This directory contains and example of cuda program Program Compilation: -------------------- nvcc -o helloCuda -arch sm_20 Program Execution: ------------------ CUDA program should be executed on the GPU-enabled machine. To request a node with GPU, execute the following commands at the SCC prompt: qsh -V -l gpus=1 module load cuda/5.0 Users participating in Medical Campus project, should request gpu-enabled node providing their group name, e.g. : qsh -P scv -V -l gpus=1 module load cuda/5.0 When the terminal window appears, to execute the program, type: ./helloCuda Contact Information: -------------------- Katia Oleinik: Operating System Requirements: ------------------------------ The examples presented in this directory were written for Linux OS, but should work on any OS where - c and nvcc compilers available - NVIDIA's GPU(s) with compute capability 2.0 and higher Updates: -------- 2013-06-01: The first version of Intro to GPU programming tutorial created