On the SCC, you can copy all of these files to your home directory by
executing the command:
scc1% cp -r /project/scv/examples/c/tutorials ~/.
scc1% cd ~/tutorials
Program Compilation:
cd into subdirectory (e.g., ex03), and type 'make' if a Makefile is present; otherwise, type
gcc [sourcename.c] (e.g., gcc Celcius2.c).
Program Execution:
To execute the program, type the name of the executable at an SCC prompt (e.g., a.out,
dotprod, etc.)
Contact Information
Research Computing Services: help@scc.bu.edu
Operating System Requirements
The examples presented in this directory were written for Linux OS, but should
work on any OS where a C compiler is available. The way the program is compiled and executed depends on the OS and software used.