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A Collection of MATLAB Batch Scripts And Utility M-files
README.html -- this file
epbatch ------- Embarrassingly Parallel BATCH
getbev.m ------ m-file to return batch env. vars
isBatch.m ----- whether code is running in batch
mbatch -------- Simple MATLAB batch script
myApp.m ------- Sample Application m-file
myInterface.m - Handles batch env vars and runs myApp
pbatch -------- Parallel BATCH job (PCT)
pbatch2 ------ runs myInterface in batch
pnbatch ------- Partial Node Batch job
run_standalone_job -- Standalone Batch job
wnbatch ------- Whole Node Batch job
Where to Store Them
Copy them to ~/matlab for access from any user folder. This is the folder where startup.m resides.
Types of MATLAB Batch Jobs
Running Serial (single-core) MATLAB Batch Jobsscc1$ qsub ./mbatch
Running Parallel (multicore) MATLAB Batch Jobsscc1$ qsub -pe omp 4 ./pbatch
Running Pre-compiled MATLAB code (needs no licenses)scc1$ qsub ./run_standalone_job
More details are available in How To Create & Run MATLAB Standalone Executable .
Running Implicitly Parallel (multithreaded) MATLAB Batch Jobs
scc1$ qsub -pe omp 12 ./wnbatch
scc1$ qsub -pe omp 7 ./pnbatch
For more details, see: Running MATLAB Batch Jobs on the SCC
Kadin Tseng, Research Computing Services, IS&T, Boston University
Created : January, 2015
Modified :
Note: Research Computing Services (RCS) example programs are provided
"as is" without any warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk of
quality, performance, and repair of any defects. You are encouraged to copy
and modify any of the given examples for your own use.