Mitchell Horn Research Computing Service, Boston University Summer 2024 Please contact us at ==================================================================================== BIDS 1. Copy the tutorial data to your local project space. a. To see the SCC projects you're a part of: []$ groups b. Copy the tutorial .zip file to your project directory: []$ cd /projectnb/YOUR_PROJECT/ []$ cp /project/scv/examples/imaging/ . []$ unzip c. Explore the data (DICOMS): []$ ls data/demo/RAW 2. Convert DICOMS to NIFTI []$ module load dcm2niix []$ mkdir data/demo/NIFTI []$ dcm2niix -o data/demo/NIFTI/ data/demo/RAW/* 3. Explore the converted data (NIFTI): []$ ls data/demo/NIFTI a. explore the header information []$ module load sublime []$ sublime data/demo/NIFTI/RAW_T1*.json b. explore the imaging data []$ module load freesurfer []$ freeview data/demo/NIFTI/RAW_T1*.nii.gz 4. Explore BIDS datastructure (this was done for you!) a. look at the YAML file to see what was sorted []$ sublime data/yaxil/test.yaml b. look at the dataset descriptopn []$ sublime data/yaxil/dataset_description.json c. look at the output format (also refer to slides) []$ tree data/yaxil/sub* ====================================================================================