CHARMM c32b1 qchem.doc

File: QChem ]-[ Node: Top
Up: (commands.doc) -=- Next: Description\n

        Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method
                        Based on Q-Chem in CHARMM

                             H. Lee Woodcock

          based on the GAMESS(US) interface from Milan Hodoscek
              the GAMESS(UK) interface from Paul Sherwood

        Ab initio program Q-Chem is connected to CHARMM program in a 
QM/MM method. This method is based on the interface to the GAMESS (US
version), the latter being an extension of the QUANTUM code which is
described in J. Comp. Chem., Vol. 11, No. 6, 700-733 (1990).

* Menu:

* Description::         Description of the qchem commands.
* Usage::               How to run Q-Chem in CHARMM.
* Installation::        How to install Q-Chem in CHARMM environment.
* Functionality::       Functionality of the interface code.
* Status::              Status of the interface code.

File: QChem ]-[ Node: Description
Up: Top -=- Next: Usage -=- Previous: Top\n

        The Q-Chem QM potential is initialized with the QCHEM command.


QCHEm    [REMOve] [EXGRoup] NOGUess] (atom selection)

REMOve:  Classical energies within QM atoms are removed.

EXGRoup: QM/MM Electrostatics for link host groups removed.

NOGUess: Obtains initial orbital guess from previous calculation.
         Default is to recalculate initial orbitals each time.

         The atoms in selection will be treated as QM atoms.
         Link atom may be added between an QM and MM atoms with the
following command:


ADDLinkatom  link-atom-name  QM-atom-spec  MM-atom-spec

      link-atom-name ::= a four character descriptor starting with QQ.

      atom-spec::= {residue-number atom-name}
                   { segid  resid atom-name }
                   { BYNUm  atom-number     }

        When using link atoms to break a bond between QM and MM
regions bond and angle parameters have to be added to parameter file
or better use READ PARAm APPEnd command.

        If define is used for selection of QM region put it after all
ADDLink commands so the numbers of atoms in the selections are not
changed. Link atoms are always selected as QM atoms.


File: QChem ]-[ Node: Usage
Up: Top -=- Next: Installation -=- Previous: Description\n

CHARMM input scripts are the same as before except the addition of ENVIronment
commands and the QCHEm command itself. Q-Chem commands are in a separate file
call qchem.inp, (or with an alternative name indicated by the "QCHEMCNT"
environment variable). The Q-Chem input file has the same structure as it
would have for a normal Q-Chem run, except that the specification of the
geometry, in the molecule section, is omitted. Note: the charge and
multiplicity are still included in the molecule section.

        Names of the files for Q-Chem are specefied with environment
variables as follows. These four ENVIronment variables must be set!

     use ENVIronment command inside CHARMM

     ENVI qchemcnt  "qchem.inp"
     ENVI qcheminp  "q1.inp"
     ENVI qchemexe  "qchem"
     ENVI qchemout  "qchem.out"

or use the following for (t)csh

     setenv qchemcnt qchem.inp
     setenv qcheminp q1.inp
     setenv qchemexe qchem
     setenv qchemout qchem.out

or use the following for ksh,sh,bash

     export qchemcnt=qchem.inp
     export qcheminp=q1.inp
     export qchemexe=qchem
     export qchemout=qchem.out

1. The QCHEMCNT variable specifies the main Q-Chem input file which contains
the $rem section, $molecule section (without geometry), $comment section,

2. The QCHEMINP variable is the final input file that will get passed to
Q-Chem. CHARMM actually writes this file and adds the correct geometry and
any external/point charges (e.g. MM atoms) to an $external_charges section.

3. The QCHEMEXE is the location of the qchem script. Specify the entire path
unless $QC/bin is included in your default path. 

4. The QCHEMOUT file specifies the Q-Chem output file. This file get
overwritten for each optimization/time step. In the future, there will be a
mechanism to save old output files.

Q-Chem input file parameters

The following $rem variables must be specified in the QCHEMCNT file in order
to perform CHARMM QM/MM or pure QM calculations. 

qm_mm                 true
jobtype               force
symmetry              off
sym_ignore            true
print_input           false
qmmm_print            true

1. qm_mm = true: Turns QM/MM on in Q-Chem

2. jobtype = force: Needed to do QM/MM optimizations. Set to "SP" if QM/MM   
                    energy is desired.

3. symmetry = off: Turn off symmetry

4. sym_ignore = true: Prevents Q-Chem from reorienting molecule

5. print_input = false: Use this if you have a large molecule and do not want 
                        1000s of atoms echoed back to the output file.

6. qmmm_print = true: Reduces some of the print out during QM/MM calculations. 
                      This prevents external charges from being printed out if 
                      there are more than 50 of them.

Sample QCHEMCNT file (qchem.inp):
Input file comes from CHARMM

exchange              HF
basis                 6-31G*
qm_mm                 true
jobtype               force
symmetry              off
sym_ignore            true
print_input           false
qmmm_print            true

0 1


         The above is for 6-31G calculation of any neutral molecule. 

[NOTE: For another example look at test/cquantumtest/alanine_qchem.inp]


File: QChem ]-[ Node: Installation
Up: Top -=- Next: Status -=- Previous: Usage\n

One of the main benefits of using Q-Chem to do QM/MM calculations with CHARMM
is the ease of which you can get up and running jobs. All you have to do is
compile CHARMM in the following way.... <machine-type> <CHARMM size> QC <other CHARMM options>

This will compile the serial version of CHARMM to run with a serial version of
Q-Chem. To compile a parallel version of CHARMM to run with a parallel or
serial version of Q-Chem you could use the following script....

# Compile Parallel CHARMM with Q-Chem support

setenv MPI /base/mpi/directory
setenv MPI_LIB $MPI/lib
setenv MPI_LIB $MPI/include

set path=($MPI/bin $path) <machine-type> <CHARMM size> M QC MPICH <other CHARMM options>


File: QChem ]-[ Node: Status
Up: Top -=- Next: Functionality -=- Previous: Installation\n

Q-Chem/CHARMM interface status (July 2004)

- Parallel version is fully functional

- Replica/Path and Nudged Elastic Band Methods function in a highly parallel  
  and parallel/parallel fashion (parallel/parallel is not implemented at the  
  source code level, accomplished via CHARMM scripting).

- I/O including standard input and output are separated for

- All CHARMM testcases are still OK when CHARMM is compiled
  with Q-Chem inside.

- QCHEM, GAMESS, GAMESSUK, CADPAC and QUANTUM keywords cannot coexist in

- Q-Chem recognizes atoms by their masses as specified in the 
  RTF file


File: QChem ]-[ Node: Functionality
Up: Top -=- Next: RPath -=- Previous: Status\n

1. QM/MM optimizations (analytic gradients) using Q-Chem can be performed
using the following methods.

   - HF*    (RHF, UHF, ROHF)
   - DFT*   (RHF, UHF, ROHF)
   - MP2    (RHF, UHF, ROHF)
   - CCSD   (RHF, UHF)

* Analytic derivatives run in parallel.

2. QM/MM single point energies using Q-Chem can be performed using the
following methods (in addition to the above). 

   Local MP2 (RHF, UHF)

3. The remainder of Q-Chem's analytic derivative and energy point methods will
be made available in future releases.


File: QChem ]-[ Node: RPath
Up: Top -=- Next: Top -=- Previous: Functionality\n

1. Additional ENVIronment variable: To do QM/MM Replica/Path or Nudged Elastic
Band calculations with CHARMM and Q-Chem you must define one extra variable. 

    ENVI QCHEMPWD "/path/to/working/rpath/directory"

2. After defining this above ENVIronment variable all that is left to do is
add the "rpath" keyword to the QCHEm call. For example...

    QCHEm RPATh REMOve select qm_region end

This will create nrep directories in /path/to/working/rpath/directory and each
point of the pathway will be computed in a different directory. 

Note: you must be running a parallel version of CHARMM with the same number of
processors as you have replicas (i.e. pathway points). 


File: QChem ]-[ Node: Pert
Up: Top -=- Next: Top -=- Previous: RPath\n

To run ab initio QM/MM free energy perturbation you need to specify additional
environment variables in the QM/MM setup...

1. sainp: state A control file (same as QCHEMCNT; specific for state A)
2. sbinp: state B control file (same as QCHEMCNT; specific for state B)
3. stateainp: auto generated Q-Chem input file for state A 
4. statebinp: auto generated Q-Chem input file for state B
5. stateaout: specify Q-Chem output for state A QM calculation
6. statebout: specify Q-Chem output for state B QM calculation


 envi qchemexe  "qchem"               ! Command to call quantum program
 envi qchemcnt  "data/qchem_pert.inp" ! Non Pert Control file
 envi qcheminp  "q1.inp"              ! Non Pert Quantum input file
 envi qchemout  "qchem.out"           ! Non Pert Quantum output file
 envi sainp     "data/s0.inp"         ! State 0 control file
 envi sbinp     "data/s1.inp"         ! State 1 control file
 envi stateainp "state0.inp"          ! State 0 quantum input file
 envi statebinp "state1.inp"          ! State 1 quantum input file
 envi stateaout "state0.out"          ! State 0 quantum output file
 envi statebout "state1.out"          ! State 1 quantum output file

See test/cquantumtest/qmmm_pert.inp for a complete example.

Please see pert.doc for a complete description of running free energy 
perturbation in CHARMM. 


CHARMM .doc Homepage

Information and HTML Formatting Courtesy of:

NIH/DCRT/Laboratory for Structural Biology
FDA/CBER/OVRR Biophysics Laboratory
Modified, updated and generalized by C.L. Brooks, III
The Scripps Research Institute