%    Put # infections in infection(row,column)
    infection(row,column) = cases(record);
    day(row,column) = elapsed(record);
%    Put day in day(row,column)   
% Find first day where infection>100, use this as starting day in plot
% Plot data for all states, starting from selected day
In [162]:
%plot inline -s 700,500
[vals,inds] = sort(max(infection'));
inds=inds(10000<vals & vals<700000);
for i = numel(inds):-5:1
    want = infection(inds(i),:)>100;
    h = plot(infection(inds(i), want));
    hold on

xlabel('Relative Day')
ax = ancestor(h,'axes');
axis tight

Statistical Tools

Let's try to do some of the following:

-Correlation analysis. Which columns are dependent on other columns?
Fit some linear models to correlated columns. What's the quality of the fit? P-value?
-Take the age expectancy histogram. Fit a Gaussian distribution to it. What's the quality of the fit?
-Compare different groups in the data set; Urban vs. Rural - distribution of men vs women, life expectancy, % smokers etc.
Are the differences statistically significant? Are they significant in a real sense?
-Zipf's law: create a histogram of county population size.

Correlation analysis:

In [163]:
%plot inline -s 400,400
[R, P] = corrcoef(Tnum);
sprintf([repmat('%4.0f',1,size(R,2)) '\n'], triu(R,1)'*100)

axis square
ans =
    '   0  67  54  71 -18 -24 -47  77  16  -9 -10
        0   0  76  67 -62 -25 -64  65 -19  13 -15
        0   0   0  80 -52 -49 -63  54 -34  44 -12
        0   0   0   0 -35 -42 -59  57 -20  33   2
        0   0   0   0   0  27  65 -49  37 -10   3
        0   0   0   0   0   0  53 -36  28 -45  24
        0   0   0   0   0   0   0 -76   8 -21  23
        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   8 -13 -16
        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 -52 -21
        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  -7
        0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
In [164]:
[r,c] = find(triu(R,1)==max(R-eye(size(R)),[],'all'))
r =
c =
In [165]:
Variable index exceeds table dimensions.
In [166]:
%plot inline -s 800,800
myscatter = scatter(T.x_AdultsWithObesity, T.x_PhysicallyInactive,'.r');
title("Obesity vs Inactivity")
xlabel('% Adults w/ Obesity')
ylabel('% Physically Inactive')
ax = ancestor(myscatter,'axes');
axis tight
hold on

%Plot linear regression and 95% confidence interval
[coeff, S] = polyfit(T.x_AdultsWithObesity, T.x_PhysicallyInactive,1);
xFit = linspace(min(T.x_AdultsWithObesity), max(T.x_AdultsWithObesity), 100);
[yFit, delta] = polyval(coeff, xFit, S);
plot(xFit, yFit, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend('Data','Linear Fit','95% Prediction Interval','Location','northwest')
Unrecognized table variable name 'x_AdultsWithObesity'.
In [167]:
sprintf([repmat('%6.0f',1,size(P,2)) '\n'], triu(P,1)'*10000)
ans =
    '     0     0     0     0  1195   426     0     0  1781  4507  4074
          0     0     0     0     0   303     0     0  1057  2564  1979
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    34     1  3023
          0     0     0     0    28     2     0     0   952    43  8341
          0     0     0     0     0   231     0     0    15  3944  8055
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0    15   148     1   407
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  5134   770   507
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  5163  2746  1651
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   782
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  5395
          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

FIPS State County LifeExpectancy x_FrequentPhysicalDistress x_LimitedAccessToHealthyFoods MedianHouseholdIncome x_Homeowners x_SevereHousingCostBurden Population x_Black x_AmericanIndian_AlaskaNative x_Asian x_NativeHawaiian_OtherPacificIslander x_Hispanic x_Non_HispanicWhite x_Female x_Rural

In [168]:
USAd = readtable("USA_DemographicsData.csv");
Warning: Column headers from the file were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers before creating variable names for the table. The original column headers are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.
Set 'PreserveVariableNames' to true to use the original column headers as table variable names.
ans =
  8x5 table
    FIPS       State         County        LifeExpectancy     x_FrequentPhysicalDistress
    ____    ___________    ___________    ________________    __________________________
    1000    {'Alabama'}    {'NA'     }    {'75.416194148'}              15.827          
    1001    {'Alabama'}    {'Autauga'}    {'76.879477172'}              13.685          
    1003    {'Alabama'}    {'Baldwin'}    {'78.450258368'}               12.48          
    1005    {'Alabama'}    {'Barbour'}    {'75.34193493' }              17.185          
    1007    {'Alabama'}    {'Bibb'   }    {'73.571820279'}              13.627          
    1009    {'Alabama'}    {'Blount' }    {'74.145825897'}              14.523          
    1011    {'Alabama'}    {'Bullock'}    {'73.530894789'}              16.881          
    1013    {'Alabama'}    {'Butler' }    {'72.918309203'}              16.697          
In [169]:
ans =
  7x4 table
    FIPS      State                County              LifeExpectancy 
    ____    __________    ________________________    ________________
    2020    {'Alaska'}    {'Anchorage'           }    {'79.313560574'}
    2050    {'Alaska'}    {'Bethel'              }    {'72.087654272'}
    2060    {'Alaska'}    {'Bristol Bay'         }    {'NA'          }
    2068    {'Alaska'}    {'Denali'              }    {'77.693420522'}
    2070    {'Alaska'}    {'Dillingham'          }    {'73.562821554'}
    2090    {'Alaska'}    {'Fairbanks North Star'}    {'79.662175255'}
    2100    {'Alaska'}    {'Haines'              }    {'84.794838504'}
In [170]:
USAd = readtable("USA_DemographicsData.csv",'TreatAsEmpty',{'NA'});
Warning: Column headers from the file were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers before creating variable names for the table. The original column headers are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.
Set 'PreserveVariableNames' to true to use the original column headers as table variable names.
ans =
  7x4 table
    FIPS      State                County             LifeExpectancy
    ____    __________    ________________________    ______________
    2020    {'Alaska'}    {'Anchorage'           }        79.314    
    2050    {'Alaska'}    {'Bethel'              }        72.088    
    2060    {'Alaska'}    {'Bristol Bay'         }           NaN    
    2068    {'Alaska'}    {'Denali'              }        77.693    
    2070    {'Alaska'}    {'Dillingham'          }        73.563    
    2090    {'Alaska'}    {'Fairbanks North Star'}        79.662    
    2100    {'Alaska'}    {'Haines'              }        84.795    

We also should remove the 'NA' counties that are actually just state averages (how does this affect correlation from above?):

In [171]:
ans =
        3193          18
ans =
        3142          18
In [172]:
USAdmap = containers.Map(states,state_inds);
USAdnum = table2array(USAd(:,4:18));
USAdcolmap = containers.Map(1:15,4:18);
ans =
  8x5 table
    FIPS       State         County       LifeExpectancy    x_FrequentPhysicalDistress
    ____    ___________    ___________    ______________    __________________________
    1001    {'Alabama'}    {'Autauga'}        76.879                  13.685          
    1003    {'Alabama'}    {'Baldwin'}         78.45                   12.48          
    1005    {'Alabama'}    {'Barbour'}        75.342                  17.185          
    1007    {'Alabama'}    {'Bibb'   }        73.572                  13.627          
    1009    {'Alabama'}    {'Blount' }        74.146                  14.523          
    1011    {'Alabama'}    {'Bullock'}        73.531                  16.881          
    1013    {'Alabama'}    {'Butler' }        72.918                  16.697          
    1015    {'Alabama'}    {'Calhoun'}        73.039                  14.754          
In [173]:
%plot inline -s 1000,300
med = nanmedian(USAd.LifeExpectancy);

How do we go about fitting a normal to this?
Let's take a look at MathWorks documentation to see and then test if this is a good fit.
(Good illustration of my process and how to solve open-ended problems)

Zipf's Law:

Remember our goal:
Order and rank county populations. Plot rank vs. population size on a log-log plot. Except for the smallest sizes they will fit a straight line. How should we go about fitting?

In [ ]: