Index of /examples/machine_learning/tensorflow/v1.13.1

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[   ] 2021-02-24 14:11 747  
[   ]test_tensorflow_v1.1..>2021-02-24 14:11 1.4K 
[   ]test_tensorflow_v1.1..>2021-03-23 13:40 473  

Tensorflow on the SCC

Tensorflow on the SCC

Tensorflow is available on the SCC with support for GPU accelerated computations and CPU-only computations. This page provides examples and guidance on how to use Tensorflow on the SCC.


To see the latest version of Tensorflow available run the command:

 module avail tensorflow

Here is an example of loading the release 1.13.1 Tensorflow module. This module supports Python 3.6.x and will automatically load CPU or GPU compiled versions based on the availability of a GPU. It is compiled with CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.5 support. The following commands will therefore work on GPU or CPU nodes:

module load python3/3.6.5 
module load tensorflow/1.13.1 

Queue Resources

GPU Compute Capability

When requesting GPUs it is important to specify that the assigned GPUs have a CUDA compute capability of at least 3.5 as this is the minimum requirement for Tensorflow. This is done using the -l gpu_c=3.5 option for queue jobs. We have an example job file below this section for covenience.

Requesting CPU cores

We recommend requesting CPU cores only and no GPUs if your workload falls into either of these two categories. Category A are coding/learning/development/debugging type of workloads. Category B are light inference-only or training of relatively small models. Requesting CPU cores only and not GPUs will likely decrease the time your job waits in the queue as CPU resources are more plentiful than GPU resources. This will also free up GPUs for heavy training workloads.

Configuring the Tensorflow Session object for the SCC

When a job is run on the SCC it has resources (some number of cores and GPUs) assigned to it. In order for Tensorflow code to access the assigned resources properly, the following instructions for configuring the Tensorflow Session object are mandatory for your code to run properly. The Session object is configured when it is initialized using a Tensorflow ConfigProto object. We will provide a description of the ConfigProto options, followed by a code example.


The allow_soft_placement option will cause Tensorflow to search for a compatible device if the requested on is not available.
If the Python code requests the first GPU on the compute node (with the with tf.device('/gpu:0'): syntax) but is assigned to the second or third GPU on the node the job will crash. The allow_soft_placement option will let Tensorflow identify the actual assigned GPU and use it in place of gpu:0 automatically.

An additional effect of the allow_soft_placement option is that Tensorflow code that is requested to be run on the GPU will be automatically run on the CPU if no GPUs are available.
This allows you to test or debug Tensorflow code on a non-GPU compute node or the login node without any code changes provided the CPU version of the Tensorflow module is loaded.

Set intra_op_parallelism_threads and inter_op_parallelism_threads

This note relates only to code written in Tensorflow; not to code written in Keras (even if Tensorflow backend is used).
These two options control the number of CPU cores that Tensorflow will use. If Tensorflow attempts to use more cores than the job has requested then the job will be killed. In order to make sure that Tensorflow only uses the assigned number of cores, the intra_op_parallelism parameter should always have the value of 1 and inter_op_parallelism_threads should be equal to the requested number of cores. See the example below for a way to do this automatically.

The following is an example Python code that properly configures the Tensorflow Session object for running on the SCC. A function called get_n_cores() is defined to read the NSLOTS variable from the environment for proper setting of intra_op_parallelism_threads:

With allow_soft_placement this code will work even if the assigned
GPU is not gpu:0 or even if we run on a node without a GPU.

import os

import tensorflow as tf

os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3"

def get_n_cores():
    """Gets the assiged number of cores for this job. This is stored in
    the NSLOTS variable, If NSLOTS is not defined throw an exception.
    nslots = os.getenv("NSLOTS")
    if nslots is not None:
        return int(nslots)
    raise ValueError("Environment variable NSLOTS is not defined.")

# --------------- Now start the Tensorflow code... ----------------------------
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
    a = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], shape=[2, 3], name="a")
    b = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], shape=[3, 2], name="b")

# If an op is not assigned to a device then Tensorflow will pick one, which is
# typically the GPU if one is available
c = tf.matmul(a, b)

# Create the configuration for the Session
session_conf = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(

sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=session_conf)

# Runs the op.

Example queue submission script

This is an example queue submission script that runs the above Python code. It is saved as test_tensorflow_v1.13.1.qsub:

#!/bin/bash -l

# Request 1 cores. This will set NSLOTS=1
#$ -pe omp 1
# Request 1 GPU
#$ -l gpus=1
# Request at least compute capability 3.5
#$ -l gpu_c=3.5
# Terminate job after 12 hours
#$ -l h_rt=12:00:00

# Specify Project
#$ -P your_project_name
# Give the job a name
#$ -N test_tensorflow
# Join output and error streams
#$ -j y

# load modules
module load python3/3.6.5
module load tensorflow/1.13.1

# Run the Python script

Keras with the Tensorflow backend

By default Keras will keep Tensorflow limited to a single core which does not result in any issues with the SCC queue. Thus we don't need to include threading instructions for Keras (even if using Tensorflow backend). If desired, the following code can be used to configure the Tensorflow session for the Keras backend to take advantage of multiple cores. This code works for tensorflow module version 1.12 only due to Keras version changes.

import os
import sys

import keras.backend.tensorflow_backend as ktf
import tensorflow as tf

# Get the number of cores assigned to this job.
def get_n_cores():
    nslots = os.getenv("NSLOTS")
    if nslots is not None:
        return int(nslots)
    raise ValueError("Environment variable NSLOTS is not defined.")

# Get the Tensorflow backend session.
def get_session():
        nthreads = get_n_cores()
        session_conf = tf.ConfigProto(
        return tf.Session(config=session_conf)
    except Exception:
        sys.stderr.write("NSLOTS is not set, using default Tensorflow session.\n")
    return ktf.get_session()

# Assign the configured Tensorflow session to keras
# Rest of your Keras script starts here....

Multiple GPUs

It is possible to use multiple GPUs with Tensorflow. In many cases a Tensorflow job will not fully utilize a single GPU, so before requesting multiple GPUs you should check the GPU utilization. In many cases, requesting the use of multiple GPUs results in little to no benefit to your program's runtime.

Here's what we recommend:

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Note: RCS example programs are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk of quality, performance, and repair of any defect. You are welcome to copy and modify any of the given examples for your own use.