Introduction to the Alliance
NSF Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI)
National Computational Science Alliance (UIUC/NCSA)
National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (UCSD/SD
Alliance (
Leading Edge Site at NCSA
Approx. 60 partnering institutions
Industrial Partners Program
Alliance Affiliates
Boston University
Was a meta-center regional affiliate
Under new structure, a partner with NCSA
Alliance Teams
Applications Technologies (AT)
Develop grid enabled scientific applications
Enabling Technologies (ET)
Develop the grid middleware
Partners for Advanced Computational Services (PACS)
Sites with Supercomputing facilities
Develop the grid infrastructure and access (hardware + people)
PACI - Education, Outreach and Training (PACI-EOT)
Develop the human resources
Partners for Advanced Computational Services
Advanced Computational Resources and Services (Glenn Bresnahan, Boston)L2 Training (Charlie Bender, OSC)
Deployment (Danny Powell, Rice)
Communities (Ken Bishop, Kansas)
Access Grid (Frank Gilfeather, UNM; Janet Thompson, ACCESS-DC)