################################################################################## ##Example: syncing a folder between the PC and SCC1 # ##General syntax: # ##rsync -r local-source-path userID@scc1.bu.edu:remote-destination-path(SCC) # # # ##Without a destination, rsync lists the content of the folder PC-folder # #rsync -r /drives/c/users/userID/PC-folder # # # ##Sync /usr3/graduate/SCC-folder with the specified folder on the PC (PC-folder) # ##If SCC-folder is omitted, SCC-folder defaults to the PC-folder # ##If SCC-folder does not exist on SCC, it will be created # # # ##Use vi or MobaTextEditor to edit the following line for your application # ################################################################################## rsync -ra --update /drives/c/users/kadin/myMatLab yourUserID@scc1.bu.edu:/project/scv/examples/ ##Since you are syncing files from the PC, $HOME is set to the home dir on the PC. ##You cannot use it on the SCC ##scc1% man rsync for more options