#!/bin/csh # this script is a qsub companion script to handle Array Job # (-t) option for MATLAB PCT batch jobs. # Usage: # scc1$ qsub -t 100 ./run_pct_jobs # 4 cores, n=100 # scc1$ qsub -pe omp 8 -t 100 ./run_pct_jobs # 8 cores, n=100 # scc1$ qsub -t 100-500:200 ./run_pct_jobs # 4 cores, n=100,300,500 # Requires RCS MATLAB utilities. Add this line to your startup.m # addpath(genpath('/project/scv/examples/matlab/RCS_utils'),'-begin') # # Specify SGE batch scheduler options # Merge output and error files in one #$ -j y # Send email to SCC userID when job finished or aborted #$ -m ae # Request 4 cores from omp queue (example needs multicores) # For serial apps, prepend the line below with another # #$ -pe omp 4 matlab -nodisplay -r "runBatchJob($SGE_TASK_ID, $NSLOTS); exit"