Perturbation: Thermodynamic Perturbation Calculations. * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the set up of the perturbation command. * Description:: Description of the keywords and options for setting up the perturbation calculation. Includes an explanation of the reset command TSM CLEAr. * Post-processing:: How to process the perturbation output of the dynamics run. * Details: (pdetail.doc). How to run perturbation calculations. * Implementation: (pimplem.doc). How it is implemented. Programming details. * CFTI: (cfti.doc). Conformational Energy/Free Energy Calculation (Krzysztof Kuczera)
Syntax for the Perturbation Command [SYNTAX TSM] TSM Chemical Perturbation Parameters: 1. REACtant atom_selection_list | NONE 2. PRODuct atom_selection_list | NONE 3. LAMBda <real> [ POWEr <int> ] 4. SLOW TEMP <real> LFROm <real> LTO <real> [ POWEr <int> ] 5. DONT {REACtant} {internal_energy_spec} [SUBTract] {PRODuct} {internal_energy_spec} 6. GLUE {CM FORCe <real> MIN <real>} [SUBR] [SUBP] {ATOMs FORCE <real> MIN <real> atom_spec atom_spec 7. NOKE {REAC} {PROD} 8. SAVE UNIT <integer> [FREQ <integer>] 9. COLO atom_spec PCHArge <real> [RCHArge <real>] atom_spec ::= segid resnum type 10. PIGGyback PIGGy atom_spec BACK atom_spec atom_spec ::= segid resnum type 11. UMBRella 4x( atom_spec) VACTual <real> atom_spec: segid resnum type Internal Coordinate (IC) Perturbation Parameters: 12. FIX {ic-spec} [TOLI <real>] 13. MAXI <integer> 14. MOVE {ic-spec} 2x{atom-selection} BY <real> 15. SAVIc [ICUNit <integer>] [ICFReq <integer>] [NWINdows <integer>] 16. END internal_energy_spec ::== BOND THETa|ANGLe PHI|DIHEd IMPHi|IMPR ic-spec ::= {[DISTance] 2x{atom-spec} } {[BOND] 2x{atom-spec} } {[ANGLe] 3x{atom-spec} } {[THETa] 3x{atom-spec} } {[DIHEdral] 4x{atom-spec} } {[PHI] 4x{atom-spec} } atom_spec ::= segid resid type atom-selection ::= see (*Note Select: (SELECT).) ***** Note: must have non-bonded exclusions between reactant and product atoms in rtf. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TSM CLEAr Clears heap data structures used in perturbation setup, cancels constraints and perturbations, and resets logical flags.
Explanation of the Perturbation Setup Currently the perturbation setup is initiated by invoking the command TSM with nothing else on the command line. This is followed by a number of other commands, listed below, and terminated with an END command. Two types of thermodynamics perturbations are available: chemi- cal perturbation and internal coordinate perturbation. Each is discussed separately below. * Menu: * ChemPert:: Chemical Perturbation * ICPert:: Internal Coordinate Perturbation
Chemical Perturbation For chemical perturbations, a minimum of three commands are necessary besides TSM and END: REAC - to specify the reactant atom list; PROD - to specify the product atom list; LAMBda or SLOW to specify lambda for win- dowing or the slow growth technique. 1. REACtant atom_selection_list | NONE Specifies the reactant atom list (see *Note details: (pdetail).). The atom selection list uses the standard CHARMM selection command syntax (see *Note Select: (SELECT).). Subsequent invocations of this command clears the selections of any earlier invocation. 2. PRODuct atom_selection_list | NONE Specifies the product list (see above). 3. LAMBda <real> [ POWEr <int> ] The hybrid Hamiltonian is defined, in this implementation, as H(lambda) = ( (1 - lambda)**N )V(reac) + (lambda**N)V(prod). This command specifies lambda and N. It also indicates that the window method is to be used (see *Note details: (pdetail).). 4. SLOW TEMP <real> LFROm <real> LTO <real> POWEr <int> This command specifies that the "slow growth" (see *Note details: (pdetail).) method be used. LFROm and LTO indicates the limits of integration. POWEr has the same meaning in the previous command. 5. DONT {REACtant} {internal_energy_spec} [SUBTract] {PRODuct} {internal_energy_spec} internal_energy_spec :== BOND THETa|ANGLe PHI|DIHEd IMPHi|IMPR This command indicates that the specified internal energy term(s) for the reactant or product atoms is (are) to be ignored as perturbation interactions. That means that the specified interactions are not factored by lambda**N or (1 -lambda)**N and do not contribute to the value of V(reac) or V(product). The interaction is, however, computed in full and treated as part of H(env) (see *Note details: (pdetail).). More than one internal energy type can be specified at a time but reactant and product must be specified in separate commands. The optional sub-command SUBTract causes specified perturbation forces on the environment atoms (see *Note details: (pdetail).) to be subtracted. This is very non-Newtonian and was included as an early (and largely unsuccessful) attempt to generate configurations at lambda = 0 and 1 for the non-existent group. See the discussion of the endpoint problem, (in *Note details: (pdetail).), also known as the lambda goes to zero catastrophe (Beveridge, 1987). Anyway, what this does is remove the forces due to terms specified in the DONT option from the environment atoms involved. In addition, the terms are not lambda factored or included in H(lambda) or in V(reac) or V(pert). The forces are left on the perturbed atoms with the hope that this would produce usable configurations. It does not. Rather, the atoms drag along and bad non-bond contacts result when lambda is 0 or 1 (the original intended use). We generally use the DONT option for both reactant and product for the bond stretching and bending terms. These terms are generally uncoupled from the interactions of interest and it appears that their exclusion, even with the resulting non-physical Hamiltonian, does not significantly affect the relative free energies of solvation or drug/enzyme binding. The same cannot be said for torsions which other implementations leave out. The educated advice is use the DONT REAC (and PROD) BOND THETA and donot!!! use the SUBTract option. Note that we have had problems with the fraying of bonds to hydrogen near the lambda endpoints when the DONT BONDs options were NOT used. Note that the REAC and PROD must be issued before the respective DONT command. Subsequent invocations of a DONT REAC/PROD command clears the applicable flags first. 6. GLUE {CM FORCe <real> MIN <real>} [SUBR] [SUBP]} | {ATOMs FORCE <real> MIN <real> atom_spec atom_spec } atom_spec ::= segid resnum type Here we have another failed attempt. The GLUE ATOM command sets an harmonic force between a reactant and a product atom. One of each must be given. The GLUE CM indicates that the centers of mass of the reactant and product atoms are to be connected by the harmonic force. FORCe is the force constant in the same units as the bond stretching force constant kcal/mol/A**2. MIN is the minimum distance in angstroms. Unfortunately, using MIN set to zero causes problems with SHAKE (how does a floating point zero divide check error grab you, Buckaroo?). We intended to use this on systems where there were no environment atoms to keep the groups together. Shake would be used since the "GLUE" force is unphysical. However, the aforementioned error made use of this option undesirable. As it turns out, in solvated systems our concerns about the two groups flopping around, with attendant problems with sampling convergence, was unfounded. Best not to use this option. 7. NOKE {REAC} {PROD} This specifies that the kinetic energy should not include either contributions form the REACtant or PRODuct atoms. REACtant and PRODuct must be selected in separate commands. When the number of degrees of freedom are calculated in the subroutine DCNTRL, the ones due to REACtant or PRODuct (depending on which command(s) is/are issued) are not counted. When the kinetic energy is calculated in the subroutine DYNAMC, these degrees of freedom are ignored. Same for the temperature calculation. This option should be used for the non-existent atoms at lambda = 0 (product atoms) or 1 (reactant atoms) since the atoms donot exist (hence they are termed non-existent buckaroo) they should not be expected to contribute their (3/2)kT per degree of freedom to the kinetic energy. Normally, the kinetic energy contributions from the reactant and product atoms are factored by (1 - lambda)**N and lambda**N respectively. 8. SAVE UNIT <integer> [FREQ <integer>] This command determines where the output generated in DYNAMC is to be sent (UNIT command) and the frequency of output (FREQ command). We generally use a frequency of one (output on every step). Note that before dynamics are run the file must be opened for formatted writing with the CHARMM OPEN command. Binary output is not currently supported. 9. COLO atom_spec PCHArge <real> [RCHArge <real>] atom_spec ::= segid resnum type Sometimes the van der Waal characteristics and the "identity" of of an atom remains the same while the charge interactions with this atom atom is perturbed from a reactant value to a product value. An example is the methanol -> ethane mutation where the methanol OH atoms are full-fledged reactant atoms and one ethane methyl group is a full-fledged product atom. The common methyl group is treated as a COLO atom. Interactions appropriately factored by lambda are calculated using a product charge, specified by the PCHArge command and a reactant charge, either the charge in the residue topology file or that specified with the RCHArge command. The COLO command is issued once for each COLO atom. The colo atoms cannot be in either the reactant or product lists. If any of this is unclear see *Note details: (pdetail). An explanation about how this whole thing works is given there. 10. PIGGyback {PIGGy} atom_spec {BACK} atom_spec {REACtant} {PRODuct} atom_spec ::= segid resnum type This command allows you to convert isolated atom into another. It is intended for mutations such as Br- -> Cl- and Ar -> Ne. The atoms cannot be bonded to anything else (a wrndie error will be issued). Currently, only one reactant/product atom pair can be used. The PIGGy atom must be a REACtant atom and the BACK atom must be a PRODuct atom, otherwise an error will be flagged. The REAC and PROD commands must already have been issued. Note the synonyms for PIGGy and BACK. When this option is in effect the forces on the back atom are added to those on the PIGGy atom at each step of the dynamics. The coordinates of the BACK atom are made equal to those of the PIGGy atom at each time step. 11. UMBRella 4x( atom_spec) VACTual <real> atom_spec ::= segid resnum type This command specifies an umbrella sampling correction to all of the averages in post-processing. The four atom specifications define the the dihedral angle involved. The command is repeated for each dihedral. If there are multiple dihedral angles through the axis of two atoms, all all of them should be specified. It is assumed that the surrogate potential term is in the parameter file for the particular type of torsion. VACTual is the coefficient for the real potential. Currently, only the three-fold term is supported. A further limitation is that although you can specify particular dihedral angles for this treatment all torsions with that type will use the modified potential in the parameter file. This part of the program is slated for modification as soon as possible. For an explanation of the terms and how the umbrella correction works, see *Note details: (pdetail).
Internal Coordinate (IC) Perturbation To setup an ic perturbation, you need to 1) specify the internal coordinate(s) to be constrained during the perturbation (FIX), 2) specify which atoms will move during the perturbation and which atoms will remain fixed (MOVE), and 3) indicate how and where the perturbation data will be saved (SAVI). 12. FIX {ic-spec} [TOLI <real>] ic-spec ::= {[DISTance] 2x{atom-spec} } {[BOND] 2x{atom-spec} } {[ANGLe] 3x{atom-spec} } {[THETa] 3x{atom-spec} } {[DIHEdral] 4x{atom-spec} } {[PHI] 4x{atom-spec} } The FIX command defines an internal coordinate to be constrained: DIST or BOND specify distance constraints, ANGL or THET bond angle constraints, and DIHE or PHI dihedral angle constraints. TOLI sets the tolerance (the allowed deviation in Angstroms (distance constraints) or degrees (angle constraints)) to be used for the specified constraint in the constraint resetting procedure (see *Note details: (pdetail).). The default is 10E-10 (Angstroms or degrees). It is very important to note that the reference value of the constraint is set to the value of the internal coordinate at the instant the command is issued. One or more i.c. constraints can be specified per simulation. 13. MAXI <integer> MAXI sets the maximum number of iterations to be used in the iterative i.c. constraint resetting procedure (see *Note details: (pdetail).). The default is 500. 14. MOVE {ic-spec} BY <real> INTE {atom-selection} The MOVE commands specify the internal coordinates to be perturbed and define the atoms to be moved by the perturbation. Several MOVE commands may be used to set up a perturbation consisting of changes in several internal coordinates. Since i.c. perturbations are really only useful in conjunction with i.c. constraints, for each MOVE command there should be a corresponding FIX command with the same ic-spec. Following the BY keyword is a real number which is the amount that the internal coordinate will be changed by the perturbation (in Angstroms for distances and degrees for angles). The INTE selection part of the MOVE command defines the solute partition, that is, the atoms to be moved by the perturbation. The perturbation is applied to all of the atoms specified in the selection using displacements determined from moving the internal coordinate BY value. However, some atoms may not be moved even though they are included in the solute partition with the INTE selection because zero displacements will be computed for them (e.g. if they lie on the rotation axis, like the central atom in a perturbed angle, or either of the two central atoms in a perturbed dihedral angle). If a double selection is given (e.g. INTE SELE atom-selection END SELE atom-selection END), then the two selected groups of atoms are considered separate sections of the solute partition. In that case, to accomplish the overall perturbation, each section is moved half of the BY value. The INTE selection also specifies which contributions are to be included in the perturbation interaction energies. The calculation of the perturbation interaction energies is based on the interaction energy calculation which is done when the CHARMM INTEre command is issued (see *Note interaction: (energy). for more details). Thus, the perturbation interaction energies may contain the following energy contributions: bond, bond angle, dihedral, improper dihedral, van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bond, harmonic positional constraint, and harmonic dihedral constraint. In addition to these contributions, which are the usual CHARMM interaction energy terms, the perturbation interaction energies may also contain the following image contributions: van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrogen bond. (Note that the CHARMM INTEre command is parsed by the main CHARMM command parser. It should not be confused with the INTE part of the MOVE cammand which is parsed by the TSM command parser. We apologize for any confusion which may result from the use of the INTE keyword in the TSM command. It seemed appropriate since it indicates a similar interaction energy calculation.) To explain how the interaction energy calculation works, we define two "selection groups". The first selection group contains all of the atoms in the system. The second selection group contains all of the atoms included in the INTE selection. The rules which are used to determine which contributions are included in the interaction energies are as follows: a bond is included if the two atoms defining the bond are in different selection groups; a bond angle if the central atom is in both selection groups; a dihedral angle (intrinsic torsion or harmonic constraint) if the two central atoms are in different selection groups; an improper dihedral angle if the first atom is in both selection groups; a nonbonded interaction (van der Waals and electrostatic) if both atoms are in different selection groups and the interaction is in the nonbonded list; a hydrogen bond if the donor and acceptor are in different selection groups; and finally, a harmonic positional constraint is included if the atom is in both selection groups. The user should decide carefully which interaction energy contribu- tions she wants to have included before running the perturbation simula- tion. Then she must appropriately design the INTE selection. For example, suppose she wants to compute the free energy as a function of the dihedral angle in an extended-atom (four atom) model for butane. A change in the dihedral angle only changes the position of the methyl group. The user might therefore select only a terminal methyl group (e.g. segment BUTA, residue 1, atom C4) using the INTE command: INTE SELE (ATOM BUTA 1 C4) END With this selection, the intrinsic torsional potential would not be included in the interaction energies since the CHARMM interaction energy routine only computes torsional terms if the central two atoms of the torsion are in different selection groups. Of course, this is not generally a problem, since the missing term could be simply added to the thermodynamics after processing the interaction energies. If the user preferred to have the intrinsic torsional contribution included in the interaction energies, she would add the methylene group (atom C3) to the INTE selection, e.g. she could use the following selection in place of the one above: INTE SELE ((ATOM BUTA 1 C3) .or. (ATOM BUTA 1 C4)) END With this specification, the C3 atom is included in the solute partition. However, its position is not changed by the perturbation since it lies on the axis about which the solute atoms are rotated in the dihedral angle perturbation. Now the two central atoms, C2 and C3, are included in different selection groups, so the intrinsic torsional contribution is included in the interaction energies. There is a subtle point that must be considered when the perturba- tion consists of moving more than one internal coordinate. As an example, suppose we want to perturb both the dihedral angles, which we call phi and psi, in an extended atom (five-atom) model for pentane. Further suppose that, in the double-wide sampling, we want the perturbation in one direction to increase both phi and psi, and the perturbation in the other direction to decrease them. We might try the following MOVE commands (e.g. +/- 5 degree perturbations of each dihedral angle; C2 and C4 are selected so the intrinsic torsion terms are included in the interaction energies): MOVE DIHE PENT 1 C1 PENT 1 C2 PENT 1 C3 PENT 1 C4 BY 5.0 - INTE SELE ((ATOM PENT 1 C1) .OR. (ATOM PENT 1 C2)) END MOVE DIHE PENT 1 C2 PENT 1 C3 PENT 1 C4 PENT 1 C5 BY 5.0 - INTE SELE ((ATOM PENT 1 C4) .OR. (ATOM PENT 1 C5)) END However, in the algorithm which changes bond and dihedral angles, a perturbation in the forward direction corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation of the atoms to be moved around the bond vector (e.g. C2ÐC3 or C3ÐC4 in pentane). Thus, with the above MOVE commands, the forward perturbation decreases phi while it increases psi. That is not what we wanted. To fix the problem, we simply reverse the sign of the BY value in one of the MOVE commands: MOVE DIHE PENT 1 C1 PENT 1 C2 PENT 1 C3 PENT 1 C4 BY 5.0 - INTE SELE ((ATOM PENT 1 C1) .OR. (ATOM PENT 1 C2)) END MOVE DIHE PENT 1 C2 PENT 1 C3 PENT 1 C4 PENT 1 C5 BY Ð5.0 - INTE SELE ((ATOM PENT 1 C4) .OR. (ATOM PENT 1 C5)) END Now the forward perturbation decreases both phi and psi and the reverse perturbation decreases them. The user should carefully consider how the atoms will be moved when choosing the signs of the BY value when more than one internal coordinate is perturbed. 15. SAVIc [ICUNit <integer>] [ICFReq <integer>] [NWINdows <integer>] [SUPP] (for "on-the-fly" free energy and average energy calculations:) [RUNA] [PEVEry <integer>] [RUNIt <integer>] [RPRInt <integer>] [TEMP <real>] The SAVI command specifies how and where the perturbation data (which consists primarily of internal coordinate values and interaction energies) will be saved during the simulation. The integer following the ICUN keyword is the number of the fortran unit to which the perturbation data is written. The perturbation file should be opened for formatted writing on this unit using the CHARMM OPEN command before the dynamics command is issued. The integer following ICFR is the frequency (in dynamics steps) with which the data is written to the file. The default ICFR value is 10. If the frequency is zero (e.g. if the SAVI command is not issued) or ICFR 0 is indicated, then a level 0 warning is issued since there is no need to do perturbations if the data is not going to be saved. The integer, m, following the NWIN keyword indicates the number of "double-wide" subintervals that the BY value, dx, will be divided into. Thus, the 2m perturbations, dxi = i*dxm, where dxm = dx/m and i = -m,- m+1,..., -1, 1,...m-1,m, are all carried out during the simulation, yielding 2m free energy differences. For example, if the BY value is 1.0 and the NWIN value is 2, perturbations which change the internal coordinate by -1.0,-0.5,0.5, 1.0 are carried out. The default NWIN value is 1. The SUPP keyword suppresses printing of the internal coordinate values to the output file. Running or "on-the-fly" free energy changes and average energy changes can be calculated for internal coordinate perturbations through the invocation of the "RUNAverage" keyword. The routine will include all data points (i.e. every ICFR'th step in the trajectory) in these cal- culations. The results will be written to the specified file in RUNIt every RPRInt sampled data points (default is no writing out of averages). Hence for ICFR of 5 and RPRInt of 10, the averages will be calculated every 5 steps and written out every 50 (RPRInt*ICFR) steps. (See testcase for examples.) TEMP specifies the temperature in degrees Kelvin at which the free energy is to be calculated (default 300). PEVEry specifies the period (in ICFR number of steps) for writing out the usual tsm output file containing the energies and the internal coordinates (default 1--file is written every ICFR steps). The "on-the-fly" output file is formatted as follows: RUNAV> 5 168.5417 1.84955880 2.02536215 RUNAV> 5 168.0417 0.84931404 0.90105846 RUNAV> 5 167.0417 -0.69647324 -0.62795693 RUNAV> 5 166.5417 -1.21666615 -0.91659629 RUNAVI> 1 167.54174244 RUNAVI> 2 155.47953779 RUNAV> 10 170.7559 1.62569412 1.84119225 RUNAV> 10 170.2559 0.77839900 0.83143112 RUNAV> 10 169.2559 -0.67517686 -0.62242291 RUNAV> 10 168.7559 -1.20371332 -0.99498136 RUNAVI> 1 169.75592284 RUNAVI> 2 155.45919138 For the "RUNAV>" lines, the 2nd column gives the number of data points included in the averages. The second line gives the average value of the internal coordinate after a particular perturbation. (For perturba- tions involving multiple internal coordinates, the value of only the only the first internal coordinate specified in the input file is given). The third and fourth columns give the free energy change and average energy change, respectively, for the given perturbation. For the "RUNAVI>" lines, the first column gives the number of the internal coordinate (in its order of appearance in input file) and the second column gives the average value for that coordinate over the unperturbed trajectory. All coordinates involved in the perturbations (i.e. specified by the MOVE command) are listed. 16. END Terminates the perturbation setup. At this point the program does additional error checking and prints out values of some parameters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSM CLEAr A separate command ( NOT!! a setup command ) to clear logical flags and release HEAP memory allocated for perturbation data structures. It is not necessary to use this command unless you have more than one dynamics run in a single job and want to reset or turn off the perturbation. Definitely invoke this command before entering the perturbation setup a second time.
Post-Processing of Perturbation Output * Menu: * PSyn:: Syntax for setting up the post-processing * PPost:: Description of the keywords and options for setting up post-processing of the perturbation calculation * PProc:: Processing perturbation data * PEnd:: The END command of post-processing
Syntax for Post-Processing Commands 1. TSM POST [PSTAck <int>] [PLOT] [TI] [NODEriv] [COMPonents] [ENDPoints] [IC] [MAXP <integer>] [MAXW <integer>] [SURF] [MAXS <integer>] [NODEriv] [INTE] 2. PROCess FIRSt <int> [NUNIt <int>] BINSize <int> [CTEM] [TEMP <real>] [DELTa <real>] [BEGin <integer>] [STOP <integer>] [SKIP <int>] [NMAX <int>] LAMBda <real> [ONE] [ZERO] [UMBRella] [EAVG] 3. END
Description of Post-Processing Commands Post-processing of perturbation data is initiated by the following command: TSM POST [PSTAck <int>] [PLOT] [TI] [COMPonents] [ENDPoints] [IC] [MAXP <integer>] [MAXW <integer>] [SURF] [MAXS <integer>] [INTE] [NODEriv] Summary of Parameters: ---------------------- 1. Chemical Perturbation Post-processing Parameters PSTAck: Array size for plotting x,y points. Default 100. Needed for thermodynamic integration and/or plotting. PLOT: Create PLT2 output. TI: Thermodynamic integration: Delta A = int 0 to 1 <dE/dLambda>. COMP: Do Vdw, Elec and Intern component analysis. ENDP: Calculate TI integral to endpoints, i.e., full (0,1). 2. Internal Coordinate (IC) Perturbation Post-processing Parameters IC: Specifies that ic perturbation output will be processed. MAXP: Maximum number of ic perturbations. MAXW: Maximum number of ic perturbation windows (NWIN in SAVI command). SURF: Generate thermodynamic surfaces from ic perturbation data. MAXS: Maximum number of points in surface. NODEriv: Only calculate the free energy. INTE: Calculate average interaction energies from ic perturbation data. 3. NODEriv Subcommand NODEriv: Only calculate the free energy. Chemical Perturbation Post-processing ------------------------------------- There are two methods of calculating the relative free energies and relative temperature derivative properties: the perturbation method and the Thermodynamic Integration method (see *Note Details: (pdetail).). By default the perturbation method is used. The optional parameter TI specifies the thermodynamic integration technique. PSTAck determines the size of arrays to be allocated from the stack. For the default perturbation method this allocates space for plotting values. The TI method requires arrays for actually calculating the thermodynamic properties. The parameter PLOT indicates that output is created for PLT2 data files. They must be edited out of the output file. NODEriv indicates that only the free energy is to be calculated and not Delta E or Delta S. Internal Coordinate Perturbation Post-processing ------------------------------------------------ The MAXP, MAXW, and MAXS parameters are used to allocate memory for the processing of the perturbation data. The integer following the keyword MAXP is the maximum number of perturbed internal coordinates in the data files to be processed (e.g. the number of MOVE commands in the perturbation dynamics input files). The default MAXP value is 1. The integer following MAXW is the maximum number of subintervals in each window (e.g. the NWIN value on the SAVI command command line in the dynamics input files). The default MAXW value is also 1. If the SURF keyword is present on the TSM POST command line, then thermodynamic surfaces will be constructed using the thermodynamic differences computed from the perturbation data. We say more about this below. The integer following MAXS is the maximum number of points in a thermodynamic surface. If all of the N data files to be processed using PROC commands (see below) have the same number of subintervals, m, the MAXS value is equal to mN + 1. The default MAXS value is 100. In addition to the free energy differences, the internal energy and entropy differences are computed by default using finite-difference temperature derivatives. However, the calculation of the derivative properties may be turned off using the NODE keyword. If the NODE keyword is present on the TSM POST IC command line, the internal energy and entropy differences are not computed. If the INTE keyword is present, the average interaction energies of the solute partition (the atoms specified by the INTE selection in the MOVE command) with the bath partition (the remaining atoms), as well as the average total energies in the unperturbed and perturbed systems are computed and printed in the output file from the post-processing run. By default the average interaction energies and average total energies are not computed.
The TSM POST command is followed by one or more PROC commands which specify the processing of perturbation data files, and terminated with the END command. The syntax of the PROC command is as follows: PROC FIRSt int [NUNIts int] BINSize int [CTEMp] [TEMP real] [DELTa real] LAMBda <real> [ONE] [ZERO] [UMBRella] [EAVG] [SKIP <int>] [NMAX <int>] [BEGIn int] [STOP int] Summary of Parameters: ---------------------- FIRSt Fortran unit number of first file. NUNIT Number of fortran i/o units. One can 'tack' on trajectories from separate files in the manner used for trajectory commands in correl. The files must be opened for read access prior initiating the post processing with the TSM POST command, and the units must be numbered consecutively, starting with FIRSt. This is due to the fact that the post-processor command reader does not handle MISCOM commands (*Note Misc: (MISC).). This probably should be corrected. Only formatted files are handled currently, remember to open the files as formatted. We also note that it does not matter which order multiple files in a given window are processed. The post-processing program does not check to see if the dynamics steps are contiguous. It only checks to see that all of the files in a given window have the same header, as they should. Default = 1. BINSize The number of data points per bin for error calculation. CTEMp A flag to indicate that average temperature is to be calculated. Because this is being calculated while the other averages are being accumulated the temperature is not used in calculating the thermodynamic properties. To use the average temperature in the thermodynamic calculations, the user has to process the data twice, manually specifying the average temp- erature from the first processing run as the TEMP value in the second run. By default the average temperature is not computed. TEMP The temperature for calculating properties. Default = 298. DELTa The temperature increment for finite difference derivatives (calculate delta E and delta S). No meaning if TI is specified. A level 0 warning is issued. The default is 10 degrees. The following parameters are only used when processing chemical perturbation data. LAMBda Lambda prime. For calculating <exp-beta(E(lambda')-E(lambda)> and related quantities. No meaning if TI is specified. Level 0 warning issued. (See *Note Details: (pdetail).). ONE Indicates that lambda is exactly 1. Overides input lambda in file. This is used only in TI. In the case on non-linear lambda dependence the derivatives due to reactant terms are identically zero. This provides a solution to the lambda -> zero catastrophe. ZERO Indicates that lambda is exactly 0. Overides input lambda in file. Commands ONE and ZERO are mutually exclusive and are used only in the TI post processor. Level 0 warning issued. This command is used only in TI. In the case on non-linear lambda dependence the derivatives due to product terms are identically zero. This provides a solution to the lambda -> zero catastrophe. UMBRella A flag to indicate that umbrella sampling is used. A check is made of a parameter line in each data file to see if umbrella sampling was indeed used. EAVG calculate <Etot.> and uncertainty for this value of lambda ignored if TI. SKIP skip first nskip records. NMAX maximum number of points to read. skips skip number of values first. The following parameters are only used when processing internal coordinate perturbation data. BEGI specifies number of first dataset to use in accumulating averages. STOP specifies number of last dataset to use in accumulating averages. Processing Chemical Perturbation Data ------------------------------------- The PROCess command is usually issued several times. When using the perturbation method one would issue it at least once for every lambda. In all of our work so far, we have employed double-wide sampling in that for each value of lambda whereupon dynamics are run, we "perturb" both up and down from lambda to lambda prime (i.e. both less than and greater than lambda, definitely see *Note details: (pdetail).). The program rewinds the files after each PROCess command. For each lambda -> lambda prime perturbation, a separate PROCess command is issued. For the TI method, one PROCess command per lambda is used and <dE(lambda)/dlambda> is calculated. Processing Internal Coordinate Perturbation Data ------------------------------------------------ The PROC command is used to specify the processing of perturbation data from a single window. The PROC command is usually used several times and the results from the various windows are usually constructed into thermodynamic surfaces. The user may specify that a subset of all the data read is to be used in the calculation of the averages and thermodynamics. This option is useful for examining the convergence of the thermodynamic properties. The integers following the BEGI and STOP keywords are the numbers of the first and last datasets (not dynamics steps), respectively, to be used for processing the data for a given window. By default, all of the data is used. If the limits are set using the BEGI and STOP keywords, they are only used on the data processed by the particular PROC command which set the limits (e.g. the defaults are reinstated after each PROC command). The integer following the BINS keyword is the number of datasets per batch, n, used in the calculation of the statistical uncertainties by the the method of batch averages (see *Note Details: (pdetail).). This number must be specified as there is no default value. We typically use BINS 100.
END This command terminates the post-processing. When this command is received the averages generated by the issuing the PROCess commands are combined and total values of the thermodynamic properties are computed and output. For chemical perturbations, if the TI method is used, a spline polynomial is fit to the averages and integrated over limits determined by the minimum and maximum lambda's. The lambda values do not have to be processed in order since the program will sort them. It is the user's responsibility to cover the whole range for lambda = 0 to 1 (if that is the intention). Though there are cases where a range that does not include those two endpoints may be useful (e.g. mixing linear TI and linear perturbation *NOTE details: (pdetail).), discontinuous gaps in the lambda curve do not make sense. In the section *NOTE details: (pdetail). Input examples and explanations of the different methods are given. For internal coordinate perturbations, if surface construction has been requested by including the SURF keyword on the TSM POST IC command line, the average internal coordinate and thermodynamic values (free energy, internal energy, and entropy differences) are sorted for construc- tion of the surfaces. The sorting is done according to increasing values of the average internal coordinate of the first perturbed internal coordi- nate (e.g. the i.c. specified in the first MOVE command issued in the dynamics input file). Then the thermodynamic surfaces are constructed by combining the differences in the thermodynamic properties. Finally, the surfaces are printed to the output file of the post-processing run. If more than one internal coordinate is perturbed, an identical set of sur- faces is printed out as functions of each perturbed internal coordinate. The surfaces may be simply cut from the output file using an editor for subsequent plotting (e.g. using the PLT2 program).
NIH/DCRT/Laboratory for Structural Biology
FDA/CBER/OVRR Biophysics Laboratory
Modified, updated and generalized by C.L. Brooks, III
The Scripps Research Institute