Run Instructions: scc1% qsub run_matlab_pct_job <== using the matlab batch command scc1% qsub run_pct_job <== without the matlab batch command *** the objective is to redirect MATLAB internal files fro .matlab, if you know of a way to do that without using the batch command like I am doing, that will work fine. However, I would still like to know why it is not working. * The Tseng.o5301898 file is output for qsub run_pct_job * In the batch script, -pe omp 4 requests 4 cores (shared memory) * A compute node consists of 12 or 16 cores * At run time, I use myCluster.JobStorageLocation to redirect matlab's PCT administrative output from .matlab to a TMPDIR available on the assigned compute node * getbev.m gets cluster's env vars * myApp.m and myWave.m are the application's function & script m-files to demonstrate how to submit batch jobs Behavior of using the "batch" command: 1) Running batch with MATLAB batch automatically suppresses output. Upon returning, retrieve data with fetchOutputs (for functions) or load (for scripts). 2) For SPMD, you will need to gather output from workers before returning from myApp.m. For example, delta = n/nslots; x=distributed.zeros(1,n); spmd for k=1+(labindex-1)*delta:labindex*delta x(k) = k; end enddo % A workaround; not necessary if myApp not invokde thru batch x = gather(x);