File: osgtutREADME.txt To make all examples: % make all To make any one example: % make ex_blah To run any executable % run_osg ex_blah Or set these environment variables once in your session % setenv OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL FATAL % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/OpenSceneGraph/lib The just run the program % ex_blah Programs, in order of appearance in the tutorial: ex_simple_viewer.cpp first simple example, reads in geometry ex_simple_viewer_better.cpp same as above, with some improvements ex_cone.cpp first simple example that makes gemoetry ex_arrow.cpp combining two simple geometric objects into one soln_long_arrow.cpp exercise solution, arrow twice as long ex_vec_arrow.cpp making arrow, scaling only shaft soln_axes.cpp exercise solution, shoing RGB axes ex_animated_arrows.cpp example of animation soln_two_animated_arrows.cpp exercise solution for modifying above ex_twin_arrows.cpp example of "cloning" run_osg script which will set env variables and run osg prog tutOSG.cpp some auxilliary routine that you might find useful tutOSG.h headers for the above (e.g., look in ex_twin_arrows) cow.obj 3D gemoetry file for use with examples cow.mtl material file for cow.obj