CHARMM c32b1 nmr.doc

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                         NMR Analysis Module   

    The NMR commands may be used to obtain a set of time series for a
number of NMR properties from a trajectory.  Among the possible
properties are relaxation rates due to dipole-dipole fluctuations (T1,
T2, NOE, ROE), chemical shift anisotropy and Deuterium order
parameters for oriented samples.  The documentation assumes that users
are already familiar with NMR.  Several textbooks are available for
users interested in more information.  The NMR command invokes the NMR
subcommand parser.

    Because several properties are based uppon the position of nuclei
that may not have been included in the PSF (and the trajectory) the
module has its own building submodule (see BUILD) to construct atoms.
For example, the H_alpha on the C_alpha can be constructed without
invoking HBUILD for T1 and T2 calculations.  

    Everthing is stored on the HEAP and no variables are kept when the
module is left (there is no nmr.fcm common block).  Everything is
re-initialized when the module is exited with the END command.

WARNING: The module has not been used in numerous situations and caution
         should be the rule.  All problems should be reported to
         Benoit Roux at rouxb@ERE.Umontreal.CA, phone (514) 343-7105.

* Menu:

* Syntax::      Syntax of the NMR commands
* Function::    Purpose of each of the commands
* Examples::    Usage examples of the NMR analysis commands

File: NMR ]-[ Node: Syntax
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[SYNTAX NMR functions]


NMR   enter the NMR module
END   exit the NMR module


BUIL name  4 x single-atom-selection [DIST  real] [THETA  real] [DIHE  real]

CSA        4 x single-atom-selection  -
           [THE1  real] [PHI1  real] [THE2  real] [PHI2  real] -
           [S11  real]  [S22  real] [S33  real]

DQS        2 x atoms-selection   [CTDI real]     

SET        [HFIELD  real]  [RTUMBL  real]  [CUT real]
           [GAMMA real [atoms-selection]]

RTIM       2 x atoms-selection [RTUMBL real]  [HFIELD real] 
           [CSAR DSIGMA 160.0] 

DYNA       traj-specification -
           [CTRTIM real] [RTUMBL real] [HFIELD real] [TMAX real] -
           [ORIENT { MASS }   atoms-selection]
                   { WEIGH }
           [UNIT INTEGER] {quantity} 
           [DSIGma real] [ILISt integer] [MODFree integer] [MFDAta integer]

           { COOR }
           { CSA  }
           { DQS  }
           { RTIM }

RESE       [KEEP]

name::= an arbitrary name chosen by the user (four characters)
atoms-selection::= a selection of a group of atoms 
single-atom-selection::= a selection of a single atom
quantity::= none or any combination of C(t), R(t), PROP, UVEC, VERBOSE

traj-specification::= FIRStu int [ NUNIt int ] 
                      [ BEGIn int ] [ STOP int ] [ SKIP int ] 

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        General discussion regarding the NMR analysis module

1.  DYNA option

        The DYNAmics command reads in the trajectory from fortran units
opened with sequential numbers.  *note dynamc (dynamc.doc)

	FIRSTU is the unit assigned to the first file of the trajectory, 
and must be specified.  NUNIT gives the number of units to be scanned,
and defaults to 1.  BEGIN, STOP, and SKIP are used to specify which steps
in the trajectory are actually used. BEGIN specifies the first step number to
be used. STOP specifies the last. SKIP is used to select steps
periodically as follows: only those steps whose step number is evenly
divisible by STEP are selected. The default value for BEGIN is the first
step in the trajectory; for STOP, it is the last step in the trajectory;
and for SKIP, the default is 1.  A similar logic is used in the CORREL
module (*note (correl.doc) ).

	ORIE is used to reorient all coordinate frames of a trajectory with
respect to the comparison set.  This is done to obtain the internal
dipole-dipole correlation functions in the molecular frame assuming internal
motions and overall rotation are independent.  Overall rotation is
assumed to be isotropic and to correspond to an exponential correlation
function with a characteristic time equal to RTUMBL (ps). 

         HFIELD is the magnetic field strength in tesla.  Default = 11.74 Tesla
which yields a Larmor frequency of 500 MHz for protons.  The value of TMAX
is the maximum time used to numerically integrate the fast part of the
internal correlation function.  A simple trapezoidal rule is used.
The default value of TMAX is 0.0, the correlation function should be examined
to set a reasonable value for TMAX [for instance, see R. Bruschweiler, 
B. Roux, M. Blackledge, C. Griesinger, M. Karplus and R. Ernst.
``Influence of Rapid Intramolecular Motions on NMR Cross-Relaxation Rates.  
A Molecular Dynamics Study of Antamanide in Solution'', J. am. Chem. Soc. 
114, 2289 (1992)].

If  RTUMB .le. 0.0  then no analytic overall rotation contribution is computed.
   This is to be used with trajectories that retain the overall diffusion.

Output includes a rough estimate of the effective correlation time for the 
analyzed (NH) motions, and an entropy estimate using the "diffusion in a cone"
model (Yang&Kay,JMB263,p369 (1996) "model 3")

DSIGma adds a CSA contribution to the relaxation rate (see CSA below)
ILISt  specifies a file for compact writing of relaxation parameters
MODFree and MFDAta specify files that can be used as input to Art Palmer's
      ModelFree NMR analysis program

The output is written to UNIT.  The output level is controlled by the keywords:
C(t)    dipole-dipole relaxation correlation functions 
R(t)    dipole-dipole time series
PROP    CSA and DQS for solid state NMR properties
UVEC    unit vectors for CSA and DQS solid state NMR
VERBOSE all quantites will be written out (including all coordinate frames!)

2. NMR properties supported   

2.1 CSA (Chemical Shift Anisotropy): 

Construct the principal axis from a z-matrix
      1          u
       \        /          theta 2-3-u   (theta=0 gives u along 2-3)
        2 --- 3*           phi   1-2-3-u (phi=0 gives a cis)
"u" is the end of the unit vector indicating a principal axis starting from
atom 3

CSA = SUM_{axis_i}  S_ii (Z(i)**2 - 0.5 *(X(i)**2+Y(i)**2) )

where X(i), Y(i), and Z(i) are the components of the i-th unit vector of the
chemical shift tensor elements and S_ii is the magnitude of the i-th tensor 
element.  The chemical shift tensor is a symmetric second rank tensor 
and is determined by 3 chemical tensor elements and 3 unit vectors.  The
value of the chemical shift parallel, Z(i)**2, and perpendicular,
0.5*(X(i)**2+Y(i)**2, are also given independently.

For example, the N15- chemical shift anisotropy for the peptide backbone
has been studie by Mai W., Hu W., Wang C., and Cross TA.  
"Orientational constraints as three-dimensional structural constraints 
from chemical shift anisotropy: the polypeptide backbone of 
gramicidin A in a lipid bilayer".  Protein Science (1993) Apr;2(4):532-42.

CSA  S11 37.0 S22  62.0  S33 202.0   -
     the1   71.0  phi1 180.0 the2  -90.0 phi2 90.0 -
     select resid 2 .and. type C   end  -
     select resid 3 .and. type H   end  -
     select resid 3 .and. type N   end

2.2 DQS (Deuterium Quadrupol Splitting):

Construct the unit vector between a pair of atoms and project it onto the 
reference Z-direction.

DQS = (3*Z**2-1)/2.0, 

where Z is the projection along the Z axis of the unit vector of a 
carbon-deuterium bond.  This particular property could also be easily computed
from the options of the CORREL module, *note correl: (correl.doc).

2.3 RTIM (Relaxation TIMes):

For the dipole-dipole relaxation rate properties the rotational tumbling
time are taken in PS, the magnetic field in TESLA (note that 11.74 T yields
500 MHz for a proton H).  The Relaxation Times are in 1/SEC.
The gyromagnetic ratio of a nucleus are obtained from the first letter
in the TYPE() TYPE array and can be modified using the SET commands.
The default GAMMA constants are taken from table 2.1 in "NMR of Proteins
and Nucleic Acid" by K. Wuthrich.

     Nucleus   Gamma [RADIAN/(TESLA*SEC)]:
      H        26.75D07
      C        6.73D07
      N        -2.71D07    *NB the sign is important for the spectral densities
      P        10.83D07
All the time series of all particles involved in a RTIM selection are kept
on the HEAP.  The total number of time series is indicated in the output,
so is the HEAP required storage.  Very large sets of long trajectory can
be broken down (one can use the repeated loops of the MISC command to
do this).

In the NMR analysis module, the spectral densities are defined as

       J(W) =     \  COS(W*t) C(t) Dt    =   J(|W|)

following the convention of R.M. Levy et al., JACS 103, 5998 (1981), or
E.T. Olejniczak et al., JACS 106, 1923 (1983).  Notice that this convention
differs from other notations such as in "Principles of Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance in One and Two Dimensions" by R.R. Ernst, G. Bodenhausen and
A. Wokaun, Oxford 1987, where there is a factor of 2 to account for an
integral from -inf to +inf (see section 2.3 of that reference). 

The fast part (decays on time scale of ps) and the slow part (decays from
the rotational diffusion with RTUMB) are integrated separatly.

J_{fast}(W) =     \  COS(W*t) [C(t)-C_{plateau}] Exp[-t/RTUMBL] Dt  

J_{slow}(W) =     \  COS(W*t) C_{plateau} Exp[-t/RTUMBL] Dt

Many papers report different formulas for T1, T2, T1R, NOE and ROE.
See for instance Levy and M. Karplus p. 445 "Trajectory studies of NMR
relaxation in flexible molecules", Chap 18, p. 445, American Chemical
Society 1983. See also, I. Solomon, Phys. Rev. 99, 599 (1955).
In the NMR module, the expressions used are:

Spectral densities:  J(0)      J(W1)     J(W2)    J(W1-W2)       J(W1+W2)

1/T1  = FACT*(3*J(W1)+J(W1-W2)+6*J(W1+W2))
1/T2  = FACT*(4*J(0)+3*J(W1)+6*J(W2)+J(W1-W2)+6*J(W1+W2))/2
1/T1R = FACT*(3*J(0)+5*J(W1)+2*J(W1+W2))  (T1 in rotating frame, to be checked)
NOE   = FACT*(-J(W1-W2)+6*J(W1+W2))
ROE   = FACT*(3*J(W1)+2*J(W1-W2))

with the prefactor given by:

FACT  = 1/10 * (MU0*PLANCK/(TWO*PI)*GAMMA1*GAMMA2)**2 * (PSEC/ANGS**6)

where PLANCK = 6.62618D-34, ANGS=1.0D-10, PSEC = 1.0D-12, MU0 = 1.0D-07
the permitivity of vacuum in SI units.  The rates are converted to [1/SEC]
by the factor FACT:

The ordre parameters are calculated from the average of 
plateau = 3/4 <Y2/R**3>**2 + 3 <Y1/R**3>**2 + 1/4 <Y0/R*3>**2
using COMPLEX arithmetics.

If the keyword CSAR is included, then a chemical shift anistropy will also
be calculated using the value DSIGMA for the anistropy.  For N15 nucleus
a value of 160 ppm is recommended and the director is approximately 
directed along the N-H bond.  A unit vector can be generated using the
BUILD facility of the NMR module if other axis are desired.
The expressions for the chemical shift anistropy relaxation were taken from
from Goldman's book on NMR:

        1/T1 =  (2/15)*(1.0E-06*DSIGMA*W1)**2*J(W1)
        1/T2 =  (2/15)*(1.0E-06*DSIGMA*W1)**2*((2/3)*J(0)+(1/2)*J(W1))

where DSIGMA is in ppm and W1 is GAMMA1*HFIELD.


     The build command is useful for constructing hydrogen atoms, or
any other particle, that is involved in the calculation of an NMR propertiy
but is not present explicitly in the trajectory file.  An example would be
the NMR relaxation times T1, T2 of the H_alpha, which is not included in
the extended atom potential function (e.g., in toph19.inp).  The syntax
is simply a Z-MATRIX input line, where the first three atoms have well-defined
coordinates.  The name given to the new atom is arbitrary.  By default
the RESID and RESNAM are the same as that of the first atom-selection and
the SEGID is called "BUIL".  The atom position is stored starting from
NATOM+1, at the end of the coordinate list.   The coordinates are
re-built automatically before computing any NMR property.


     The WRITE command is used to write out most information.   The default
output is used unless a UNIT number is given (that unit is not closed by
the NMR module). The keywords LIST (write out all the list of all properties,
mostly used for debugging), COOR (mostly to have access to the coordinates 
constructed by the BUILD option), and the NMR properties (CSA, DQS and RTIM).
The level of printout detail is controlled by PRNLEV (see (chmdoc/misc.doc)).
This will change in future versions and the printout level will be controlled 
by direct keywords.  The present levels of printout are:

  0 (default)    normal output for all options and commands
  1              value of DQS, CSA for individual structure 
  2              Value of the spectral densities J(W1)
  3              Larmor Frequencies
  4              Dynamics steps, time and NCOORD
                 Fast and plateau part of the spectral densities
  5              Associated unit-vectors for CSA and DQS
                 COOR ORIENT normal output in DYNAM (angle and axis printed)
  6              Correlation function for relaxation
                 Integrand in calculations of spectral densities
  7              Spin-spin time series used to compute the correlation function
  8              Full spin trajectory

5. SET

     The SET command is useful to enter a the value of the gyromagnetic 
ratio GAMMA for a new type of nucleus (with the atom selection) and add it 
to the default list of nuclei (the gyromagnetic ratio GAMMA is involved 
in the relation OMEGA=GAMMA*HFIELD, where OMEGA is the Larmor frequency).  
The nuclei now supported by the NMR module are: H, C, N, and P. 
It is also possible to use the SET command to give values for RTUMBL 
and HFIELD which are kept for the relation calculations.  

         Resets all assignements of the NMR module.  Destroys all lists and
is equivalent to exiting and re-entering the module. 

7. Miscellaneous command manipulations
*note misc: (miscom.doc) are supported within the NMR module,
allowing opening and closing of files, label assignments (e.g., LABEL), 
and repeated loops (e.g., GOTO), parameter substitutions (e.g., @1, @2, etc...)
and control (e.g., IF 1 eq 10.0 GOTO LOOP).

File: NMR ]-[ Node: Examples
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        These examples are meant to be a partial guide in setting up
input files for NMR. The test cases may be examined for a wider
set of applications.  There is 1 file: nmrtest1.inp which can be submitted 

Example (1)


! Relaxation times
! H - N pair
RTIMES  select type N end    select type H end 
WRITE RTIMS rtumbl 500.0 hfield 11.74 cut 3.5 iwrite 6


Produces a verbose output of all the N-H dipole-dipole relaxation rates
within a distance of 3.5 angstroms in the presence of a magnetic field of
11.74 Tesla and assuming a isotropic tumbling of 500 picoseconds.
Print out to unit 6.

Example (2)

BUILD HA1 select type CA  .and. resid 2 end  dist     1.08 -
          select type C   .and. resid 2 end  theta  109.28 -
          select type N   .and. resid 2 end  dihe  -120.00

WRITE COOR select segid BUIL .or. resid 2 end


Build the position of hydrogen  bonded to CA #1 with ZMATRIX syntax and
print out the coordinates to verify the structure (verification should
always be done).  The NAME of the atom built is HA1, the RESNAM and the
RESID are the same as those of the first selected atom, the SEGID is
called BUIL by default.  The coordinates are added at the end of the
structure (after NATOM).  The command ZMAT can be called from outside
the NMR module and supplements the IC table with a "gaussian-like" zmatrix.

Example (3)

! Phosphate group chemical shift anisotropy for lipids
! from J. Herzfeld et al., Biochem. 17, 2711 (1978).
CSA  S11 -76.0   S22 -17.0  S33 110.0 -
     the1   180.00  phi1  0.0 the2  90.00  phi2 0.0 -
     select resid 1 .and. type P end -
     select resid 1 .and. type O11 end  -
     select resid 1 .and. type O12 end

write CSA

build HA select type C11 .and. resid 1 end  dist     1.08 -
         select type C12 .and. resid 1 end  theta  109.28 -
         select type O12 .and. resid 1 end  dihe   120.00

build HB select type C11 .and. resid 1 end  dist     1.08 -
         select type C12 .and. resid 1 end  theta  109.28 -
         select type O12 .and. resid 1 end  dihe  -120.00

DQS select type C* end select type H* end
write DQS


Defines the Chemical Shift Anisotropy of a phosphate group in the phospholipids
DPPC with the experimental principal axis values and print it.
Construct the coordinates of two hydrogen (deuterium) and calculate
the order parameters of the static structure.

Example (4)

open read unformatted unit 50 name nmrtest1.trj
DYNA nunit      1   firstu    50   begin   100   stop  10000   skip 100 -
     rtumbl 500.0   hfield 11.74   cut     3.5   tmax    3.0   -
     iwrite     6   C(t)           R(t)           -
     orient         select type CA end 

Calculate the NMR properties from trajectory nmrtest1.trj re-orienting
all the frames with respect to the carbon CA of the COMP cordinate set.
For the relaxation correlation function integrals are cut at a TMAX of
3.0 psec.  Write out the time series and the correlation function.

Example (5)

! build the position of chemical shift director with ZMATRIX syntax 
build X  select type N   .and. resid 2 end  dist     1.00 -
         select type H   .and. resid 2 end  theta    0.00 -
         select type C   .and. resid 2 end  dihe     0.00

! build the position of chemical shift director with ZMATRIX syntax 
build X  select type N   .and. resid 3 end  dist     1.00 -
         select type H   .and. resid 3 end  theta    0.00 -
         select type C   .and. resid 3 end  dihe     0.00

RTIMES CSAR dsigma 160.0 rtumbl  500.0 hfield 11.74  -
            select type N end  select type X end  

open read unformatted unit 50 name nmrtest1.trj
DYNA nunit      1   firstu    50   begin   100   stop  10000   skip 100 -
     rtumbl 500.0   hfield 11.74   cut     3.5   tmax    3.0   -
     iwrite     6   -
     orient         select type CA end 

Defines ficitious unit vectors with the build facility and calculate
the chemical shift anisotropy relaxation for N15.  The anisotropy is
about 160 ppm betwen the principal axis if a near cylindrical symmetry
is assumed.

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Information and HTML Formatting Courtesy of:

NIH/DCRT/Laboratory for Structural Biology
FDA/CBER/OVRR Biophysics Laboratory
Modified, updated and generalized by C.L. Brooks, III
The Scripps Research Institute