// fm.aud // Print out everything // SetPrintCommands 1; // Load the DSOs we need LoadDSO fm.so; LoadDSO msgGroup.so; // Create, set up the fm actor aFm = Create FmActor; sFm = BeginSound aFm SetCarFreq 200.0, SetAmp 0.0, SetModIndex 1.5, SetMCratio 1.0; // Create message groups for the interaction Play = Create MessageGroup; ModifyFm = Create MessageGroup; // Set up the play/pause interaction AddMessage Play SetPause sFm *4; AddMessage Play SetAmp sFm *1 0.1; AddMessage Play SetModIndex sFm *2 0.1; // Set up the slider interaction AddMessage ModifyFm SetAmp sFm *0 0.05; AddMessage ModifyFm SetCarFreq sFm *1 0.05; AddMessage ModifyFm SetModIndex sFm *2 0.05; AddMessage ModifyFm SetMCratio sFm *3 0.05; Audpanel = Create MessageGroup; AddMessage Audpanel SendData ModifyFm [*0] [*1] [*2] [*3];